Power and Wealth

Chapter 943: [Meeting Hao Yuehua]


At eleven o'clock.

After eating and drinking, Dong Xuebin came out of the hotel and found the past according to the address he had recorded from his mother. He came to a compound courtyard with a guard. This is the family committee of the municipal party committee in Lu'an City. However, after Dong Xuebin arrived, he found that there were a few red hi-hat words on the walls of the family's courtyard. The firecrackers were overwhelming. There were also many wedding cars in the courtyard, except for the head. The car is a Mercedes-Benz, the other is basically the Audi a6, and many of the license plates are buss of the government units. The courtyard is a bit crowded. Many people are surrounded by congratulations. It seems to be the children of Luan City. To get married, the car is 80% to pick up the bride.

Ten cars filled the community aisle.

The ground is full of firecrackers, and many children are putting firecrackers.

Dong Xuebin frowned, the road was blocked, and his car might not be able to drive in, so he had to hit the steering wheel and parked the car on the side of the road outside the community. This group of people, get married when they get married, how can they still block the road? How do you let others go? However, Dong Xuebin did not say anything about the big happy days of others, nor did he go to compare them with them.

Under Porsche, Dong Xuebin stepped through the community.

The guard saw Dong Xuebin and did not stop him.

"Méng, Secretary, congratulations."

"Oh, with hi hi."

"Your daughter and the groom's official are really beautiful."

"Yeah, there are couples, it’s a couple of days."

"You are blessed, Mr. Méng, waiting for the grandson."

"Haha, then borrow your words?"

Dong Xuebin walked past these teams and the crowd, and probably also heard their dialogue. It turned out that today is the day when the daughter of the Lu’an Audit Bureau, Méng, is married, the director of the Audit Bureau, which is also a very important seat in the city. No wonder so many people come to celebrate. Looking at a few more eyes, Dong Xuebin did not have any interest. According to the building number on the address, I found the old Yang’s building.


I can finally see my mom and daughter.

Dong Xuebin is in a good mood, and Dada will go forward.

At this time, the phone rang, it was the "Little Bin" that the mother called. Why haven't they arrived yet?"

Dong Xuebin glared at one ear and said: "I have already been to the family, and I will go up."

"Well, then I am waiting for you with Lao Yang, hurry up, the child cried again."

"Oh, that's it. I can't hear the wedding guns here."

"Well, you can go straight up, don't buy anything, there is nothing missing in the house."

Putting the phone into his pocket, Dong Xuebin sideways escaped a bounced child and walked across several wedding cars to the opposite side. Suddenly, Dong Xuebin saw a young boy in his early tens who was holding a fragrant incense to prepare a two-footed firecracker. The position was right next to Dong Xuebin. Dong Xuebin said, "When I am in the past," then Quickly avoiding, but the little boy looked at him faintly, but he ignored him. He brushed the ground and gave him two kicks. The adults around him did not stop him.


Two kicks are blown up!

Just a few tens of centimeters on the side of Dong Xuebin, he could even feel a heat wave at his feet, scaring Dong Xuebin!

Two kicks fly to the air!

thumping! Another explosion!

Dong Xuebin was annoyed and looked at the child: "I will let you wait and see again later?"

The little boy looked very skinny, and looked at Dong Xuebin without looking at it indifferently. He continued to lay down a second kick, and did not put Dong Xuebin in his eyes.

Hey, who is this child?

Dong Xuebin fired a little up, look at him coldly.

Next to a middle-aged man frowning, Dong Xuebin, "What?"

"What do you say?" Dong Xuebin looked at him and said: "I didn't see it almost blow me up?"

"Isn't this not being blown up? What are you calling?" The middle-aged man was still arrogant.

Dong Xuebin is happy, "Hey, you still have reason, are you? Are you a child guardian?"

"This is the youngest son of the director of Méng." Middle-aged humanity.

"Not a guardian, what do you waste with me?" What is Dong Xuebin? Whose face is not given! Little son? Young enough? Old man?

The middle-aged man was on fire, but he was just about to talk. A middle-aged f-wife who attended the wedding played a round.

"The young man forgets, the child is not sensible, and gives the big sister a face."

This f-woman may be the leader of the city. When the middle-aged person does not speak, the middle-aged person has no level at first sight. It’s purely here to lead the leader. He can’t talk to the leader. Have you paid attention to your younger son? what! Dong Xuebin is a middle-aged man, but he is not a person who does not make sense. With the f-girls playing round, Dong Xuebin is too lazy to care about it. Forget it, give him a face. Dong Xuebin bowed his head and patted the gray soil that was blown up by the boy's second kick. Finally, he snorted at the boy and Méng's face. Then he turned and wanted to go to the opposite building.

However, under this circumstance, a familiar figure suddenly entered the line of sight.

It was a black Passat, slowly stopped at the door of the family committee of the municipal party committee, and walked down several people from the car. One of the young people, Dong Xuebin, did not know, but the other two were actually Yu Yuehua’s secretary Ma Yi and Chenzhou. Shen Fei, the deputy head of Nanshan District.

There is still one person in the car who has not come down.

But when I saw the two beautiful tuǐ, Dong Xuebin suddenly remembered a person - Hao Yuehua!

Dong Xuebin went to the next foot and went back with a suspicious look. He wanted to see if it was Yuehua.

"Shen Chang, Secretary Ma, thank you for sending me a ride."

"You can't fix your car for a while, it should be."

"Yuehua〗 〖Book, thank you, then I will go back?"


Sure enough, it is Yuehua!

How did she come here?

Dong Xuebin heard their conversation. When the young man came in, he also walked over and went up, "Ha, Shen Chang, Ma Secretary."

Shen Feiyi, "Director Dong?"

Ma lì also said, "How are you here?"

Dong Xuebin smiled and said: "I am going to string the door, I want to ask you how come?"

Before Shen Fei’s appointment with Dong Xuebin and Nanshan District, Dong Xuebin’s relationship was very general, but now Dong Xuebin is already the leader of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection. His attitude towards Dong Xuebin has also changed, although both of them are at the same level. It is the deputy office, but Shen Fei can no longer dare to look at Dong Xuebin’s face. The director of the Dong Xuebin City Commission for Discipline Inspection supervises the position of the director. Now, Dong Xuebin should give him a face. Shen Feidao: "There is a temporary tourism development meeting in the province. We named the Nanshan-District, we are accompanying the Yuehua 〗 〖Book, passing by here, Xiao Liu their car is broken in the provincial capital, still repairing We just sent them back on the way."

Dong Xuebin said: "It’s not easy for everyone to have a New Year."

Shen Feihe smiled and said: "Work needs, should be."

Dong Xuebin also understands that Hao Yuehua is now promoted to the district committee 〖Book〗, this position can be different from other positions, even the head of the city bureau, the task is his own one-acre three-point, beyond this They are in charge of it, but the heads of local party and government are different. The mobile phone is guaranteed to be open for almost 365 days a year, because as long as there are things below, they are all related to them. It is quite normal for the Chinese New Year to go to the provincial meeting.

At this time, the two beautiful Tuǐ wrapped in the West Kù came down from Passat. It was Qi Yuehua. After she got off the bus, she looked at Dong Xuebin’s “Director Dong?”

Oh, or that black face, others may think that Yuehua〗 〖Book is always very indifferent, but Dong Xuebin looked, but it felt very affectionate.

"Yuehua〗 〖School Bin and her handshake, good New Year. ”

Hao Yuehua said, "You are also."

Dong Xuebin asked: "How is your body?"

There are not many words in Haoyuehua... "It’s okay."

"That's good, that lung film is no problem?" Dong Xuebin said that it is the cancer of Yuehua.

耿月华一嗯 "All good, for your blessing."

"Oh, the blood type is exactly the same, catching up, and I have no strength."

Next to Shen Fei and Ma lì, Dong Xuebin, although he missed Yuehua very much, but did not say anything on this occasion, but only a few words, but when shaking hands, Dong Xuebin did not move. Sè land scratched two times in Yuehua's palm. This trick was learned by Dong Xuebin and Luo Haiting Luo's sister. Hao Yuehua's face is still the same, and no one can see any problems.

A few people are talking about it, but the sound of a firecracker suddenly killed!

There were firecrackers around, but the noise was huge, as if it were on their heads.

Dong Xuebin and Qi Yuehua, they all looked up and saw that a thick smoke had floated on their heads. The horse was lighting, and then they glanced at the community and saw that it had just blown up Dong Xuebin. The little boy, the little son of the director of the méng, is actually carrying a pair of cotton gloves and holding a long-barreled bamboo that the Jingcheng people call "the monkeys of the sky" facing Dong Xuebin!


The second cannon of the monkeys blew up!

A firecracker flew out of the package~www.wuxiaspot.com~ rushed to them!

A bang! They didn't react, and the firecrackers blew under the secretary's foot!

Ma lì ah screamed, desperately sideways, but still did not hide, white sè's k scorpion were blown out a large black trace, the laces also caught fire, and immediately burned up!

"Pony!" Shen Fei sneaked and rushed to help her.

Hao Yuehua also quickly went up and stepped on the shoes of the horse, and the fire was extinguished.

And then look at the little son of the director of the méng in the distance, but he still laughed and smiled, and took the monkey to face them!


Another flight has come out!

Dong Xuebin exploded at the time, paralyzed! Are you going to drive crazy? ?

......! .

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