Power and Wealth

Chapter 953: [Helped! 】

Chapter 953

the next day. Device: no ads, full text, more

In the seventh day, the unit went to work.

Dong Xuebin started chuáng at six o'clock, came out from his mother, drove back to Cangzhou City, and counted the time. He even went to the municipal party committee compound and the courtyard directly without even taking care of his family. The people who go to work come in and out, and everyone has a happy New Year's face.

However, Dong Xuebin’s car came and many people looked at him.

This has become the practice of the municipal party committee compound, Dong Xuebin has long been accustomed to it.

Hey everyone, Dong Xuebin drove the car to the Commission for Discipline Inspection, and pulled the car off the brakes.

Normally, Dong Xuebin’s four million Porsche can catch everyone’s attention, and it’s too eye-catching, and he is the youngest deputy director of the entire Beihe province, and a wife who is the deputy mayor. Even the death of Wan Sichao, the nephew of Wan Shuji, was related to Dong Xuebin. Dong Xuebin did not come to work because of his nv children’s affairs for a long time before the New Year, so this is concentrated together, if others do not It’s strange to see Dong Xuebin frequently. He used to get used to the days of the wind.

"Director Dong."

"Director, good New Year."

"Director Dong, good morning."

"Xiao Dong is coming? How is the year?"

Dong Xuebin also greeted everyone and said hello.

The staff of the Discipline Inspection Commission did not seem to dare to contact Dong Xuebin. After a greeting, they quickly left. Other cadres and leaders of the Disciplinary Committee also pointed out the meaning of Dong Xuebin. After all, Dong Xuebin did not come to work for a month. However, I couldn’t say it without saying hello, but after swearing, a few cadres did not go too far with Dong Xuebin, and they stepped away in a hurry.

Dong Xuebin is likely to offend the head of the municipal party committee. This is something that everyone has in mind. So before the situation is clear, no one wants to contact him too much. Moreover, Dong Xuebin’s previous stigma is also throughout the incident. The city’s rumors have been screamed by everyone, and the nickname of the sacred **** has been called up by everyone. With such a notorious nickname, everyone’s heart is also guilty. I’m sure I’m thinking about this kind of officialdom, and all the sinners everywhere. The main child is still less contactive? Anyway, Dong Xuebin thinks they think so. So now Dong Xuebin’s status in Chenzhou City is that no one dares to provoke him, and no one dares to climb with him.

Is this being marginalized? Hey, my buddy, this person is a child.

Dong Xuebin shook his head, but this was a common practice for him. Since he had done it, he did not care how others looked at him.

What's the matter with love!

No one is a child, my buddy is still living well!

Dong Xuebin has always been such a bachelor, and he can feel a little pressure from other people's attitudes, but he is simply not going to take care of it. His expression is very leisurely. He walks upstairs and laughs all the way. I nodded to my colleagues and my subordinates.

When everyone saw it, they all admire Director Dong’s mentality.

Some mindsets are simple to say, isn’t it just a smile? It can be too difficult to do.


Monitor a room.

In the director's office.

After a long time to come back, Dong Xuebin couldn't help but look around, flipped through the desk, smashed the bookshelf, and ordered a cup of hot tea to drink behind the desk.

Then he began to summarize the work situation after he came to the Discipline Inspection Commission. He has been here for a long time, and his work is familiar. The business has been carried out quite well. Although he is a bit embarrassed in interpersonal relationships, he has offended a lot. People, but at least not doing anything that can make people grasp the handle, this is enough, as long as Dong Xuebin does not make mistakes, others can't take him, then slowly enrich the qualifications, and then make some The results of the work, Dong Xuebin has hopes to fight again, he is very demanding progress.

But don't worry, take the opportunity slowly.

Hey, knocking mén outside the office sounded.

Dong Xuebin looked up and put down the teacup: "Please come in."

Luo Haiting came in. Other cadres in Chenzhou City did not dare to contact Dong Xuebin, but the cronies of Luo Sister must be exceptional.

"Director, I will give you a good old age, and the New Year is good." Luo Haiting is wearing a tight-fitting kù and a small coat, and it is still so huā.

"Thank you, but also for your New Year, sit down." Dong Xuebin reached out and let.

Luo Haiting is also not polite. "How are you doing nv? When you disappeared years ago, everyone is worried."

Dong Xuebin smiled and said: "The little guy is back, it's okay, healthy and healthy."

"That's good, I am also relieved." Luo Haiting took out a dice file to him. "This is a meeting document and work report that you are not in these days."

Dong Xuebin took over and turned over. "Is there anything in these days?"

"There is nothing. We are still not much in the New Year of the Disciplinary Committee, at least less than the other party and government departments."

There is really nothing important in the document. Dong Xuebin nodded slightly, and Feng Ping was the best. He had recently handled too much trouble and was a little annoyed. Dong Xuebin now wants to calm down and calm down for a few days. In the days of the past, digest some of the negative effects of this time.

"To Xue Bin, there is still something, I almost forgot."


"Zhan Guiping, deputy secretary of Zhan, has finished his long vacation and returned years ago."


“Zhan Shuji will let you go to work when he comes to work.”

"Okay, then I am going to pass, is Zhan Secretary there?"

"I saw the car when I came, it should be in the office."

Dong Xuebin nodded. When Luo Haiting left, he immediately got up and went straight to the office of the deputy secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection and gently knocked mén.

"Come in!" came the voice of a middle-aged man.

Dong Xuebin pushed mén into the room and smiled: "Zhan Shu, give you a good old age."

At first sight, he, Zhan Guiping's face on the board suddenly smiled, actually got up and stood up from the seat, walked over and personally greeted him, "haha, Xuebin!"

Dong Xuebin was stunned: "You don't get up."

Zhan Guiping didn't listen, went up and shook his hand hard. "I will hear that something happened in your home after I came. I didn't get through the phone when I called you. This can worry me and softly." I will be practical when I see you are fine, nothing is fine, nothing is fine."

Dong Xuebin was busy: "Let's take care of you, I'm fine, it's time to save the child, right, right, how is Zhan's soft waist?"

Zhan Guiping smiled even more, patted him on the shoulder and took him to sit down on the sofa. "Okay, all right, good can't be better!"

He used so many repetitions, Dong Xuebin knew how happy he was. "Already gone?"

Zhan Guiping nodded: "It’s just that I can go and run without problems. Xuebin, thanks to the gentleman who contacted the best doctor of the PLA General Hospital, the professor was very successful in surgery. We stayed in Beijing for a few days. Only after half a week of soft toes can move, and then recover better every day, to the last walk, running, the doctor said that the damage on the soft waist has basically recovered, as long as it is not particularly intense exercise, nothing Question, Xuebin, I thank you on behalf of our family!"

Dong Xuebin waved: "Why, you said, I just helped to contact the contact, and I didn't have any strength. The key is that the soft blessings are big and big." Sounds a meal, Dong Xuebin said: "More, soft. The reason why I was crushed by the ruins of the second hospital was because I was..."

Zhan Guiping immediately interrupted: "Don't say anything after this, it is not your fault, and if you don't have to give up her last, the softness is gone, where is it so simple? You are The savior of our family, Xuebin, my lover told me a few days ago, let me thank you very much, and when you have time, I will ask you to come to the house to have a meal. After you can walk, you will also recite you."

Dong Xuebin smiled. "Oh, I will bother you when I change the day. I will **** aunt's cooking skills."

Zhan Guiping laughed. "Haha, Cheng, let him do something for you, and drink a few cups!"

Zhan Rou was able to recover, Dong Xuebin also put down a heart, his heart was completely loose, and he always had some self-blame on this matter. He always blamed himself for not allowing medical personnel to get equipment and yào products when he was in the earthquake. Otherwise, if everyone retreats, there will be not so much.

However, Zhan Guiping has never thought of this. Although his lover had already married Dong Xuebin, Zhan Guiping felt that Dong Xuebin’s approach was correct. If he changed him, he would certainly do so. They are party members and state cadres. Everything must be based on the common people, and now the soft injury is also good, Zhan Guiping will not even blame Dong Xuebin, anyway, their family owes Dong Xuebin a too big and too much human feelings, now Mrs. Zhan there Dong Xuebin was only grateful, even when they chatted together yesterday, they were still having fun. Mrs. Zhan said that the name of Zhan Soft was not good, too weak. When the second hospital collapsed, Zhan Soft was only smashed and the lower body was smashed. Can you see Dong Xuebin again? They were all suppressed by the hospital, and there was no clear gap in the gap between the dead and the dead. However, after a few days, Xiaodong’s people climbed out and did not have anything.

what is this?

This is the gap!

And the gap is too big!

Zhan Rou softly said at that time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ not that she is too weak, but Dong Xuebin is too strong, in that case, who can safely retreat?

That is Dong Xuebin, not only live, but also no flaws!

This is not a normal person, Dong Xuebin and normal people are completely incomparable!


Dong Xuebin and Zhan Guiping talked very speculatively.

It was 11 o'clock from 9 am.

Zhan Guiping’s vacation ended with a reassurance for Dong Xuebin. The relationship between the people and the relationship is here. Dong Xuebin is tied to him in the future. With Zhan Guiping, Dong Xuebin and the Commission for Discipline Inspection have a great Power, this is what he needs so much now!


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