Power Instructor

Chapter 1657: : Anyway, no better than me

"Brother-in-law, is this really the person you need to find?" Lu Xiangying looked at Ling Chi with surprise, as if asking brother-in-law are you serious?

Ling Chi touched the tip of his nose and said with an embarrassment: "I think this guy is the one I'm looking for."

"You said his nickname is Jianchi?"


Lu Xiangying curled his lips, then hummed: "In my opinion, this guy should be called a nympho?"


Ling Chi was also very helpless, such a guy who looked tall and tall, but had such a dirty heart, Ling Chi felt that he was full of contempt for him.

But just when Ling Chi despised He Liu in his heart, the girl Lu Xiangying even said, "Brother-in-law, I feel more and more that this sword idiot is so similar to you."


Ling Chi suddenly became unhappy, "How can I be like this guy? Where do we look like?"

"Characters are like beasts in clothes." Lu Xiangying said with a smile: "Brother-in-law, you are looking more and more handsome now, but if you want to put it in a more popular way, you will be more and more feminine, so you and It’s the same no matter where you stay, on the surface it looks like a human, but inside it is very insignificant."

"I'm wretched? At least I won't play with women like that guy, am I?"

"You play with women's feelings."

"I, I will be responsible."

"That's playing for a lifetime."


Ling Chi was helpless at this time. Lu Xiangying's words made him completely speechless, but there is no way to do it. After all, his character setting is a stallion!

What made Ling Chi vomit blood even more was that Ling'er even agreed with Lu Xiangying's words at this time, covering his mouth and chuckling: "I think Xiangying's words are extremely right."


Ling Chi almost vomited blood. Lu Xiangying smiled and said, "Look, a simple person like Ling'er sister can see the problem with brother-in-law, so you can admit it. You are also a beast in clothing."


After being silent for a long time, Ling Chi coughed, "Well, we are not talking about our problem now. We are talking about this question of how to stay, okay?"

"What is there to talk about?"

Lu Xiangying asked back: "Aren't you looking for this sword idiot where to stay? Now that someone has found it, just go up and say hello to him."

Ling Chi shook his head and said, "Actually, it is your iron sister who wants to find Heliu. She wants to ask some secrets from this Heliu's mouth. This secret is of great importance, so say hello to him directly. It must be impossible to ask on the surface."

"Isn't it easy? Just tie people up, can you ask everything if you don't get a confession through torture?" Lu Xiangying said proudly at this time: "Lao Xiao told me a while ago about this profound world. The demon’s severe torture against humans to extract a confession can now be applied to this robed beast."

"Will this be bad?" Linger asked worriedly.

But Ling Chi slapped his thighs, gave Lu Xiangying a thumbs up, and said, "Yes, you can teach you, but I actually have this plan."

"Hey, that is, I know you brother-in-law best. If you want to get things done quickly, you have to use the simplest and rude means."

"The question is, how can we have a chance to start?"


The three of them are a little depressed. After all, there are too many people in this Chamber of Commerce activities, and they are basically all the people with good looks in the Buddha. Most of these are smart people, so everyone can't blatantly catch Heliu, and then Extorting a confession by torture!


Just when the three felt that they were going to rack their brains, the opportunity suddenly appeared like that.

But after seeing He Liu and Peng Yuhe chatting in private for a while, the two of them sneakily walked to a side door together like old friends. It seemed like they were going to do what an unpopular rhythm?

Ling Chi's three eyes met, knowing that this was an opportunity given by God!

But when the three of them were about to follow, Ling Chi suddenly pulled Lu Xiangying and Ling'er back, and the two looked at Ling Chi with dumbfounded expressions. What's the matter? Will this great opportunity be missed like this?

However, Ling Chi snarled in the distance: "Have you seen it? Someone over there is eyeing Holiu."


Lu Xiangying and Ling'er looked in the direction indicated by Ling Chi, and they saw that the three men also followed He Liu and Peng Yuhe out of the side door.

Lu Xiangying chuckled and said, "Yes, let's have a praying mantis to catch the cicada, with the oriole behind."

However, Ling Chi continued to curl his lips and said, "We are not the only people who want to be oriole. Look a little bit more clearly, why are other people staring at this?


Lu Xiangying and Ling'er were taken aback again. They couldn't tell what they were, but how could Ling Chi know?

No, after the three men left with He Liu and Peng Yuhe, another two groups of people followed, one of them was fluttering in white, two men and two women, both in their twenties. Around the age of, judging from their temperament, they might still be from famous families.

There are other people who are not actually a group of people, because there is only one person, but the person is covered in black clothes, even the appearance is blocked, and even people can't tell whether they are male or female.

Lu Xiangying chuckled, "It's so exciting, so many people are focusing on this He Liu. Originally, I thought He Liu was a scumbag. No one would notice him, but I didn't expect so many people would want it. How interesting is it to **** a man? Brother-in-law, do you think we should act first to be strong or do we take a shot when we see the situation?"

"Then do you think we should act first, or if we see the situation before we act?" Ling Chi asked back, leaving Lu Xiangying room to think.

After Lu Xiangying pondered for a long time, he resolutely said: "Then we should wait until the situation is right before we take action. After all, those who have focused on Holiu do not know their details or their strengths. So we shouldn’t take it rashly."

Ling Chi touched his chin and said, "But think about it, it's not impossible for us to act first."


Lu Xiangying was not happy anymore. After analyzing this, she even felt that her analysis was becoming more and more reasonable. She even started to admire herself a little bit, but now that Ling Chi said something like this, this is not Are you denying your own ingenuity?

Ling Chi smiled and said, "Your analysis is very reasonable. We should have followed your thoughts, but your analysis is missing one thing."




Ling Chi chuckled and said, "You said we don't know their strengths, so we should not start rashly. This is a good thing, but you are missing one thing, that is, regardless of their strengths, they will not be better than mine. Strong."

Lu Xiangying and Ling'er are both depressed. This guy is like a rich second-generation voice. No matter how rich he is, he won't be richer than me anyway.

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