Power Instructor

Chapter 1764: : The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility

In everyone’s eyes, Ling Chi’s sentence is too awkward to spend too much money and I don’t know how to spend it. Su Muqing is the person who doesn’t like Ling Chi’s awkwardness the most, so she immediately said to Lu Xiangying, "Xiangying, don’t listen to him. If you have money, you can't spend that way!"

Ling Chi asked: "Then how to spend money?"

"Yes, how should I spend money?" Lu Xiangying asked like this.

Su Muqing paused, thought for a while, and then said, "You can't spend it like this anyway. The money should be spent in meaningful places, right?"

"I think it makes sense." Ling Chi said.

"I also think it makes a lot of sense." Lu Xiang lingered.


Seeing that Su Muqing's nose was about to be irritated, Ling Chi smiled at this time: "When I first came to Buddha City, I invited those beautiful women from Xingyu Pavilion to run around the street. You think I was because of too much money. Don’t know how to do it like that? Obviously, I was advertising, just like now, I invite so many people to increase the momentum, so as to achieve the best effect, as long as people feel that we are ten miles The team is not bad for money, so other caravans or hunters will be willing to trade with us."

Su Muqing was speechless.

Ling Chi continued: "This is called advertising effect. With high investment and reputation, the business will grow bigger and bigger, do you understand?"

"I don't understand."

Su Muqing rolled her eyes. For a person who only knew about cultivation in the mortal world, Su Muqing naturally didn't understand, but then she said, "But I know you originally gave each person three hundred gold, but now you let Xiangying every Individuals give five hundred gold. This is something that can be done with three hundred gold per person. Why should it become five hundred gold?"

"Look, you just don't understand." Ling Chi said angrily: "After all, Xiangying is the owner of Shilixiang Caravan. She raised the price to 500 gold by increasing the price like this. It can even show that our Shilixiang Caravan is not bad money, do you understand?"


Su Muqing was completely speechless to Ling Chi, so she only glared at him to express her dissatisfaction.

In fact, at the beginning, Lu Xiangying didn't understand why Ling Chi would let herself add the price. It seemed that Ling Chi could not do such a disadvantaged thing, but now that Ling Chi explained this way, she also understood Ling Chi's intentions.

Lu Xiangying’s favorite thing is to do this kind of thing. She immediately announced in person that the participants would receive five hundred gold, which immediately caused a wave of boiling, which made Luo Keming and others depressed. They have met a lot of money people, and a lot of money is spent lavishly, but people like Ling Chi who like to make such a big noise once they spend money are very rare.

Anyway, since Ling Chi and his Shilixiang caravan appeared in this Futu City, the topic they created has not been broken. They can all imagine how much the business of the Shilixiang caravan will be opened in this Futu city tomorrow. It shook.

That evening, the dinner party went on quite happily. When everyone left, Luo Keming secretly pulled Ling Chi aside and asked: "Ling Chi, what is going on with that mysterious demon tonight? This...in this Buddha City, even if I dare to fight against the savage barbarians, but if you encounter a mysterious demon, it will be more troublesome."

Ling Chi smiled and asked, "President Luo, your information should be well-informed? Then do you know that the president of the Mystic Demon Chamber of Commerce is called Qu Nanxi?"


Luo Keming nodded and said, "Although this mysterious demon chamber has been doing mysterious things, we have also collected a lot of information. I still know Qu Nanxi, that is a very powerful mysterious demon."

Ling Chi said, "He won't be able to play tricks anymore."

"What do you mean?" Luo Keming was taken aback, when Ling Chi said what he had vaguely guessed.

Ling Chi said, "I know you haven't found where the mysterious demon's lair is. Tonight, I deliberately let go of the mysterious demon to find their lair and wipe them out in one fell swoop."


Luo Keming was taken aback. In fact, he also thought about finding the lair of the Mysterious Demon Chamber of Commerce in this way, but he didn't do that because it didn't make much sense. Even if he found the lair of the Mysterious Demon Chamber of Commerce, he could not root them out. Get up!

But did Ling Chi wipe out the entire Profound Demon Chamber of Commerce in one fell swoop?

Is he alone?

Such a statement sounds ridiculous, but when such a statement came out of Ling Chi’s mouth, Luo Keming immediately chose to believe it. Perhaps many people think that Ling Chi looks like a guy who runs a train with his mouth full. Luo Keming thought the same at the beginning, but slowly he realized that no matter how incredible things were said in Ling Chi's mouth, it would eventually become a fact.

Ling Chi continued: "Of course, President Luo, you should know that it is impossible for Xuanmo to give up the opportunity to develop the Chamber of Commerce here. Qu Nanxi is dead, and someone will take his place. But before they take over, we There is an opportunity to invade the market. During this period of time, what we need is to quickly win over those hunting teams, or even those hunters who act alone. Once we have completely invaded these resources, the mysterious magic will never get involved There is another chance."

"I know the truth. It's just how to win over those hunting teams. This is a difficult problem, unless..."

"Yes, it's money."

Ling Chi smiled. Knowing that Luo Keming had understood it, he immediately said, "I know that for your chamber of commerce, such a price war will make a lot less profit. This is why you have been in It’s very passive."

Luo Keming smiled bitterly: "This is not a problem of much less profit. What's more important is that we might have to lose money if we have mysterious beast materials, because sometimes we buy them, but once they can’t be sold, the mysterious beast materials will change in quality. Then it may be discarded, and at least sold at a low price. This business will be thankless."

Ling Chi nodded and said, "I can understand this, so if we want to fight a price war, we must have huge financial support, but where does this financial support come from? Do you think if I provide you with about 30 copies a month? The high-level Xuan Talisman is for you to sell. I will donate half of the income to your chamber of commerce, and then your chamber of commerce can use the money to subsidize those caravans whose interests have been damaged. Do you think this is feasible?"

Luo Keming was taken aback, "What you said is true? But you are not a member of the caravan of our Chamber of Commerce after all. This is too bad, I..."

"No loss."

Ling Chi said with a serious face: "Our Shilixiang does not belong to your chamber of commerce, but our Shilixiang people are humans just like you. It is our common responsibility to resist the mysterious demon. President Luo, you just need to tell me this is not feasible. Up."

"Feasible, naturally feasible." Luo Keming nodded quickly.

Ling Chi nodded slightly. In fact, he had a strange feeling in his heart. Invisibly, he was changing. The greater his ability, the greater his responsibility. This is really not fooling people.

Anyway, now Ling Chi felt that his image was instantly taller.

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