Power Instructor

Chapter 1787: : Evil Dragon

Enter a world full of skeletons?

Ling Chi felt that he was a little crazy. Is this a real world? All the skeleton creatures here live by the flames on their bodies. What is going on?

Soon, Ling Chi saw the three words "Evil Spirit Valley" on a boulder. This should be regarded as figuring out what this place is. This is something to be happy about, but the problem is that he doesn't know this "evil spirit valley". What exactly is the "Linggu"? He has also studied the map of the Profound Realm Continent, but he didn't remember the Evil Spirit Valley.

Maybe even people on the Profound Realm Continent don't know this place, right?

After all, Ling Chi can at least be certain that this Evil Spirit Valley is under the terrifying vortex of Zhuxiantai. Who knows a place like this?

And those skeleton creatures, aren't they all the creatures who jumped off Zhuxiantai?

This made Ling Chi's mood suddenly heavy. If he was under the platform of Zhu Xian, how could he leave? Can't you climb back again?

Thinking about the terrible vortex under Zhuxiantai, Ling Chi felt that he would rather stay trapped here for a lifetime than crawling back, because going back would be a death!


At this time, the skeleton monkey pulled Ling Chi's trousers again. Ling Chi looked down. The skeleton monkey pointed to a road on the side. Ling Chi asked, "Are you telling me to go there with you?"

The monkey nodded.

Ling Chi smiled bitterly. In this Evil Spirit Valley, he didn't understand what was going on. It seems that now he can only choose to believe in this weird little monkey.

At the moment, Ling Chi followed the monkey to the side road, avoiding the sight of the skeletons.


Suddenly, Ling Chi was startled by a loud roar, he quickly looked in the direction of the sound, but saw nothing.


The monkey screamed in horror at this time, and then grabbed Ling Chi's trouser legs with a pair of paws. Although Ling Chi could not see the monkey's look, he could clearly feel its fear.

What is it afraid of?

Moreover, in addition to the monkey’s fear, the group of skeletons who were walking back and forth on the Gobi Desert, which seemed to be somewhat leisurely, also panicked and ran around, and many of them were walking around without direction. , Stumbled, some knocked off their heads, some knocked off limbs, ribs and so on.

What happened to this?

Ling Chi was dumbfounded, what is it that makes these skeleton creatures so terrible?


The powerful and arrogant voice came again, and this time Ling Chi finally saw the source of the sound, but saw a giant dragon standing on the edge of a huge rock.

Obviously, it was only a skull dragon, and judging from its body size, it was much larger than Kunlun, which was at least the size of an adult dragon.

The size of a dragon is related to its claws. At this time, the bone dragon has a total of six claws supporting its body. Therefore, this is a six-clawed dragon, which is a sign of an adult dragon in the ancient dragon clan.

You can imagine how terrible an adult dragon is.

After the six-clawed bone dragon stood up and screamed, it went crazy and launched an attack on the fleeing skeletons. The bone dragon's attack was too powerful, but with a flick of its tail, there were eight or nine skeletons directly. It fell apart and the bones were scattered on the ground.

The rest of the skeletons were even more panicked at this time, but the attack range of the huge six-claw dragon was too large, and those skeletons that walked a little slower were directly scattered by the six-claw dragon. The scene is really true. It's cruel.

Moreover, Ling Chi soon discovered that the six-clawed bone dragon's attack on the surrounding skeletons didn't look like there was any hatred. It was more like venting, or a teasing attack.

Is killing those skeletons as a play?

But Ling Chi soon discovered that the term "kill" seemed not so appropriate, because after the skeletons were broken up, the energy that was originally in their heart emitted a strong and dazzling white light, and then The broken bones of their bodies have automatically reorganized back to their original appearance.

A skull cow regrouped first, and then it ran away with great strength, but who thought that at this time the six-clawed bone dragon flew again, a paw hit it, and the bone cow fell apart again.

The bone cow's head didn't fall apart, and at this time, it was making painful calls.

The other skeletons were also under the attack of the six-clawed bone dragon, and suffered its extremely cruel devastation. In an instant, the Gobi desert was full of grief.

At this time, the six-clawed bone dragon that was destroying other creatures even made a happy cry, and seemed to enjoy such a process.

This guy is simply a tyrant!

Ling Chi sighed. At this time, he felt the skeleton monkey pulling his pants again, but the monkey was about to leave, and from its anxious movements and squeaking sounds, it was urging Ling Chi to leave. the meaning of.

Ling Chi didn't hesitate right now, and followed the skeleton monkey to move quickly on the trail.

Facing the violent bone dragon, Ling Chi was an inevitable choice. Not to mention that he was already weak to a certain extent. Even at the peak of his cultivation level, facing such a six-clawed bone dragon would be choking, so The only thing he could do at this time was to escape quickly, this place was absolutely not to stay.


The six-clawed bone dragon screamed again. Ling Chi looked back and almost lost his soul, but it was the six-clawed bone dragon who found himself running away at this time, and was flying in his direction. It.

"Squeak~~" The skeleton monkey uttered a quick cry, and then the speed also increased. Ling Chi had to speed up desperately at this time.

This side ran forward and looked back from time to time. Seeing the bone dragon getting closer and closer, he almost collapsed. If the bone dragon catches him, his tail will be thrown on him, or his claws When I scratch my body, I have to fall apart with the flesh of my belt.

If this is swallowed by the six-clawed bone dragon...it seems to be unable to digest it!

Ling Chi had this kind of messy thoughts in his mind, but his heart collapsed. He had survived in a dangerous place like Zhuxiantai, and now he was about to die under the claws of this pile of skeletons, right?

After I die, will I become a skeleton tortured by the bone dragon?

Thinking of this, Ling Chi felt desperate.

At this moment, the skeleton monkey came to a mountain, jumped, and went straight into a cave. Ling Chi looked depressed. The cave was not big. It is probably where the monkey usually hides. It’s better to be called the Monkey Hole. If it’s not good, it’s a bigger mouse hole.

Do you want to drill a mouse hole?

Ling Chi refused in his heart, but his body could only accept all this honestly, and he arched himself into the cave right now.

Just as he got in, there was a loud bang, and the bone dragon hit the mountain. With this impact, Ling Chi could even feel the mountain shaking.

This made him squeeze a sweat, hesitate, and he was finished.

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