Power Instructor

Chapter 1980: : Battlefield of Gods and Demons

The Sirius tribe, the hall of worshipping gods with magnificent and rugged architectural style. Patriarch Ao Tian looked at Tang Gu and the others who had fled embarrassedly in front of him with a blank expression. His cold eyes seemed to eat Tang Gu and others alive.

Tang Gu and others were all crawling on the ground, afraid to touch Ao Tian's gaze.

After a long silence, Ao Tian coldly snorted, "Why? Don't talk in front of me? Don't tell me if you are lost in the Wild Wolf Valley, you were beaten and fled back with your tail between you. You did such a shameful thing. Why are you so embarrassed to come back? Why don't you hang on to yourself in Wolf Valley, and die there with the wolves?"


Tang Gu and others' heads are even lower, for fear that one glance at Ao Tian will cause a murderous disaster.

It's just that even if they didn't raise their heads, the scourge of killing came to the door after all, but when they heard a loud noise, Tang Gu only felt a puff of blood sprayed over his body. He raised his head and glanced. The man next to him had been killed.

Ao Tian pointed to the murdered tribe, and hummed: "See if this is the shameful end of the Sky Wolf tribe, Tang Gu..."

"Yes, patriarch." Tang Gu trembled all over.

Ao Tian said: "I limit you to find the traces of the two Central Plains within today, otherwise you will come and see you!"

Tang Gu was taken aback, and then quickly said: "Patriarch, we have mastered their whereabouts. They are heading to the ghost forest."


Ao Tian paused, and then said in a deep voice, "Several groups of people have entered the Cursed Land recently, and they have also gone to the Ghost Forest. Is the rumored thing true?"

"Patriarch, what are the rumors?"

"Don't ask if you don't know, there are some things that a waste like you should know."


Ao Tian then waved his hand and said, "You can call me Ao Hua now."

"My name is Ao Hua, the patriarch, you are..."

"Yes, I always feel that the ground in this cursed land will be uneven during the next period of time, and if the rumors are true, it is the key to the further expansion of our Sirius clan's power, so we must To use the power of the spirit wolf, Lord Wolf, don't you think?"


Tang Gu and the others were stunned, Lord Wolf came out?

While Tang Gu and the others were so dumbfounded, a pair of huge and cold eyes appeared in the gloom behind Ao Tian, ​​and then a whole face, or...that shouldn’t be said to be a face, at least it’s not a human face. It was the face of a wolf. It was a huge silver-white giant wolf. It stood behind Ao Tian like a powerful guardian **** behind Ao Tian.

And this is not to protect Ao Tian, ​​because its identity is much more noble than Ao Tian, ​​because this is the **** of the Sirius tribe-Lord Wolf.

The so-called worship of gods may be relatively unfamiliar to the Central Plains people, but for the barbarians of the Cursed Lands, the worship of the gods is the **** they want to worship, and the gods worshipped by the Sirius tribe are them. The Lord Wolf in his mouth, this is a silver wolf with a bright moon, no one knows how many years it has practiced, but everyone knows that Lord Wolf has appeared, and things must be very important.

Faced with Ao Tian's question, Lord Wolf actually spit out, "If the deity didn't guess wrong, then these people who beat Tang Gu are strong Xuanxian."


Everyone exclaimed that if Xuanxian intervened, the matter would become tricky.

For Tang Gu and others, they were more surprised. Think about the appearance of Luo Ci's "little girl", who is just a decade old, but is she a mysterious fairy?

This is crazy.

However, as for Lord Wolf, everyone would never doubt. The masters of the Xuanxian realm have arrived. It seems that everything is really as Ao Tian said, and this cursed place will not be peaceful in the future.


The cursed land, the ghost forest.

Before Ling Chi came into contact with the ghost forest, he had been curious about what kind of place this was, and why in this extremely dangerous and cursed land, this ghost forest was even listed as a forbidden place, which inevitably makes people feel curious. How terrible is this ghost forest?

When Ling Chi really faced the ghost forest, he suddenly felt that he better not be too curious about these things.

Just like now, when Ling Chi faced the gloomy ghost forest, it was like standing in front of a ghost gate. A breeze blowing in the dark forest made him tremble, and even his spine was chilly.

He never thought that when facing a place, he would actually feel a sense of fear in his heart. You must know that he had seen very terrifying and cruel things on the battlefield of a chaotic country in the hot war, but that It wouldn't make Ling Chi feel scared.

But now, facing the strong feeling of Ghost Forest made him deeply uneasy.

"What? Afraid?"

Seeing Ling Chi's almost sluggish expression, Luo Ci immediately smiled and asked, this was a ruthless irony.


Ling Chi was really scared, it was a kind of fear of unknown and mysterious things.

But even if you are afraid, you can't show it as a man at this time!

Ling Chi straightened his waist, curled his lips, and said, "What's so scary about this? Who am I? I am Ling Chi, and I don't have the word fear in my life." As he said, he glanced at Luo Ci and said: "I think you are afraid, right?"

"Yes, I'm afraid."


Ling Chi was stunned. As usual, shouldn't both of them pretend to be strong in this situation? But why doesn't Luo Ci play cards according to common sense?

Luo Ci curled his lips and said, "Do you know where Ghost Forest is?"

"Forbidden land in the cursed land."

"This is the way it is now. I'm asking where the ghost forest was before it became a forbidden place in the cursed land?"

"do not know."

Ling Chi shrugged, he had little knowledge of the Profound Realm Continent, and even more ignorant of this mysterious and dangerous place of curse.

"Battlefield of Gods and Demons." Luo Ci said flatly.

Ling Chi swallowed. Luo Ci's words were plain, but Ling Chi couldn't stop listening to it. Battlefield of Gods and Demons? This shows that during the battle between gods and demons, there are countless gods and demons falling here. If there is any powerful gods and demons staying in such a place, it is a powerful surviving power.

Moreover, from the strong evil spirit in this place, it can be known that the spirits and spirits left by the gods and demons are probably turned into resentful spirits at this moment. Otherwise, why is there such a strong evil spirit in this place?

Luo Ci continued: "Rumors say that this is the place where the ancient gods and demons battled. Innumerable powerful gods and demons fell here, and even the dragons that disappeared on the Profound Realm Continent have fallen on this battlefield. So if you walk in the ghost forest and hear the sound of the dragon's roar, it is not surprising."


A loud bang seemed to be in response to Luo Ci’s words, and there was a thunderous dragon roar in the ghost forest, Ling Chi was dumbfounded, in order to cross the catastrophe, did he and Luo Ci enter this ghost forest? What about a wise choice?

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