Power Instructor

Chapter 2015: : The Past of the Phoenix Race

"Phoenix tribe? What Phoenix tribe?" Ling Chi looked at Xue Ji, whose aura had changed at this time, and hurriedly asked Luo Ci.

For a long time, in Ling Chi's heart, she only felt that Xue Ji, a woman, was a little more ridiculous, but her recent changes seemed a bit too broad-minded. It seemed that she suddenly became a king with the world in her heart. There are other identities hidden in it.

Luo Ci said to Xue Ji Nunuu, "Why don't you ask her in person?"

Ling Chi looked at Xue Ji, but did not speak.

Xue Ji had already picked up the dragon crown at this time. She turned her head and looked at Ling Chi, and asked in a slightly exhausted tone: "Do you suddenly feel that I am too strange, as if you saw another me? "

Ling Chi nodded.

Xue Ji sighed, "In fact, sometimes when I look at myself, I feel strange to myself, because I need to wear a mask to live all my life. I am always afraid, afraid that others will know that I am the identity of the Phoenix clan."

Ling Chi late did not rush to question the Phoenix family. Instead, he said in a somewhat comforting tone: "In fact, everyone's life is the same. They need to wear a mask to live. Just like me, others see me. It’s silly, not serious, but who knows what I have gone through in the past? I have experienced the blood-stained battlefield, I have experienced the sadness of losing my beloved, of course, I have also experienced the joy of losing and regaining. Said that my life is full of joy and fall, so I also have a mask on my face, and I have more masks than you, but no one has ever touched the weak side of my heart. I always believe that I smile. The right will be a sunny life."


Xue Ji didn't speak, but Luo Ci stared at Ling Chi in a daze. Does this guy have a weak side? Why can't I see it by myself?

Even in Luo Ci's eyes, Ling Chi was a typical example of heartlessness.

Then, Xue Ji said: "I know that the Black Phoenix family must be very strange to you. In fact, there are not many people who know the Black Phoenix family on the entire continent, because as early as three thousand years ago, the Black Phoenix family We were already dead, and only a handful of people in our Xue family were left. When Emperor Ming and Emperor Xuantian fought, we wanted to escape from the Central Plains, but... but we were ambushed. My parents were there. After being killed in an ambush, there are only two people with the blood of the Black Phoenix left in this world, my brother and me."


Ling Chi Khanran, this sounds like a history of family decline!

Then Ling Chi asked: "Did the profound demon ambush you?"

Xue Ji shook her head, and then smiled bitterly: "If it is okay for the mysterious demon to ambush us, then we will accept our fate, but who would have thought that the black feather army under Emperor Ming's ambush? Poor my father for his Jiangshan Sheji Born and died for so many years, but in the end it was a miserable end that pierced the heart."


Ling Chi was horrified, "Your father works for Emperor Ming?"

"Yes, my father is in charge of Emperor Ming's secret army-Ye Sha, who does some unseen things for Emperor Ming."

"So, Emperor Ming did too many ugly things to kill people?"


Xue Ji shook her head, and then said angrily: "The Emperor Ming wanted to kill us entirely because we belonged to the Black Phoenix clan. For one thing, he was afraid of our Black Phoenix clan's abilities, for fear that when our Black Phoenix clan would treat him Instead, the second rule is because the blood of our Black Phoenix clan also has the effect of restraining the mysterious demons. He is planning to use the blood of our Black Phoenix clan to kill the Emperor Xuantian."

With that, Xue Ji seemed to think back to the past, and her voice trembled, "Back then, my brother and I hid in the snowdrift and watched my parents gouged out of their heart, but we didn't dare to say something. A faint voice, even afraid to let the tears flow down."


Ling Chi no longer knew what to say. The Xue Ji in his eyes had always been a woman with a wandering appearance, but at the same time he felt that this was a woman with a story, but he never thought that Xue Ji's story was so tragic. .

Furthermore, Ling Chi asked, "Since Emperor Ming has gained the blood of your Black Phoenix clan, why did you lose to Emperor Xuantian in the end?"

Xue Ji shook her head and said, "I don't know about that. Anyway, the hard work of my Black Phoenix clan can restrain the mysterious demons. This is true."

Ling Chi nodded, but didn't think Xue Ji would make up a story like this to deceive herself.

After narrating the tragic history of the Black Phoenix clan, Xue Ji said to Ling Chi: “So, Ling Chi, don’t blame me, I’m burdened with too many heavy things, so I have to make this choice, my one. My younger brother always thinks that our black phoenix clan is hopeless to recover, so he indulges all day long, so that it is used by the mysterious demon, but I am different, I am still sober, I promised my parents, I must recover my black phoenix A family, so I must find the gods and get the dragon crown, because only the existence of the dragon crown can make me respond."

"Then what are your plans next?" Ling Chi asked, he already felt that Xue Ji was about to leave him.

Sure enough, Xue Ji didn't even hesitate, and directly replied: "I want to return to Brilliant City."


Ling Chi opened her mouth. He wanted to dissuade, but looking at Xue Ji's expression, Ling Chi knew that his dissuasion was useless. This woman had already made up her mind to go on her own path in life.

So Ling Chi took back what he wanted to dissuade, but said to Xue Ji sincerely: "Well, I wish you success."

"Okay, then I'm leaving."


The two of them were very calm, but they couldn't calm down inside. After Xue Ji finished speaking, she really walked back, passing by like Ling Chi.

This difference, perhaps the two will never meet again in the future.

"She's gone far, let's go too." Luo Ci pushed Ling Chi's arm, Ling Chi recovered, nodded, and said: "Okay, let's go, otherwise we will become the pitiful in the gods. Dead soul."

Then Ling Chi took Luo Ci and walked out like that. As he walked, Ling Chi asked: "Do you have a mission to come to the Cursed Land this time? Is your mission related to God's possession?"

"Yes." Luo Ci nodded.

"Then your task is completed?"

"It's done." Luo Ci continued nodding.

"Done?" Ling Chi was stunned. This woman didn't seem to have done anything, so she completed the task? At the moment, Ling Chi asked curiously: "What is your mission?"

"I won't tell you."


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