Standing outside the door.

Ichinose’s face was full of anxiety, very worried about Himeno Yuki’s current state, and waited for nearly ten minutes before the door slowly opened.

What came into view was Ji Yexue’s somewhat haggard and pretty face, and some red eyes.

Look at the scene in front of you.

Ichinose relaxed slightly.

Although Ji Yexue seems to have liked Xiaoqi for a long time, but she has not confessed for such a long time, this relationship should not be very deep.

At least.

At present, Himeno Xue’s condition seems to be good, and this incident has not hit her much.


“How did Fanba-chan come.”

Himeno Xueqiang asked with a smile.

Naturally, I was prepared.

At least.

You can’t lose too ugly.

Even if you leave, you can walk freely.

Luckily, Ichinose doesn’t know that she likes Bijiya yet, just pretend that nothing happened.


“I’m a little worried about the state of Koyuki.”

“I’m going to come and take a look.”

Ichinose exhaled deeply and adjusted his mood.

This thing.

It’s not about who is right and who is wrong.

After all, Ji Yexue did not confess to Biqigu, and it was naturally reasonable for her to communicate with Biqigu. 19


Facing this companion who has been secretly in love with Bijiya for a long time, Ichinose still feels a little indebted.

At least.

Say sorry to Himeno Yuki and cheer her up again.

“This way.”

Himeno Yuki barely managed to keep smiling.

I really don’t want to see Ichinose now.

“It’s okay, I’m already good after a day off, and I can continue class tomorrow, so don’t worry.”

“Okay, let’s go first.”

Seeing Ichinose go straight into the dormitory, Himeno Yuki really has no reason to stop it, after all, her personality in the class is like this.

The two came to the bedroom.


The room has been cleaned up by Himeno Yuki, and I believe that Ichinose will not be able to rummage through the trash cans without trouble.

“I’ll go make you tea.”

“Or I’ll go, Koyuki-chan sit down and rest first.”


Ichinose walked into the kitchen with a light car.

Girls are intimate with each other and often visit the door, and coming to Himeno Snow Bedroom is like coming to their own home.

Of course, Ichinose’s dormitory is also open to girls.


Inside the bedroom.

Himeno Xue held black tea in her hand and sat at the low table with her eyes down.

I really don’t want to look at Ichinose on the other side, I really wish she could leave soon.


Ichinose had only come to worry about her body after all.

Even if she thought so in her heart, Himeno Yuki couldn’t show it, and could only look down to prevent Ichinose from seeing her expression.

Try to make yourself less embarrassed.

“I’m sorry, Koyuki-chan.”

At this moment, Ichinose said with some guilt:

“I never knew it before, it turns out that you also like small businesses.”


Ji Yexue couldn’t help but look up, and quickly squeezed out a smile to hide: “How is it possible, Ichinose, who are you listening to, how can I like Xiaoqi.” ”


Ichinose was also a little confused.

I feel that today’s Himeno Xue seems to be a little wrong, according to the past, she usually listens silently.

Even if you don’t like it.

Himeno Xue probably shook her head tactfully to show her negation.

I had never seen Himeno Xue so desperately want to deny one thing.

“This is what Xiao Meng told me.”

Ichinose was slightly puzzled, “Could it be that I misunderstood?” ”

“This way…”

Himeno Xue lowered her gaze and silently clenched her fists.

Didn’t expect that.

Kohashi Yume was worried about her good state, and then told Ichinose, it turned out that she already knew.

What is Ichinose here for?

Come and show off?


Seeing that Himeno Xue lowered his head as if he was acquiescing, he seemed to be a little lost, and Ichinose pursed the corners of his mouth with some concern:

“Xiaoxue, can you tell me when you started liking Xiaoqi.”

“There is no point in saying this now.”

Ji Yexue lowered her head, the corners of her mouth were a little bitter, trying not to make her lose so ugly.

Since when?

Maybe it’s when school starts. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Seeing that Hijiya was actually able to speak up to Ichinose was really admirable, something Himeno Yuki could not do anyway.

Probably from that time.

I secretly liked Biqigu, so I would help him choose clothes and go shopping together.

Even if it is ironic by Biqigu.

Such a real side still makes her feel happy.


Now all this is meaningless.

Unable to know Himeno Yuki’s expression, Ichinose hesitated slightly.

Regardless of Himeno Yuki’s feelings, it is natural that he does not want to talk about this topic.


She still wanted to know.

How does Himeno Yuki feel compared to Qiya.

Depending on the situation.

She may have caused irreparable damage to Himeno Yuki.

“I’m sorry.”

Ichinose looked a little embarrassed.

“I didn’t expect things to turn out like this, and I didn’t take into account Xiaoxue’s mood at all today.”

“It’s not like that, after all, you didn’t know about Fanbo before.”

Himeno Xue lowered her gaze and couldn’t help but clench her fists.

Oh, yes.

She didn’t know either, and there was no way around it.

“This way.”

Ichinose was genuinely relieved.

Looks like.

Himeno Xue does not have much deep feelings for Qigu, maybe it is just a girl’s admiration for the strong.

Such words.

Presumably, Himeno Xue will be able to adjust his mentality soon.


Ichinose really didn’t know what to do with it.

Strictly speaking.

Although both are gentle.

Comparable Qigu itself is a little introverted, and Himeno Xue is also a more gentle and not much talkative type.

003 likes a person.

Nature is everyone’s freedom.

But the personalities of the two are really difficult to say that they are suitable.

For the three of them.

Such an outcome may be the best outcome.

Just looking at Himeno Xue’s lost look, Ichinose was really a little relieved.

“Xiaoxue, there is no need to be so sad, Xiaoxue, you are so beautiful, your personality is kind, and your grades are so good, you will definitely be able to find a more suitable one.”


Ji Yexue lowered her gaze and did not respond, and her small hands clenched into fists trembled slightly.

Looked at.

Ichinose was also a little helpless.

Although Himeno Yuki is very kind, her personality is too introverted.

I have to tell them anything, and I always like to bear it silently.


It’s not a big deal.

Generally, if there is any problem that needs Ji Yexue’s help, she will generally readily agree without the slightest complaint.

Everyone helps and supports each other.

Only that’s it.

That’s how they are now.

As long as you look away from Bijigu, I believe that Himeno Xue will also cheer up quickly.

“Little snow.”

Seeing that Himeno Yuki did not speak, Ichinose volunteered: “If you don’t mind, we can help you introduce one, such as Shibata, and there are many excellent seniors in the senior class, do you want to…”

“What is it?”

Himeno Yuki suddenly looked up at Ichinose in front of him, unable to bear it anymore.

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