Practical Teaching: Hikigaya’s Ability-First Classroom!

Chapter 100 After A Few Words, Hikigaya Began To Question.

End of October.

Class B classroom.

Hikigaya sat in her seat suppressing her excitement.

If you want to ask why.

That is.

The highly cultivated hidden store is officially open for business today.

Many things happened during this period, including the student union election, but nothing was more important than the opening of the ramen shop.

The school has issued a notice.

Keyaki Mall will add two new ramen shops, as well as other stores.

They are Tianxiapin and Tiger's Lair respectively.

But it is a hidden store after all.

Therefore, the school only gave the name of the store, and you still need to find the specific location yourself.

Hikigaya can't wait to start looking for stores.

Today's class always feels extremely long.

At this moment, the school bell rang, and Hoshinomiya Chie dragged her swaying body into the classroom.

"No~ I drank too much yesterday. Xiao Fanbo came to help me post the midterm exam results on the blackboard."

"Teacher, are you okay? Do you want to sit down and rest for a while?"

"Yes~ I also want to drink water~"

Hoshinomiya sat in front of the podium, acting like a child, and Ichinose poured her a glass of water.


She just picked up the magnet and placed the midterm report card on the blackboard.

It was such an abnormal scene, but no one in Class B felt anything was wrong.

Hikigaya was really speechless.

Is this guy from Hoshinomiya really qualified to be a teacher? He also wants such a job, damn it.

The transcript is spread out.

The results of the midterm exam are displayed in front of everyone.

no doubt.

Everyone is above the passing mark.

Hikigaya also finished 14th overall this time, but this was also a result of gaining extra points in the written test at the Sports Festival.

In fact, it’s not much different from when school started.

In fact, the results of the middle group of people in Class B are almost the same, and they are basically hovering around this ranking.

Changes in rankings are common.


Hoshi 13 Palace, who was drinking water, seemed to think of something.

"There will be a quiz on eight subjects next week, but the content of the quiz is only for National Level 3. You don't have to worry about it having any impact on your grades."


Ichinose was keenly aware and said: "Teacher, since it will not cause any impact, is there any need to take the test? Or is it the same as when the school started, just to see our strength clearly?


Only then did Xingzhi Gong cover his aching little head and start thinking.

"I remember it was."

"The school will use the results of this quiz as a basis to pair up pairs, and the pairs will face the final exam in the form of a community of destiny.

"There are eight subjects held, with a perfect score of 100, and 50 questions in each subject, for a total of 400 questions."

“There are two passing lines this time.”

"One is that all subjects will have a passing score of 60 points. If any subject fails to reach 60 points, the two paired students will drop out of school."

"However, the sixty points refers to the total score of the two partners, so you shouldn't take it to heart."

As the Palace of the Stars said.

There are no students with extremely poor grades in Class B.

Each person only needs to score 30 points, and even if the last two are together, it is still easy to score more than 60 points.

"The other item is that if the total score of two people is a certain number, it will usually be 700 points in the past.

"As long as the total score is less than 700 points, you will also be expelled from school."

what the hell.

Hikigaya breathed a sigh of relief.

Calculating this way, each person is 350 points, and each subject only needs 40 points, so there is no risk of dropping out.

This is really easy for Class B.

It seems.

This special exam can also be passed easily.

Even adding one more doesn't feel too difficult.

Looking at the midterm exam results on the blackboard, Hikigaya felt so confident.

"Then it looks like it's going to be easy this time."

"Even so, we can't be careless."

"Indeed, wouldn't it be better to continue the study meeting?"

Everyone in Class B has obviously taken this into consideration, but the written test is not difficult for Class B.

The only ones who would feel dangerous are Class C and Class D.


"Is this just the test? What is the matching method like?"

Ichinose Honami confirmed again.

Although I really like Hoshinomiya's cheerful style, this teacher is really like a child.

"I won't tell you the matching method until after the quiz."

Sensing the confused gazes of everyone in Class B, Hoshinomiya Chie also said coquettishly:

"Don't look at the teacher like this. There's nothing the teacher can do."

"That's it."

Ichinose Honami nodded knowingly: "In that case, there is indeed a certain way of pairing, and we need to think about it ourselves.

"Oh, as expected of Xiao Fanbo, the teacher's favorite student!"

Hoshinomiya Chie gave a thumbs up and praised: "Also, there is one more thing."

"For this exam, you need to make your own test questions and then assign them to one of the other three classes."

"In other words, if you launch an [offensive], the attacking class will become defensive, and your class's total score will be compared with the opponent's class's total score."

“The winning class gets fifty class points from the losing class.


Hikigaya frowned.

It sounds like nothing, but when you think about it, it feels so unfair.

"Then teacher, what will happen if it becomes a direct confrontation?"

"If it becomes a direct duel, for example, Class A attacks Class B, and Class B attacks Class A, the class points will be temporarily changed to one hundred points!"

"I see."

The entire Class B became Ichinose's one-man show. She nodded and said:

"Teacher, does the school have any restrictions on self-made examination questions?"

"Don't worry, the school will conduct a strict and fair inspection. If it goes beyond the scope of study or there are questions that cannot be answered, the school will ask you to correct it.

"Until the test questions meet the standards, if the final test questions are still unqualified, the school will replace them with questions pre-made by the school, but you'd better think of the test questions prepared by the school as being less difficult.


Hikigaya was speechless.

Adults are indeed so despicable and like to tell high-sounding lies. How is this fair?

"When you have decided on the class you will compete with, you can report it to me. If it overlaps with other classes, the school will call out representatives to draw lots.

"Just tell me your designated class the day before the quiz~"


"I'll leave the rest to you to think about. See you tomorrow~"

After saying that, Hoshinomiya Chihui waved her hand tiredly and chose to run away.

Although Hikigaya didn’t really want to say it.

But with Hoshinomiya’s teaching attitude, will he really not be fired?

It feels better than Class A.

Hoshinomiya Chie is even more obsessed with suppressing Sae Chabashira.

After school.


"Don't leave in a hurry, let's start a combat meeting first."

Seeing Hikigaya who was about to get up and leave, Ichinose quickly spoke out to persuade her to stay.

"No, I still have club activities

Hikigaya's face stiffened.

Damn it, I have to go find a ramen shop, how can I be left in a place like this.

"Remember it's the Wool Department, right? It doesn't matter, let's go to the Wool Department together for a strategic meeting.

"Uh... no need. If it's just for a while, it should be fine."

Hikigaya forced a smile and returned to class, feeling that she was being controlled by Ichinose.

The whole class is holding a strategic meeting in the wool department...

Absolutely not.

Although there are two ghost members, it is his secret base there!

A boy's secret base will not allow outsiders to enter easily.

No one in Class B left, everyone gathered around Ichinose, and Hikigaya also stood at the outermost edge.

He looked around and wanted to find a place to sit.

But considering that it was someone else's position, it would be bad if someone disliked it. After a moment of hesitation, Hikigaya chose to give up.

"Then let's start from the next quiz."

Ichinose sat in his seat and looked around the crowd and said: "Although this exam is not difficult for us, we cannot be careless. The student union will continue to be held. What do you think?"

"That's right, it would be bad if you were overtaken by other classes because you neglected to relax.

"Well, I agree too!"

As expected, there was a chorus of approval.

Indeed, as Ichinose said, if it is just to pass the exam and avoid dropouts.

This exam is not difficult for Class B.

The only thing that needs to be considered is how to win other classes and steal class points from the opponent.

"According to Teacher Hoshinomiya."

Ichinose thought: "There is indeed some way to match. Do you have any ideas?"


Kanzaki said with a calm face: "From what the teacher said, this kind of exam has been done before. I should ask the seniors."

"Well, about that.

Junqing Shibata said with some confusion: "Except for the second grade, which seems a bit special, I don't think there are many dropouts in the third grade."

"Leave aside Class A and Class B for now. People in Class C and Class D are generally not very good at studying, and there are very few dropouts."

He is truly a promising newbie in the football club.

Very knowledgeable about the senior year.

Hikigaya couldn't help but nodded. He really didn't think Haruki Yamauchi and others had any intelligence, and it didn't matter if they just said they were idiots.

Junqing Shibata actually said euphemistically that he was just not good at studying.

It's really gentle.

"Looks like this."

Ichinose and others nodded thoughtfully and said:

"In any case, there won't be too many dropouts, so the matching method is likely to be based on the rule that people with high scores and people with low scores will be paired."

"I also agree with this." Kanzaki nodded and said, "Only in this way can the most balanced result be calculated."

"Well, in that case."

Ichinose turned to look at Shirami Chihiro and the others and said:

"Although I think there is no risk of dropouts with grades in Class B, but to be on the safe side, how about making good use of this rule?"

"Well, it would be bad if 5 came to pursue scholars because of carelessness.

"Yeah, I don't want to see anyone leave this class either."

Hearing the echoes around him, Hikigaya didn't have any objections.

Although there is no need to worry about these with the results of Class B, there is no reason not to take advantage of the rules.

What's more, there's nothing wrong with being cautious.


on the other hand.

Hikigaya felt a little weird looking at the scene in front of him.

"The next step is to decide which class to fight against."


Ichinose looked around at the people around him.

This is the most important thing.

After all, this is

A big deal related to class points.


When it came to class points, everyone couldn't help but fall into silence.

It seems wrong to say that.

But everyone else was looking at Ichinose expectantly, waiting for her to speak first.

"Fanbo, which class do you think is better to fight against?"

Shibata smiled and said what everyone was thinking.


Ichinose said without hesitation: "I hope to directly confront Class A.

"Can you explain the reason?" It was Kanzaki who asked the question.

"The reason is simple."

Ichinose's eyes were firm and he said: "As long as we can win Class A in this exam, we can be promoted to Class A.

"Yes, as long as we can defeat Class A, we can advance to A in this exam."

"Even if it's just the appearance of Class A, it will be more beneficial to future exams.

"I agree too."


Hikigaya finally understood the weird feeling just now.

It looks like they are having a happy discussion, but in fact it is just what Ichinose says. As long as it is an idea proposed by Ichinose, no one will reject it.

Although Ichinose had a good reason.

But Hikigaya really doesn't think attacking Class A is a good decision. He can't be the only one who has the same idea as him, right?

Think of this.

Hikigaya glanced at the others.

Everyone has a relaxed smile on their face.

Okay, it seems that he is the only one who has such an idea.

"Did I make any omissions, or did I?"

Hikigaya frowned.

I'm not sure whether it's my own problem or whether others are afraid of taking responsibility, so they blame everything on Ichinose.

But choosing to attack Class A really doesn't feel like a good choice.

He hesitated for a moment.

Hikigaya still planned to take the initiative to speak.

Although it is the person in charge who takes responsibility, the people below should also give their opinions in a timely manner.

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