"As for science.

Before Hikigaya could speak, Yume Kobashi changed the topic to tutoring him in his studies.

"I'm not sure, Xiaoxue, Xiao Mazi, do you have any better method?"

"I'm not very clear either."

Himenoyuki was still pretending to be good. Hikigaya glanced at her contemptuously and was kicked, but the force was very light every time and it didn't hurt or itch.


Okakura Asako looked at his partner opposite him and thought carefully for a long time before saying:

"In addition to memorizing formulas, you also need to set formulas and answer questions, right?"

"Yes, yes..."

Hikigaya nodded.

Isn't it the same as saying something or not saying it?

Although I often hear teachers say this, it is useless to apply several or even ten formulas to a question.

It's better to tell him which formula to apply first.


Okakura Asako knew that this was not a method.

If it could be done, I would probably have done it long ago.

"Hikigaya-kun, do you have the papers from previous exams?"

"Oh, the test papers from the last quiz are still in my school bag."

"Take it out and let me see."

"No need."

Hikigaya was a little embarrassed, feeling too embarrassed. Wasn't this a public execution?

At this moment, Ji Yexue kicked him again.


Hikigaya gave her a confused look.

It was okay to kick him before, but he didn't show any performance this time, so why should we kick him?

Is this guy pushing his limits a bit?

Do you really think he is easy to bully?

The clay figurine still has a third of fire.

Even though he was teased and ignored by everyone in junior high school, no one dared to use violence against him!

Do you know why?

Think of this.

Hikigaya lowered his head and glanced at Himenoyuki's plump long legs, and kicked her calf.

Because when necessary, he will really fight back!


Ji Yexue was simply stunned and looked at him in surprise.

I never thought about the possibility of Hikigaya fighting back. After all, this guy always seemed to be indifferent to most things.

But his mathematics is really dangerous.

It's okay now, but it will definitely become more and more difficult as the difficulty increases.

This guy actually dares to refuse, and actually dares to kick him back?

Didn't think much about it.

Himenoyuki kicked back again, and Hikigaya returned it with about the same force without any hesitation.

It's okay to joke.

But if you don’t grasp the right attitude, it can easily turn into bullying!

Hikigaya knows this very well.


No matter what, he will return it without hesitation. This is the only point that cannot be compromised.

Just a few seconds.

The two of them were touching each other under the table.

Mutual exchange.

Hikigaya had an expressionless face and would never admit defeat. Forget it before, he had absolutely no reason to be kicked just now.


Kicking and kicking.

Ji Yexue's snow-white little hands dragged her cheeks, with a slight smile on her lips.

The original intention has changed.

I didn’t expect Hikigaya to have such a serious side. This should be regarded as further proof of their relationship, right?


Hikigaya actually dared to kick her, she was really overestimating her abilities!

Got kicked again.

Himenoyuki bit her cherry-colored lips, and stretched her smooth calf upward slightly along Hikigaya's calf.


Hikigaya felt as if he was electrocuted. He trembled all over and quickly retracted his legs and moved back a little.

No, he is really no match for Ji Yexue.


Ji Yexue tried in a weak voice: "Only after reading the test paper, Xiao Mazi will know how to tutor you, so just take out the test paper."

"That's it..."

Hikigaya immediately became honest and quickly took out the test circle from the last quiz from his bag and placed it on the table.

See this.

Ji Yexue lowered her head and suddenly showed a satisfied smile.

You kid, you still want to fight me.

Kobashi Yume and Okakura Asako had no idea what was going on under the table, and carefully checked his math test paper.

"Why didn't you write anything later? Did Hikigaya waste too much time on basic questions?"

"No, I can't do it either. I have to spend my time on the basics to get as many points as possible."

"That's it."

Asako Okakura couldn't help but nodded.

When you don't study well, this is indeed a way to stabilize your grades.

"But it's not okay to hand in a blank paper. Even if you don't know how to do it, you can try to use a ruler to measure it and fill the paper full. Occasionally, a teacher will give you very sympathetic points."

"Really, is there any other way?"

Hikigaya looked happy.

What is needed is this kind of opinion that does not require effort and can increase scores. Anyway, his requirements are not high, and it is enough to stabilize at fifty points.

"Well, other than answering questions, there's no particularly good way."

"Yeah, high school mathematics basically relies on solving questions."

"Then Hikigaya-kun, let's start solving the questions. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me at any time.

"I can help too~"

Xiaoqiao Meng volunteered and raised his jade arms.

Ji Yexue on the side also hesitated and said: "Although I also want to help, my grades in science are relatively average. How about we tutor each other together?"

Install, continue to install.


Hikigaya felt kicked again.

Forget it, if it's a boy or a really bad woman, he still has some ideas.

But a guy like Ji Yeyue, who has a bad personality and is occasionally considerate, also likes to use his body as a weapon.

Hikigaya is really helpless.

It was better to quietly take out the test question book and write the questions, but before I had been quiet for two minutes, Xiaoqiao Meng suggested excitedly:

"Don't you think it's quiet?"

"Yeah, it's quieter here than the library."

Okakura Asako and Himenoyuki both nodded sincerely. Although the library is a place for reading, there are always noisy students or whispers occasionally.

Here, it is simply more suitable for people to study than the library.

Hikigaya does not deny this, before you appeared in the wool department.

Usually the wool department is really quiet.

There was no sound at all.

If he were in junior high school, Hikigaya could still talk to himself, but as he grew older, some of Hachiman's 108 skills were lost.


Xiaoqiao Meng took turns to look at several people, and finally his eyes rested on Ji Yexue:

"Let's just set up a group and study here from now on? How about that?"


Okakura Asako's eyes lit up and he said: "I agree too!"

"I have no objection either."

Ji Yexue nodded weakly, and her little hands under the table were already clenched into pink fists in a victory gesture.

I never thought there would be such a God-given opportunity.

She always wanted to stay in the club.

But if the frequency is too high, it will be difficult for Ichinose to explain, and Hikigaya will also feel a little embarrassed.

Unexpectedly, Xiaoqiao Meng would put forward such an opinion.

It's really great!

"Hey, wait a minute."

Hikigaya quickly said,

If we set up a study group here, wouldn't it take up his living space?

"Hikigaya-kun, what's the problem?"

Feeling the gaze of the two people and Himenoyuki's final touch, Hikigaya defended with some embarrassment:

"That...that's it, Ichinose probably won't agree. After all, setting up such a study group is tantamount to starting a war with Ichinose.

"Eh? No way."

"Yes, why does Hikigaya-kun think this is the case?"

Xiaoqiao Meng shook his head helplessly and said with a smile: "If Xiao Fanbo knows about this, he will definitely be very happy!"


Okakura Asako also nodded and said, "If it weren't for Honami-chan to take care of other people's studies, I would still want to bring her in."

Even if Ichinose was given special care, it would be under the premise of not harming the interests of the class.

"Is this the decision?"

Ji Yexue set the tone with a questioning tone, and at the same time kicked him underneath.

"Then it's decided!"

Seeing the other two women nodding, Hikigaya could guarantee it.

Ji Yexue's Mandarin is definitely more than 70 points. This guy has such superb conversation skills that he won't be given a chance to object at all.

never mind.

There are not many study sessions.

At most, it will be held during midterm and final exams.

The patience is over.

I really can't bear it, Hikigaya has no power to make decisions at all.


Simply don't need the departmental funding of 15,000 yuan per month.

Forget about disbanding the club.

But after thinking about it, Hikigaya was still reluctant to part with these small coins.

Money is such a waste of money.

Speaking of which, Ji Yexue is also a member of the wool department and wants to bring some friends over to study, so she has no right to refute.

"Then why not give the group another name?"

Before Hikigaya could write, Kobashi Yume continued to open the topic.

"Okay, but what should I name it?"


Seeing the three girls tilting their heads and thinking, Hikigaya had already given up and decided to do the questions.

"It's better..."

Kobashi Meng's eyes lit up and she said, "How about we call them the Hikigaya group?"


Hikigaya suddenly raised his head and said with astonishment on his face: "Wait a minute, why? You don't need to use my name to order. Please don't do this. It's really too shameful."

"Eh? Do you feel ashamed?"

Okakura Asako said a little puzzled.

"Probably not?"

Ji Yexue was also a little embarrassed and said: "If you give an order by name, it should represent recognition of a person, so you should be happy."


Hikigaya couldn't bear it anymore and kicked her. It was too much to pretend at this time.

"Hikigaya group, I feel very good at B10."

This time, Ji Yexue didn't fight back. Instead, she smiled sweetly at him, but it was really infuriating to watch.

This woman with a bad character must be gloating about her misfortune at this moment.


With the approval of the two people, Xiaoqiao Mengya was extremely happy and said:

"The Hikigaya group is very good. This classroom itself is a club, right? And Hikigaya, you are still the president, so you must use your name to give orders, right?"

"Besides, the group needs to express the characteristics of the group. Isn't it reasonable that you are the only boy here? Or Hikigaya-kun, do you have any other opinions?"

Xiaoqiao Yume once again used perfect arguments.


This time Hikigaya really couldn't accept it.

If someone outside said that I am a member of the Hikigaya group, he would really want to die.

"Then MAX coffee group!"

"So earthy..."

"Where's the PASS?

"Coffee has nothing to do with the group, right?"

"The next group that day?"

"The meaning of that is unclear. Please explain it in detail, Hikigaya-kun."

"Ramen brand."

"Isn't that just food?"

"The Hikigaya group is better."

Without exception.

Hikigaya's proposals were all rejected.

Damn it, why is he always the one with the smallest number? This is completely the tyranny of the majority of girls.

"Then let's add some more contact information."

"It seems that only Hikigaya-kun doesn't have my contact information, so I'll add you."

Before Hikigaya could continue to refute, the topic flew to another direction like a plane.

Hikigaya looked at the two added messages on LN.

It's really a bit helpless.

But after waiting for a long time, they didn't see them dragging him into the group chat.

Are you planning to create a group?

After all, you can communicate in the class group if you have any matters, and you can also chat privately on important matters.

Group chat is really not necessary.

But he remembered saying it online.

There are seven or eight chat guys in a girls' dormitory.

The situation in Class B is really strange.


I'm afraid most of the people in Class B grew up in a very friendly environment and have no awareness of this at all.

Having too many group chats is not a good thing, but having none at all is probably not a good thing either.

Like flowers in a greenhouse.

If it's a naive class, is it really okay? .

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