Meditation is over.

Kanzaki and others quickly ran to Hikigaya, and others couldn't help but cast curious glances.

This man is so brave.

Even the teacher was turned back by him.


Kanzaki frowned and said, "What do you mean?"


Hikigaya lowered his voice and said, "I'm holding Class A back, don't worry."


Innocent Shibata was also worried: "If you are dragged to be buried with Katsuragi..."


Hikigaya said nonchalantly: "Our group has Tsukasa... Horikita-senpai, the second grade is also dominated by Class B. The group they selected is very strong and will not fall to the last place. I will try my best to let them Just fall down."

What you said makes so much sense, I was speechless for a moment.

Kanzaki and Shibata looked at each other.

The expressions were a bit complicated.


Junqing Shibata was a little confused: "If this is the case, what will you do if you encounter such an exam in the future? It will be very difficult to find suitable teammates."

have to say.

Shibata's concerns are quite reasonable.

I believe that after today’s performance, no one will be willing to team up with Hikigaya in the future.

"It's okay, just wait until the end and join a random group.

Hikigaya didn't care.

Anyway, there will always be someone left, and it will be the same no matter who comes in when the time comes.

"Okay, it's almost time to eat."

Hikigaya turned and left.

Anyway, the worst excuse 13 is just to drop out of school, there is nothing to worry about.

Meditation is over.

Hikigaya and others were taken to the playground, where a spacious dining space and several cooking areas were prepared.

"Today it will be provided by the school, but starting from tomorrow, as long as it is sunny, you will be able to make breakfast by yourself in the group, depending on the number of people or the way of division of labor." I ask you all to discuss the lack of

Hear the words.

The people in Class A breathed a sigh of relief. There seemed to be a few boys who were good at cooking. Seeing this, Hikigaya also breathed a sigh of relief.

The faces of the people in A3 were a little ugly.

You don't need to guess, this guy definitely won't help with cooking.

Several people were eating breakfast prepared by the school.

"What's going on with you first grade?"

A guy who looked like the second-year leader suddenly spoke.

"I'm sorry, senior."

Nobuji quickly pointed at Hikigaya and complained: "It's this guy who has been holding us back. He doesn't care about the feelings of the people around him."


The second-year leader looked at Hikigaya and frowned.

"When I was meditating just now, I heard that you wanted to deliberately hold Class A back? Everyone is working hard for the exam, and you are the only one causing trouble for everyone. Don't you feel ashamed?"

"Huh? Senior is preaching to me?"

Hikigaya doesn't feel the need to be lectured.

"That's right."

The second-year senior looked calm: "You may think you have made the best choice for yourself, but have you ever considered the feelings of your classmates?"

"Kanzaki and the others are obviously worried about you. If you keep taking the exam with this mood, it may affect their results."

"Don't you think about them?"

Whether it makes sense or not, it does, but he has told Kanzaki and others not to worry.

And with Kanzaki and others' good-natured personalities, they probably don't need to worry about this exam.

"Then, senior."

Hikigaya was silent for a moment, then looked up at the senior: "If Class B is unable to be promoted to Class A because of this, will you be responsible for this?"

The second-year senior's expression froze.

Will not be responsible.

What else is there to say?

Hikigaya was really fed up with these guys who were full of truth and liked to point fingers at others, and shut up when he really asked them to take responsibility.

My own strength is not strong to begin with.

Being able to hold Class A back here, Hikigaya feels like this is the limit of what he can do.


Compared to working like a horse with Class A.

This must be a choice more conducive to Class B. It is not the turn of people from other classes to dictate.


If the other party promises to help them get promoted to Class A, that's another matter, but this guy obviously doesn't have the strength.

"Okay, Kiriyama, let's stop here."

At this moment, Horikita Manabu said calmly:

"Since this is a first-year problem, let the first-year students solve it by themselves. We just need to work harder to improve the ranking of the group.

"Let's discuss tomorrow's breakfast. To be fair, how about two meetings for each grade?"

"Well, that's it, senior, just rest assured and take care of us!"

Chang Xiner patted his chest and assured.

After all, Sakurajima has a seniority system, so he always wants to express himself in front of the elders.


Assume it will be sunny the rest of the day.

A total of six meals need to be cooked.

Twice for each grade is fair enough, nothing to complain about.

"Then our third graders will be responsible for tomorrow and the last day, and the rest will be left to you.

Manabu Horikita took the initiative to take on the heaviest task.

After all, there are exams on the last day, so needless to say any heavy lifting, you can also explore the way for other grades on the first day.

How long does a meal take and how early is the appropriate time to get up?


Tomorrow Horikita Manabu will definitely tell them without any secret.

As expected of Horikita Gakushu.

Although he openly expressed fairness, he silently shouldered the heaviest task.

Probably for the whole group ranking.

But there is no denying that he is indeed a good senior leader.

finish breakfast.

"Hikigaya, where are you going?"

Shinji looked at Hikigaya's back and said in a deep voice.

"No, I'll go back and catch up on my sleep. It doesn't matter, right?"

Hikigaya said nonchalantly, then turned and left the classroom.

Give up the exam directly.

Anyway, as long as Katsuragi and others each take a few more points, the average score of this group will not be low.

There is basically no difference whether he participates or not.

It just makes the second-class people in the field more tired.

Since they want to get a good ranking and be promoted to Class A, they naturally need to endure all kinds of unfair treatment.

Just like a social animal who chooses to compromise for wages.

Watching his leaving figure.

Everyone in the second class had ugly expressions. This feeling was really frustrating.

It's approaching noon.

Hikigaya woke up leisurely and came to the cafeteria in a leisurely manner. It seemed that it was almost time and there were not many students in the cafeteria.

Come to the window.

Looking at the scattered leftovers inside, Hikigaya felt a little disgusted.

Same as breakfast.

There were only three dishes and one soup, and even the emperor prepared very little.

Is there any corruption in the school?

"It's better to come early tomorrow."

Hikigaya looked at the leftovers on the plate and felt helpless. Even he felt not full.

You can imagine.

How difficult it must be for students who are struggling to take exams.

Hikigaya took the dinner plate and found an empty seat to sit down. Within a moment, two girls in sportswear appeared in front of him.

It was Ichinose and Okakura Asako.

"Time is limited, so I will keep the story short."

Ichinose sat opposite Hikigaya, with a complicated face and said: "Hikigaya-kun, why do you do this?"

I am afraid.

What happened in the morning has already spread throughout the school, so it's not surprising that Ichinose knows this.


Hikigaya had already expected that Ichinose would definitely come to persuade him.

"I don't understand why I have to ask why...

There is no risk of dropping out.

Although it's not much, you can still earn some personal points.

It can also hold Class A back and give Class B a better chance of being promoted to Class A.

Why not do it?


Okakura Asako hesitated and said: "Nowadays people are saying everywhere that 'small businesses have no regard for the feelings of the people around them'. This is a very outrageous guy. It's obviously not like that."

"Are you gossiping behind your back?"

Hikigaya showed a disdainful smile: "Don't take it to heart about such trivial matters."

It's such a small price, it's not even a price, it's better to say it's a huge profit.


Ichinose pursed her lips, also hesitant, but didn't know what to say.

after all.

Think rationally.

There is nothing wrong with Hikigaya's approach.

For Class B, this is definitely a choice where the benefits outweigh the risks.

Moreover, Hikigaya himself said that he didn't need to worry about it, and it seemed that he really didn't take it to heart.

But Ichinose always felt that something was wrong, but couldn't explain why. He just felt a sense of boredom.


Finally, Ichinose reluctantly said, "What if Katsuragi and the others do something excessive if this continues?"

Hikigaya was suddenly silent.

He thinks that it doesn't matter if he drops out of school, so he can control the second-class people in the field, but Ichinose will probably not accept this argument.


Hikigaya said nonchalantly: "Don't worry, I'm actually quite afraid of pain and won't over-stimulate them.


Ichinose was still hesitant.

Hikigaya's approach is indeed very helpful to Class B. If he is measured, there should be no problem.

At least.

Whether it's Ichinose or Okakura Asako.

Neither of them could think of any flaws in this approach.

As long as the second-class people in the field still want to stay in Class A and pursue a higher ranking, Hikigaya is 100% safe.


If the class can be promoted to Class A just like this.

For some reason, Ichinose felt a little disgusted, but she could never think of a reason.


"You guys have to go to class in the afternoon. You can't stay here for a long time, right?"

"Well, let's go first."

Watching the two people leaving, Hikigaya enjoyed lunch carelessly.

After all, Ichinose reminded me.

Hikigaya had to reconsider.

No matter what you think.

No problem!

With Horikita Gakushu, the people in Class A are also very united, so the average score cannot be low, and the ranking of the group will definitely not be too low.

no problem.

You don’t need to attend classes at all to pass this exam perfectly!

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