Practical Teaching: Hikigaya’s Ability-First Classroom!

Chapter 040 Is This The Battle You Want? Why Do I Not Believe It So Much?

The next morning, in the first-year Class C classroom.

Class is approaching.

People from Class C have already arrived, and everyone is divided into several groups to chat. The atmosphere is completely different from the other classes.

Manabe Shiho and others occasionally looked at Ryuuen Sho at the back of the classroom, and they couldn't help but laugh sarcastically.

Let these guys dare to go against her everywhere.

This time, let Long Yuan go away and scare his bullshit followers.

At this moment.

See all the members of Class C gathered.

Kaneda walked up to the podium and pushed up his glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"Everyone, I have something to say. Please be quiet now."

"Take chicken feathers as arrows."

Ishizaki muttered a few words, feeling that this guy was not as good as Ryuuen-san.


Kaneda just glanced lightly.

After all, I'm in a good mood today, so I won't argue with him. I'll let Ishizaki know what his true strength is later.

"Kaneda-kun, what do you have?"

Manabe Shiho summoned his companions, and the surrounding area couldn't help but become quiet.

"I want to ask."

Kaneda smiled nonchalantly and said, "Who are you going to vote for outside the class?"

"A vote of appreciation outside the class?"


Everyone in Class C was a little confused.

After all, everyone is now concerned about the criticism votes in the class.

There is such a thing as a vote of appreciation from outside the class.

Strong people don't need it, but weak people don't need it.

It's really a bit tasteless.

However, after hearing Kaneda's words, everyone still looked at each other.

"A vote of appreciation from outside the class."

"As expected, let's vote for Ichinose, right?"

"Yes, there should be no one except her who has this qualification."

"makes sense.

Manabe Shiho forced a smile.

Although she really wanted everyone's out-of-class appreciation votes, she also knew that this was impossible.

Except for Ichinose, no one in the first grade has this qualification.


Kaneda sighed weakly and shook his head in frustration, immediately attracting everyone's attention.

"You are naive, your attention is still on the criticism vote, and there is no benefit at all from voting for Ichinose.

"What a big-tailed wolf you are pretending to be."

Ishizaki scoffed.

Ever since Kaneda came to power, this guy likes to show off in front of them, isn't he always focusing on the criticism votes?


Jintian glanced at him arrogantly and said calmly:

"It's related to my Class C plan. You are not allowed to leak a word of what I am going to say next. Otherwise, don't blame yourself for becoming the next Ryuuen."

Except for a few people.

Even Class C itself did not hide its dislike for Ryuuen at all.

Hearing Kaneda's serious tone, Manabe Shiho and others couldn't help but feel worried.

"Kaneda, what do you want to do?"

"Don't worry, it's a good thing for everyone."

Kaneda waved his hand nonchalantly and took out the contract from his pocket.

"I sold your out-of-class appreciation votes. As long as we vote for Katsuragi from Class A this time, everyone can get 10,000 personal points. It's better than wasting it on Ichinose. Okay?"


Manabe Shiho and others suddenly looked happy.

If I had no choice, I would naturally vote for Ichinose, but if there were personal points to gain, I wouldn't care who I voted for.

Ibuki Mio stood up immediately, frowning in confusion:

"Why Katsuragi from Class A?"

"If you want to know, just come up and sign this contract."

Kaneda glanced at it indifferently: "I'll tell you later, how about it. In short, this is not a bad thing for anyone."

"I sign!"

Manabe Shiho quickly walked onto the podium. Ishizaki looked at the scene in front of him with some hesitation, but when he saw Ibuki Mio walking on the stage, he quickly followed.

after all.

It's just too tempting to just write your name on the out-of-class appreciation vote and get 10,000 points for free.

"Twenty million compensation?"

When it was Shiina Hiyori's turn, she couldn't help but frown: "Is this too high?"

"after all."

Jintian looked calm and said: "There is no room for error in this matter, and it is not difficult, isn't it?"

Shiina Hiyori and others thought for a while.


Just write a name.

There are only benefits and no risks. As long as you don't deliberately deceive people, the 20 million will be in vain.

Small companies should not deliberately cheat them.

Think about it for a while.

Shiina Hiyori and others also signed their names. After all, it was really a simple matter. If you don’t take the money, you won’t get it.


Looking at the scene in front of him, Long Yuan keenly noticed a trace of incongruity.

There is nothing wrong with selling out-of-class appreciation votes.

Just before.

Ishizaki and others like to oppose Kaneda no matter what. According to him, they simply look down on each other.

As long as Jin Tian approved of anything, he opposed everything.

Ryuuen knew very well that Ishizaki wanted him to continue to lead the class room.

But today

Ishizaki and others actually went up to sign the contract.

Is it really just for personal points?

Long Yuan really had some doubts, but after thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't figure it out. Unless they already had some countermeasures, they would be so relaxed.

The only problem with Class C.

This is the exam.

Ryuuen had no doubt that he would become a dropout.

It's impossible to solve it, right?

BC classes don’t have enough money.

It is impossible for the first grade students to give him an out-of-class appreciation vote unless [Class B can borrow the remaining money from the senior students.

Only Class B can make a deal with Ibuki Mio.


If he could borrow it from the second grade, Class B wouldn't come looking for him.

Ryūen also has self-awareness.

His behavior during this year has undoubtedly been disliked by many people, and no one will want to cooperate with him until the last moment.

As for third grade.

The third grade will graduate in half a month.

Borrow money now.

It is impossible for the lower grades to have time to pay back the money.

Unless you are a senior, you don't need to pay it back.

There should be no fool in the world who doesn't want the other party to pay back the money.

After thinking for a long time, Long Yuan couldn't figure it out.

We have to turn to another possibility, that is, Ishizaki and others have accepted the fact that he dropped out of school and are preparing to switch to Kaneda's command.

Think of this.

Ryuuen lowered his head to read, and accepted this ending calmly. Instead of continuing to fight with Kaneda, it would be better to unite as soon as possible, which would be better for Class C.

"Can you tell us next?"


Except for Ryuuen, everyone has signed the contract. Kaneda stood on the podium with his hands behind his back, pacing back and forth, with a calm expression:

"This time it is mainly to help Katsuragi-san gain protection points from Class A, which will undoubtedly damage Sakayanagi's prestige.

"In that case, Katsuragi is very likely to get a chance to make a comeback and continue the internal strife with Sakayanagi."

"At that time, it will be our opportunity for Class C to be promoted to Class A!"


As soon as this statement came out.

The people in Class C were suddenly shocked. Feeling the shocked eyes of everyone, Kaneda felt even more proud.


Hiyori Shiina frowned and said, "The votes of appreciation from our class are not enough, right?"

"Don't worry, I've convinced Class B to vote for Katsuragi as well."


Not only the people in Class C, but also Ryuuen could not help but look up at the man on the podium.

He was able to convince Class B. Could it be that he gave him money?

In that case, Class B plus the money he gave to Ibuki Mio should be able to collect 20 million, but Ibuki Mio is not stupid.

Without a vote of appreciation from Class B, Ibuki Mio must not have agreed.

Wait a minute.

Long Yuan's mind was a little confused.

"Then what should we do if Class A targets us?"

Someone looked worried.

"It doesn't matter, I have a countermeasure for this too!"

Kaneda pushed up his glasses on the bridge of his nose, and the lenses reflected a burst of white light.

Anyway, he already had Hikigaya's recording in his hand.

By the time.

Just sell Hikigaya directly.

Let Sakayanagi and Katsuragi fight internally first, then let Class A and Class B fight to the death, and then Class C will take the opportunity to be promoted to Class A.

As for Class D, trash is not worth mentioning.

Maybe Hikigaya thought he was taking advantage of him, but in fact he was taking advantage of Hikigaya!

What a perfect battle!


"As expected of Kaneda-kun."

"I didn't expect Kaneda-kun to be so powerful."

"If I had known you were so powerful, our Class C wouldn't be like this.

A group of people looked at Kaneda with sparkling eyes, and Ishizaki scratched his head in shock and felt a little confused.


"This matter is related to our plan to be promoted to Class A."

"No leaks are allowed, do you understand?"

Feeling the admiration of everyone, Kaneda became even more proud and could not help but walk up to Ryuen with the contract in hand.

"Long Yuan, just treat it as your last contribution to the class and sign it. Of course, after all, you are about to drop out of school. It's up to you whether to sign or not.

"Is this a battle you came up with?"

Ryūen glanced at the contract on the table and looked up at Kaneda in front of him.

Why do I not believe it so much?

"And, who is this Party A? Where did this money come from?"

Hearing Ryuuen's question, Kaneda felt a little unhappy and said: "This is none of your business, Ryuuen, don't be too self-satisfied. If it weren't for you, how could our Class C be like this?"

The implication: Recognize your identity, you are just a loser who is about to drop out of school.

Long Yuan's eyes suddenly sharpened.

This guy is really crazy.


There is indeed no harm in Class C getting money, but it can also cause internal strife in Class A, which is indeed only good and has no harm.

Although I don’t know who came up with the idea of ​​fighting.

Regardless of whether it's Katsuragi, Class B, Class D or anyone else, this matter can only be good for Class C.

There is no reason to disagree.

Think of this.

Ryuuen casually wrote his name on Party B, and threw it back (good job). Kaneda sneered before picking up the contract and turning around to leave.

And the other side.

Hiyori Shiina tilted her little head and looked at the curtain in front of her.

It was easy to guess that it was Hikigaya's plan.

Hikigaya asked Class C to vote for Katsuragi, and then Class B voted for Ryuuen Kaneda, and then said that he had convinced Class B.

Someone among her and Kaneda must have been deceived.

The person who was deceived was naturally Kaneda. After all, Ibuki Mio also showed her the contract last night, so Class B could not go back on it.

Then what was Hikigaya's intention to deceive Kaneda? If he wanted Katsuragi to get protection points, a class out-of-class appreciation vote would definitely not be enough.


He still needs to continue to convince Class D.

This may indeed cause Class A to fall into internal strife.

Shiina Hiyori and Ibuki Mio thought about it for a while, and both realized that this matter would only bring benefits to Class C, but no harm.

The only thing that was a little uncomfortable.

Maybe it was the money they received, about five million from Long Yuan.

Think of this classic.

Hiyori Shiina and Mio Ibuki breathed a sigh of relief.

There is no problem in this case, and there is nothing we can do about it.

If Ryuuen wants to not drop out of school and get back on his feet, he can only do it secretly, otherwise Class C will inevitably fall into even greater turmoil.

As long as Ryuuen doesn't drop out of school.

Otherwise, Kaneda really wouldn't be able to lead the class.

As for money.

They didn't care very much, it wasn't their money anyway, and the money was also used on Long Yuan himself.

no problem.

But if Ryuuen knew about it, he would probably be very unhappy. .

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