The next morning, Sunday.

The exams of other classes have ended and they can naturally take a break. However, students in Class B still need to go to school to vote.

Go into school.

Hikigaya was a little surprised when he looked at the middle-aged man sitting in front of the podium. He remembered that he was the teacher who gave speeches during the forest camp.

Onodera is the class teacher of Class B of the third grade.

It's not school time yet.

The other party was already sitting in the class waiting.

The whole person had his arms crossed and his expression was calm, giving people an unquestionable sense of majesty. His eyes glanced sharply at everyone.

did not expect.

He actually has a class and dares to openly challenge the school's prestige.

Just ridiculous.

I thought that Class D was the defective child who needed to be taught, but I didn't expect that Class B of the first grade was actually a problem child.

It's twenty minutes before class.

Seeing that everyone from Class B had arrived, Onodera spoke in a deep voice.

"Although there are still twenty minutes before class, since everyone is already here, let me start explaining first.

"Starting from today, I will be in charge of the class voting examination and above for Class B of the first year.

The implication.

Anyone who dares to resist the superiors must be suppressed. Since Class B of the first year wants to hold them back, the school must accompany them to the end.


Onodera's class teacher closed his eyes and allowed them to be free before voting in class.


All future courses will be voting, and Class B will no longer have the possibility of being promoted to Class A of the "127" class.

This class teacher’s words are true.

There is a faint hint of this.

"Small business..."

Ichinose and others suddenly panicked.

Although Hoshinomiya Chie got along with them, they treated the lovely class teacher more like a friend or a sister who needed to be taken care of. .

But facing the middle-aged teacher in front of them, Ichinose and others still felt the teacher's majesty and oppression.

after all.

Sakurajima follows the annual merit system.

Most people will be a little reserved in front of older people.

What's more, for good students like Class B, and as guides on the road of life, students have a natural fear of teachers themselves.

"Don't worry."

Hikigaya smiled casually.

"Why are you still smiling like this?"

Shibata secretly glanced at Onodera's class teacher and lowered his voice: "It will be bad if this continues. Let alone getting promoted to A, I may not even be able to study in the future. How much do you have?"

"hundred percent!"

Hikigaya is sure to win, what happened to the teacher? Isn’t the teacher a human being?

The performance was more confident than yesterday, which immediately shocked Shibata and others. Yesterday it was only 90%, today it is 100%.

"Is it because of that teacher?"

Ichinose also asked in a low voice, and saw Hikigaya nodded. When he saw that Hoshinomiya Chie was not there, he knew that the matter had been successful!

"Don't worry, the results will be available tonight."


Shibata and others no longer knew what to say. The school obviously wanted to waste time with them.

How can Hikigaya still be so confident?


Ichinose took a deep breath and turned to look at everyone.

"Everyone, just believe in Xiaoqi. After all, we have no other option now. I really don't want to see anyone in the class disappear."

"Me too. Since small businesses are so confident, let's continue."

Xiaoqiao Meng and others also nodded solemnly.


Shibata also took a deep breath: "No matter what, I have to get through today."

"I also agree. Such an exam is really unreasonable."

Everyone in Class B couldn't help but turn into a ball, putting their right hands together to cheer each other on.

Onodera's class teacher watched the scene in front of him, and his eyes couldn't help but stay on Hikigaya.

in this way.

It is this person who has taught these students in Class B badly.

Then give it a try.

"Start voting, follow me to the voting room."

Inside the voting room.

Hikigaya skillfully wrote down the names of several people, but the exams in other classes have ended, so there is no need to write out the appreciation votes outside the class.

There were five middle-aged people surrounding him in front of him. Even though he felt extremely pressured, Hikigaya was still confident.


The teachers in front of me have no decision-making power.

As long as you understand this exam, this exam is not difficult.

The essence of this exam is.

The newly appointed chairman of Yuecheng, the new official, took office three times and wanted to use such a tough method to ensure his unquestionable authority in this school.


The school just held this unreasonable exam.


The incident was much simpler.

Different from previous exams.

This exam has two most obvious differences.

First, all the rules are newly established, and the right to interpret them lies with the school, the newly appointed Chairman Yue Cheng, and there is no precedent to rely on.

The second is that the school did not announce all the rules to the students from the beginning, but there are still countless hidden rules.

This is probably the escape path Chairman Yue Cheng has left for himself.


Only two students finished last at the same time.

Naturally, the school may decide a dropout in a tough way.


If there are too many people tied for last place, or there is simply resistance from the entire class.

The school will have to reconsider.

after all.

Time is not infinite.

Tomorrow is the first-grade graduation special examination. What should I do if the entire class is absent?

The school had to re-examine Chairman Yue Cheng.

One has to doubt the other party's ability.

It was precisely because Chairman Yue Cheng held such an exam forcefully that the incident evolved into this situation.

Of course, after all, Yue Cheng is the new chairman of the school and the highest-ranking leader, so the teacher's questions are of little significance.

This is tantamount to slapping Chairman Yue Cheng in the face!

It is naturally possible for him to use his power to push forward the examination results forcefully.


Class B is required to select two, three, or even more dropouts before it will give up.


This is never a good idea.

It is possible to abuse power forcefully, but it can be done by anyone.

Not only the teachers, but also people higher up will begin to question Chairman Tsukijo's abilities.


This did not slap Chairman Yue Cheng in the face, but gave him a chance to show off himself.

Show your ability to adapt to circumstances, respond to crises, and handle crises!

It's not difficult.

Highly Nurturing is a school with a national background.

At least Hikigaya himself can think of a way, and it is impossible for someone who can serve as the chairman of this school to think of a way.

There are also hidden rules for exams.

And all the power to interpret this rule rests with Yue Cheng.

Compared with the authority brought by strong oppression, showing the ability to handle crises is undoubtedly more convincing.

This is definitely a sure-profit deal for Yuecheng.

What happened this time.

It is good for Class B, other classes, and the new Chairman Yue Cheng.

There's no way he won't do it!


The new Chairman Yue Cheng is an idiot, or a garbage politician who cannot control his emotions.

There's nothing we can do about it.

Hikigaya can only appeal.

Drag Class C and Class D whose exams have ended back to the exam.

After all, there are no out-of-class appreciation votes, which itself is inconsistent with the exam rules.


Hikigaya is sure of everything.

No one is willing to do something that is only beneficial, right?

Although his ability is not as good as that of people like Horikita Suzune and Ryūen Sho, Hikigaya understands human nature better...

Free money, opportunity delivered to your doorstep.

As long as Yue Cheng is still a normal person, he will definitely want it.

It doesn't matter even if Yue Cheng drags the ACD class together and continues the exam indefinitely.

Even outsiders cannot bear this pressure.

I changed the out-of-class appreciation votes without authorization. Then I only need to ask Kaneda, Horikita Suzune and others for personal points.

Twenty million in compensation is not a small amount.

Although there is no risk in getting the money from Ten Thousand People Points, unfortunately, he has already kidnapped Class C and Class D.

It’s not easy to get off the ship.

This is no longer an exam to select dropouts.

It's about competing on the spiritual level between Class B, Class C, Class D and the school. Whoever can't bear the pressure first will pay the price!

Since I can't give in.

Sorry, I can only ask you to give in!

It doesn’t matter if you ask the school to make concessions or ask Class C or Class D to pay for it!


We can only ask the entire first grade to accompany him to continue this stalemate!

the other side.

School conference room.

On the main seat.

A middle-aged boy crossed his arms and kept a steely smile on his face. The first-grade class teacher sat on the left and right respectively.

"Chairman Yue Cheng."

Class teacher Mashima crossed his hands on his chest and said with a cold expression: "Such an exam is unreasonable. Now that all of Class B are protesting, a special exam for the first grade will be held tomorrow. What should we do?"

As a teacher, it is naturally impossible to blame the students.

The implication.

It's all because of you, Tsukijo, who is so different from the previous Chairman Sakayanagi.

"How about we just sentence Class B to abandon the exam and admit defeat.

Class C's class teacher Saka smiled casually.

"If I take every exam in the future."

Sae Chabashira said indifferently: "Class D's opponents are all Class B, so I don't have any objections.

This is obviously unrealistic.

If every time they fight against Class B, they will win without a fight, then all classes will definitely want to compete with Class B.

The first-grade exams can no longer be held.


They are all jealous of the new chairman of Yuecheng.

Although he is an airborne leader, he still needs the support of the people below him if he wants to take power.

4.1 "It's so interesting."

Chairman Tsukijo looked at the students of Class B on the screen.

This in itself is absolutely impossible to happen. The original intention of designing the out-of-class appreciation vote included the possibility of preventing vote control.

As long as everyone in other classes casts a random vote, there is no possibility that the entire class will vote the same way.


Now someone has done it.

Turn all uncontrollable out-of-class appreciation votes into controllable ones.

This has resulted in the current situation in which the school is riding a tiger.

He smiled awkwardly and said:

"It seems that the highly nurturing education method does have merit. I didn't expect there to be such an interesting student, Mr. Hoshinomiya. It was that classmate who came up with this method. I really want to get to know him."


Star Palace's pretty face was embarrassed, she blinked her beautiful eyes and said:

"Children in our class wouldn't do this kind of thing. Maybe they really don't like this exam.


Yue Cheng didn't seem to care much.

Anyway, the exam for Class D is over. Although the task has not been completed, it is still a gain to find such an interesting class.

"What should I do about the exam tomorrow?"

Mashima's class teacher brought the topic back to the topic, he couldn't really refuse the exam.

"Do not worry."

Chairman Yue Cheng still maintained a steely smile on his face, as if this kind of thing was already commonplace for him.

"The exam will continue tomorrow, I will take care of this matter."

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