Practical Teaching: Hikigaya’s Ability-First Classroom!

Chapter 100 It Was Obviously Me Who Came First!


"Just enough is enough!"

Ji Yexue suddenly stood up and looked down at Ichinose in front of her, her red eyes no longer able to hide her anger.

"You also introduced me to your boyfriend. Did you come here specifically to show off?"

"I don't have that..."

It was the first time to see Ji Yexue showing such a side, and Ichinose suddenly panicked.


Before she could finish speaking, she was interrupted by Ji Yexue.

"You asked me when I fell in love with him. I'll tell you, I've liked him since the beginning of school."

Ji Yexue stared at the girl in front of him with cold eyes.

"What are you saying you don't know? What is this? Wouldn't you know that I like Hikigaya and wouldn't date him?"

"Stop laughing so hard."

"Ichinose, you don't like Hikigaya much at all."


Holding back the tears in her eyes, Ji Yexue asked coldly.

No matter how high-sounding the reasons Ichinose gave, she definitely didn't like herself more.

"You only fell in love with him after being rescued a few times? Are you so in love that you can't help yourself? Don't laugh to death."

"Anyway, you just used some dirty method to get Xiaoqi to date you, right?"

"If it were me..."


Ji Yexue couldn't bear it anymore, two lines of tears streaked down her cheeks, and her voice couldn't help but become choked at the end.

very clear.

Ichinose may indeed like Hikigaya more than her, but what Ichinose likes is everything about Hikigaya.

Whether it's the good side or the twisted side.

Ichinose likes them all.

No disdain whatsoever.

It's herself.

I felt that the previous Hikigaya was a bit unsatisfactory, and I wanted to gradually make Hikigaya more popular before starting.

Everything is her own problem.

Only then did Ichinose have a chance to succeed.

He obviously wanted to yell at Ichinose, but he couldn't say it to Himenoyuki until the end.

It’s really not Ichinose’s fault.

It's all her own problem.

If there is a chance to do it again.

She will definitely not care about when Hikigaya can correct herself, whether Hikigaya is cheerful, and whether her social level is sufficient.

Ji Yexue is a gentle person after all.

"If it were me..."

Ji Yeyue couldn't help but grab Ichinose's arm with both hands, lowered her head and sobbed unwillingly:

"Obviously I came first. I was the one who fell in love with him first. I was the one who went shopping with him first. I was the one who went to the movies with him first..."

"Obviously I was the one who came here first, can you give him back to me... Can you give him back to me... Please, Ichinose..."

There was a trace of pain in his arm, and he looked at Ji Yexue's eyes full of unwilling regret and expectation.

Ichinose couldn't help but froze on the spot.

turn out to be.

I don't know when Ji Yexue burst into tears.

If the person in front of him is a friend from another class, Ichinose can still refute harshly.


The person in front of me is the most important partner in the same class.

Thinking of Ji Yexue's concern for her when she was lost several times, Ji Yexue's dedication in the class, and the smiles of everyone when they got together.

Ichinose couldn't speak for a long time.

He could only let Ji Yexue's sobs echo in the room.

Maybe it's true what she said, and Hikigaya's guess is correct.

Although I can't say I don't like it.

But compared to himself, each other and Hikigaya, Ichinose cared more about his classmates in the class.


Previously there was no need to prioritize.

Now it is needed.

Hearing Himenoyuki's plea and looking into her regretful eyes, Ichinose responded with dull eyes.



Hearing Ichinose's words, Ji Yeyue squeezed her arm, but her expression became even sadder.

She raised her head and stared at Ichinose in front of her, her eyes covered by tears already blurred, and shouted unwillingly:

"Ichinose, you are so nice that you have nothing to say. Don't you think you are a little despicable?"

Ichinose was asked to give up Hikigaya, and she actually gave up.


What can Ji Yexue do?

Do you want to accept it happily?

Hear the words.

Ichinose couldn't help but feel tense.

Today's Himenoyuki is completely different from the past.


None of that matters now.

It's so good that it makes you speechless and makes you look even more despicable.


Ji Yexue is also a very kind person. They are all very kind people. Can they really accept it frankly?

How should we face them in class in the future?


So what to do.


Ichinose didn't know either and was a little bitter: "What should I do..."

Ji Yexue couldn't help but exert more force with her hands, and then she looked hard, wiped her tears with her sleeves, and walked to the bedroom door.


Turning his head slightly to look at Ichinose who was still where he was, Himenoyuki said in a cold voice:

".々If you really feel that you are in debt, just stay here for one night and you can use the things in the room as you like."


Ji Yexue left the dormitory without looking back.

Until the door closes.

Ichinose seemed to have lost all his strength in an instant, and fell to the ground in a duck-sitting posture.

Looking at the somewhat dim room around him.

Ichinose covered her pretty face with her hands.

Tears fell uncontrollably from his cheeks.

Why did it become like this? How could Himenoyuki like Hikigaya so much.

Why didn't she find out before?

This time.

What to do.

I made it clear that I would never give up.

He clearly promised to make Hikigaya happy.

He clearly promised to be with Hikigaya, which proves that the relationship between the two is real.


How could it be so difficult.

Ichinose lay on the bedside and let out painful sobs.

Although there is no need to worry about Karuizawa and others, Hikigaya is trustworthy enough, but she (King Qian) is a very useless person.


Ichinose couldn't help but notice.

The sheets covered by the quilt were already soaked with tears.

can imagine.

How sad Ji Yexue was before, but she still forced herself to stand in front of her pretending that nothing happened.

When I saw her.

Ji Yexue must be in so much pain.

They are all such gentle and kind good children, the most important partners in the class.

Ichinose hugged the pillow soaked with tears tightly in her arms, the painful tears mixed with the water stains left by the concubines.

What would Himenoyuki do?

Ichinose had a rough guess.

‘Sorry, small business...․ thing

Ichinose buried her little head into the pillow, tears streaming down her face.

She couldn't give Hikigaya what she wanted.


She couldn't even get past this first hurdle.

I can only sit here and let out useless sobs. .

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