The next morning.

Faculty Office.

The class teachers of each second grade class were called together.

"During this special examination, we teachers must try our best not to interfere with the class. Please be sure to avoid situations where you cannot help but lend a helping hand because you want to protect the students in your class.

Looking at the four class instructors in front of him, the teacher in charge of the exam sternly warned:

“If the person responsible for monitoring judges that the teacher is giving advice, he will issue a warning, and if he commits the offence again, his salary will be reduced.

In addition, although there should be no need to worry about you, if the monitor determines that the teacher has interfered in a bad way, such as deliberately inducing students to make choices that should be decided by the students, in the worst case scenario, they may be demoted. "

"Please never forget this."

In addition to the class tutors of each class, the school also arranged other staff to supervise the exams.

This shows how much the school attaches great importance to this exam.

Demotion is enough of a deterrent.

The people sitting here are all adults.

I believe that no one will sacrifice their own interests for the sake of students, not to mention that the school has the final decision-making power.

The morning passed quickly.

During break.

All the teachers around him were taking a lunch break, and only Sagi Chabashira stared at the table blankly.

The Hoshinomiya on the side naturally knew what she was thinking.

this exam.

They had the same experience eleven years ago.

During that exam, Chabashira Sae made a wrong choice to protect her boyfriend.

As a result, they missed the opportunity to be promoted to Class A.

Three years of hard work were in vain.

Not only was she alienated by the people around her, but her new boyfriend also left her, and the friendship in the class collapsed.

And all this.

It's all Sae Sae's fault.

Stubbornly protecting something that should not be protected.


Hoshinomiya Chie will never forgive her.

It's approaching class time.

Sae Chabashira stood up and left her seat absentmindedly, preparing to go to the classroom. Even if she didn't want to face it anymore, she had to face it because of work.

"It's finally time to start, Sae."

Walking to Chabashira Sae, Hoshinomiya Chie smiled brightly.

"It's Zhihui..."

Chabashira Sae finally came back to her senses and looked at this former classmate.

"You've been like this since morning."

Hoshinomiya Chihui suddenly calmed down: "Did you think about the special exam yesterday and didn't sleep well?"

"This class has nothing to do with me now."

Sae Chabashira lowered his head and said in a weak voice: "It doesn't matter whether the student can easily pass the exam or not."

"Yes? Although you don't seem to be able to distinguish it so clearly."


Hoshinomiya Chie made no secret of the hatred in her heart, staring at her best friend in front of her with cold eyes.

"But it's not bad. But Sae-chan, don't forget that you are not qualified to target Class A.

Hear the words.

Sae Chabashira just turned around silently and left for class.

The lowered head could never be raised.

Even if the star doesn’t need to say much.

Sae Chabashira also knew very well that all this was her fault.

The guilt in her heart made her never know how to face the Star Palace, and she was extremely tolerant to the Star Palace every time.


It may be a good choice to follow the arrangements of the Star Palace.

It can alleviate some of the guilt in your heart.

Chabashira Sae has no objection to this. No matter what kind of torture, she can accept it.


even so.

She still wants to be promoted to Class A.

Graduating as Class A makes up for the regrets in my heart.

Class B, second year.


The special examination began unanimously.

Topic 1: Choose which class to compete against in the final exam held in the third semester.

(Even if the position of the class changes, this choice will be given priority. The number in brackets is the additional class points that can be obtained when winning the battle)

Options: Class A (one hundred), Class B (fifty), Class D (zero)

Topic 2: Make an educational trip scheduled for late November and choose your desired travel location.

Options: Hokkaido, Kyoto, Okinawa.

Topic 3:

The personal points issued according to the class points every month will become zero, but three students will be randomly selected from the class and given protection points.

Or the personal points issued will be reduced to half, but any student can be selected to give protection points.

If you do not want to choose any of the above sides, the personal points of those who are among the bottom five in the next written test will become zero.

Topic 4: The following rules selected in the written examination at the end of the second semester will be applied to the class.

Options: Increase difficulty, increase penalties, decrease rewards.


Although there were some disagreements in the middle.

But less than an hour.

Class B successfully passed the first four multiple-choice questions. This exam couldn't be easier for Class B.

The only problem is subject three.


Under the friendly negotiation of Class B.

Everyone decided to give protection points to Ichinose at the cost of half of their personal points for the next six months.

Although Hikigaya still has 33 million personal points, he can cancel the withdrawal penalty at any time.

It is a waste to use personal points to cancel the withdrawal penalty.

…Please give me flowers…

no way.

Now Katsuragi and Ryuuen both have protection points on their bodies, while Class D Koenji and Ayanokouji also have two protection points.

As a class leader.

Ichinose was really at a disadvantage if he didn't have any personal points.

not to mention.

Even if you don't choose, there will be penalties.

Class B has always had a good habit of saving money. Considering that Class B's current half-year personal points only cost 9 million, it's still worth it.

The four selections are over.


Hoshinomiya Chie looked around at each student, her expression still relaxed and she said:

Topic 5: If you ask a classmate to drop out of school, you will get 100 class points.

(If everyone agrees unanimously, then students who want to drop out need to be designated and voted on.)

Options: Yes; Disagree.

Looking at the new test questions that appeared on the podium screen, the students in Class B were simply stunned.


Hikigaya was speechless.

Sure enough, this type of exam will appear.

It's really a bit naive.

When he heard the content of this exam, Hikigaya basically guessed that there would definitely be such a test about human nature.


Will the class points awarded be too few?

Only one hundred points?

How could someone sacrifice a classmate for a hundred points?

It's definitely impossible with Katsuragi's character.

With Ryuuen’s character.

Although he behaves like a tyrant, he would actually choose to drop out of school for the sake of his companions, which he obviously would not do.

As for...Horikita Suzune.


Hikigaya can't see through the current Horikita.


Even from a profit perspective.

This is also a choice that obviously does more harm than good, and Horikita Suzune will definitely not choose it.

'That's true...

Hikigaya thought for a while and nodded.

Compared to sacrificing a companion, the reward of one hundred class points is indeed a bit low.


Think the other way around.

If the reward is too high.

For example, three hundred or five hundred class points.

There are definitely many people who will be seduced by the huge benefits, and then their values ​​will be forcibly distorted by money.

One hundred class points.

No more, no less.

If this is the case, you will also choose to sacrifice your companions to select class points.

It only shows that they are like this in nature.


This kind of examination style makes Hikigaya a little confused. This is obviously not Tsukijo's style, but more like Chairman Sakayanagi's style at the beginning of school.

Has Chairman Yue Cheng stepped down?

Hikigaya held her cheek and turned to look at Shibata and the others.

There should be no one to choose five, right?

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