
The break is over and the game starts again.

Hikigaya came to Gymnasium No. 1 and stood in the audience watching the students who were signing up. He had no intention of participating in the subsequent five events.

With the current B-level physical ability, I should be able to achieve some results in the competition.

But, - this is not important to the overall situation.

It is almost impossible to win Sudou's D class with hard power.

at this time.

The staff in charge of registration was surrounded by many students, vying to register for the competition.

Compared with other sports, the rules of table tennis are relatively simple.

Easy to learn but difficult to master.

Just pick up the racket.

Because of this, there are many people who want to participate, including many acquaintances of Hikigaya.

Registration ends.

Since the rules limited mixed doubles to men and women, the students in front of them were divided into groups of two to prepare for the competition.

Hikigaya took out his mobile phone and looked at the contestants.

Takeru Sudo and Chiaki Matsushita.

Kito Hayabusa and Ando Sayo team up.

In addition, there are many first-year and senior students.

But in second grade.

These two groups may be the ones who have hope of winning the championship.

Shibata actively avoided Sudo's projects.

Although he can barely compete with Sudou, the gap between the two still exists, and it is difficult to win Sudou head-on.

after all.

The purpose of Class B is to gain class points. There is no need to compete with Sudou, just to win as many places as possible.

If you can get first place in all projects.

Maybe he can tie with Sudo for first place in the individual competition, and it is not unacceptable that the two of them will share the two million individual point reward equally.


Hikigaya versus OAA.

Watching Kanji Chi from Class D and the fat Hideo Sotomura, they were gearing up for the game.

It’s not surprising that the two would participate.

As long as you are a normal person, you can play table tennis to some extent.

Hikigaya feels like they are all cannon fodder without any knowledge of themselves.


A problem can also be seen from this. Class D is not really united.

Even if you can't get into the top three.

As long as you can enter the top rankings, you can get some rewards to improve your evaluation within the class.

This may be the purpose of Chi Kuanzhi and others.

The last unanimous special exam.

Horikita Suzune and others forced the weakest Sakura Airi to drop out of school.

In order to avoid being the last in the class, weak people like Chi Kuanji will work harder than before.

Whether this is good or bad, everyone naturally has different opinions.

At least.

Hikigaya feels that it does more harm than good.

In terms of results.

Class D will indeed become stronger than before.



Chi Kuanji and others are not working hard for the class.

Just to avoid becoming victims of the class, talents such as Chi Kuanji have to seek more opportunities to perform.

Students in the lower reaches worry that they will be the next to drop out.

They will definitely start to compete with each other.

From this point of view.

Horikita Suzune did not coordinate the entire class, but tied up the entire D class with interests and intimidation.

Even Horikita Suzune herself has not cooperated with anyone.

Instead, he participated in the sports festival alone and chose the partner with the best chance of winning for the project.

In Koenji's terms.

There is nothing wrong with this. Everyone can still do things and achieve their goals. The powerful Koenji can naturally do whatever he wants.

But Hikigaya does not approve of this approach.

At least, he prefers Ichinose's approach, which is to build a relationship based on trust and affection.

Looking at Chi Kuanzhi and others not far away, whose expressions suddenly turned ugly, they knew without guessing that someone was troubling them.

What we were talking about was nothing more than what happened during the exam in which everyone was unanimous.

Class D is so inhumane.


Ike Kanji and others said nothing but turned around and left, silently enduring it. It must have been Horikita Suzune's warning.

Looking at the scene in front of me.

Hikigaya knew that this was not the chance yet.


It didn’t take long before the game officially started.

Sudo hits a kick.

Solved the team of Kito Hayabusa and Sayo Ando composed of Class A and Class B.

Easily winning first place in table tennis, they could only unfortunately get second place. Hikigaya sighed helplessly.


People who participate in corresponding societies cannot participate in competitions in corresponding events.

Although Ken Sudo may not have much experience in table tennis, his motor skills are indeed excellent. With a little training, he can far surpass most ordinary people.

In sports.

As long as Sudou doesn't get emotional, he is basically invincible.

Even if Class A and Class B cooperated and formed several high-combat teams, they could only barely compete with Sudou.

…Please give me flowers…

And Class C is also cooperating with Class D.

Horikita Suzune and the guy named Onodera are not weak either.

It's true that we can't win

As the team competition continues, with Sudo's performance, the gap will only widen further.

After a few words of encouragement to Sayo Ando and a nod to the guy named Ghost, Hikigaya turned and left.

Outside Gym No. 1.

Hikigaya opened the corresponding APP and browsed through the competition items, the candidates for each event, and the competition results.

Although Shibata's performance seems to be good, the situation is indeed not optimistic.

Hard power is not as good as human beings.

No matter how hard Shibata and Sayo Ando try.

What you can't win just can't be won.

After all, this is not a novel but reality. Even if Shibata becomes friends with football, he can kick a super goal.


At most, I'm afraid I'll only be successful in football...

It is obviously impossible to expect Shibata to explode.

During these two years.

Sudō has indeed grown tremendously.

Now, not only is his athletic ability unmatched, but his average academic ability is not necessarily weaker than him.

After a while.

Even if his academic ability was surpassed by Sudou, Hikigaya wouldn't be surprised.

after all.

Just as Sudou worked hard to memorize words on the road, you can also imagine how hard he works in daily life.

The other party has worked so hard, so it’s not surprising that they have grown so quickly.


Sudou's academic talent is not bad either.

If it were an ordinary person, even if he had the ability to study hard and absorb knowledge, he might not be able to do so quickly.


Sudou's biggest problem is that he gets emotional easily.

Although last time we met, Sudo seemed to have grown a lot, and Hikigaya admitted that he had indeed become better.

No longer as impulsive as before.

Know how to care about the feelings of those around you.

Even if he didn't want to communicate with them, Sudou still stopped to talk to them, and he was not bribed by personal points.

Excellent indeed.

Far better than Akito Miyake, Yukimura, or even most of them.

Hikigaya admitted this frankly.

But it is not so easy for a person to change.

Sudou is not born with knowledge. He is still prone to emotions by nature, and he can change things according to his nature.

He just learned restraint!

Think of this.

Did Hikigaya call the two of them? .

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