Practical Teaching: Hikigaya’s Ability-First Classroom!

Chapter 029 Brother, Don’T Leave! Evidence From A Year Ago

"Fuck you!"

Hear the words.

Sudo Ken couldn't hold back any longer.

Taking three steps and two steps at a time, he walked up to Nakanishi and the others, grabbed Nakanishi's collar with both hands, and stared at them with a red face.

"You spread rumors and speak ill of people behind their backs like this. Have you ever considered other people's feelings? Don't you feel ashamed?"

Said he could.

It's not impossible to destroy Class D.

Even Sudo Ken can bear it.

But Horikita Suzune just can't do it.

Horikita Suzune is like an old flower, kind-hearted, and willing to save even a rotten person like him.

This bunch of people.

I don't understand Horikita Suzune's pain at all.

She had no idea how heavy Horikita Suzune was carrying.

I simply don’t understand how kind-hearted Horikita Suzune is.

Just because Horikita Suzune is beautiful, she secretly lusts after her.

Forget it.

Sudou knew that he couldn't shut the mouths of these rubbish.

But he was still unscrupulously defaming Horikita Suzune behind his back, spreading rumors and causing trouble.

If not for maintaining a trace of sanity.

Sudou really wanted to beat these two scum to death, but he already knew that violence would only intensify the conflict.

As much as possible, we still hope for a peaceful resolution.

But this also depends on the performance of the other party.

"What...what rumors."

Nakanishi felt his calves trembling.

The Sudou in front of him looked fierce and his face was red, as if a bomb could explode at any time.

Full of pressure.

This guy really knows how to beat people up.

"How come Suzune is dating Ryūen."

Sudou grabbed Nakanishi by the collar, gritted his teeth and said with a fierce look: "How could you do those things with Ryuuen? Take back what you just said, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

"Eh? Eh?"

Nakanishi glanced at Sudou's fist, which was as big as a sandbag.

His expression suddenly turned pale.

The nature of mind is nothing but real.


Thinking of Hikigaya's instructions, Nakanishi still stammered and explained:

"This is not a rumor..."


Just when Sudou was about to take action, Beppu quickly grabbed his wrist with all his strength and said anxiously:

"I'm sorry, please calm down. We didn't say this. The whole school is saying this now, and we don't know.


Sudou turned to look at Ryota Beppu, which immediately made him look a little embarrassed.

Sudou is just too scary.

Although his temper seems to have changed a lot, he still has red hair and a fierce face.

When angry, he acts like a gangster.

More importantly.

It was clear to both of them.

What I did was not worthy of praise, so I felt a little guilty.


Thinking of Hikigaya's arrangement, the two are now convinced that the possibility of success is indeed high.

Arrangements are not difficult.

Just let them mix the truth with some lies.

They don't even need to say anything, they just need to find someone Sudo doesn't know to make him relax his vigilance.

Finally, they were chosen.

If refused.

This time Class B will probably end the sports festival in third place.

There was a moment of hesitation in my mind.

Ryota Beppu took out his cell phone with some trembling and opened the forum, trying not to irritate Sudou any more.

It feels like this guy is going to explode at any moment.

"I'm sorry, we really didn't know you liked Horikita, but we really didn't say it. Now it's said so on the forum, and I feel like it's true."


Ryota Beppu showed the phone screen in front of Sudou and clicked on the video.

Sudou's attention was instantly attracted.

in the screen.

Horikita Suzune's silky black hair reached her waist, standing in front of Ryuuen and Kushida Kikyo.

Although he didn't understand why Kushida stood with Kushida, Sudou's eyes were completely attracted to the lover of his dreams.

in the screen.

The three of them didn't know what they were talking about.

At this moment, Horikita Suzune was seen squatting on the ground with her legs bent, as if she was about to kneel down to Ryuuen.


The video ends here.

It was the sports festival last year.

The video of Horikita Suzune being threatened by Ryuuen was only slightly edited by Hikigaya, leaving only the key parts.

This video.

I found it in the chat history with Horikita Manabu.

Although there is no other content in the dialogue, it is enough to give people the feeling that Horikita Suzune expressed her surrender to Ryuuen.

Watching the video playing on repeat.


Sudou Ken gritted his teeth and said, his eyes were red.

When doubting someone.

All I can think of is the bad side of this person.

Not only him, Class D was originally a little suspicious. Horikita Suzune clearly hated Ryuuen, so why would Class ¢ cooperate with her?

Although Horikita Suzune's reasons are very good.

But now.

Sudou couldn't help but have other ideas.

After all, the video is right in front of you, so it is not unreasonable to speculate that Horikita Suzune was played by Ryuuen.

No matter whether Horikita Suzune did anything with Ryuuen or not, it was a fact that Ryuuen forced Horikita Suzune to kneel down.

There is no doubt that Horikita Suzune's dignity has been tarnished.

"Shameless villain..."

Sudou still held Nakanishi by the collar, looked at Beppu Ryota next to him and said coldly:

"You just said that Ryuuen was playing basketball?"


Beppu Ryota's face was stiff: ".々We are not very clear. We were playing basketball just now, but now it is not clear. Let me help you take a look."



Before Ryota Beppu could speak, Sudou pushed Nakanishi to the ground and walked towards Gymnasium 2.

The steps under his feet could not help but change from slow to fast, and he could no longer suppress the anger in his heart and began to run.

How how.

Ryuuen actually bullied Horikita Suzune like this.

All are absolutely unforgivable.

"It hurts me so much."

Wait for Sudou to leave.

Nakanishi rubbed his butt and felt pain all over his face.

The blow just now almost knocked him apart, which shows how much strength Sudou used.

"Is everything okay?"

"It's not bad."


Ryota Beppu sighed, feeling helpless:

"I almost forgot that Sudou was so scary when he was angry."

"Yeah, my legs are still a little weak now."

Chinese and Western tastes are also a bit bitter.

After all, both of them are condensed to the essence type. Mensu's 1.8 meter body is also full of tendons.

It's really not enough.


(Yes) Nakanishi hesitated and said: "Ryouta, do you think what Hikigaya told us to say is true or false? Ryuuen and Horikita can't be true..."


Beppu Ryota also hesitated: "That's not very clear. But Class D's actions are indeed a bit strange."

after all.

The last time everyone was unanimous in the exam.

Although Kushida Kikyo's true face is indeed shocking, his approach is really stupid.

If you say.

Kushida Kikyo's series of operations were arranged by Ryuuen.

Whether it’s Kushida Kikyo or Horikita Suzune.

They have all been controlled by Ryuuen, and Class D has actually fallen into Ryuuen's hands.

Class D was just putting on a show.

Ryuuen wants to gain greater benefits from Class D.

It feels more reasonable to think this way.

Even they couldn't tell whether it was true or false, let alone Sudo, a dog-licker.

More importantly.

Once such rumors spread, Horikita Suzune will once again be suspected by the rest of Class D. .

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