Class D, second year.

Horikita Suzune walked up to Hasebe Haruka.

"Hasebe-san, could you please join me to persuade Hikigaya? At least find out the reason why he did this."


Hasebe Haruka showed a sarcastic smile, which was much more straightforward than Karuizawa's.

"You want me to help convince small businesses to stop? Do you think it's possible? In the final analysis, it's not you who made Airi drop out of school.

"What, now you can't tell me whether to do it or not?"

Hasebe Haruka was a little disdainful, but felt very happy inside.

Ignore the class.

He sided with Hikigaya without hesitation.

Although she didn't understand the reason why Hikigaya did this, she just liked to see Horikita Suzune and others being punished for what they did to her.

If it were someone like Chi Kuanzhi.

Hearing is allowed to be done but not allowed to be said.

I was basically stunned speechless.


However, Horikita Suzune took a deep breath and said in a serious voice:

"Hasebe Haruka, it's natural for you to resent me. Maybe one day I will suffer painful retribution."

"But I don't intend to make an insincere apology. No matter how many excuses I make, I judge that Kushida-san should be retained. It is a fact that I have changed my mind."

"For the sake of the class, I have judged that the one who can be a fighting force is Kushida-san, and this is slowly turning into a certainty."

Only sincerity is the last resort.

Horikita Suzune didn't think there was anything wrong with what she did.

Even if she repeats it countless times, she will make the same choice.

Kushida retreated to Sakura.

In fact.

During the sports festival.

Although she couldn't get closer to people as before, Kushida Kikyo also participated in ten events and contributed to the class.

no matter what the result is.

As a combat power, Kushida Kikyo's value is higher than Sakura Airi's, and this is the same in everyone's eyes.

"Even if Yokoyama-san is excellent, there are others who are incompetent. It doesn't have to be that kid."

Hasebe Haruka could not refute, and said with some emotion.


She can also understand Horikita Suzune's approach.

In other words, if you think about it from the perspective of strength, anyone can understand Horikita Suzune's approach.

This is not difficult, even Haruki Yamauchi can judge it.

The only thing I hate is that the person who dropped out of school is Sakura Airi.

Will be assigned to Class D.

Hasebe Haruka is also unable to be as kind as Kobashi Yume and others. Her kindness is only directed at people close to her.

"In this case."

"No matter what the process is."

"The result is that Sakura Airi hasn't dropped out of school yet, right?"

Horikita Suzune said with deep eyes:

Hasebe-san, aren't you just angry with us when you are making trouble like this? You are just ignoring the class's thoughts because of your own emotions. Could you please consider it for the sake of the class?


After hesitating for a moment and seeing that no one around him spoke, Matsushita Chiaki was still a little unhappy and said:

"Hasebe-san, we all understand your dissatisfaction. Maybe we can stop mixing personal feelings and think more about the class?"

The implication.

Can you please stop being so selfish?

No one in Class D thinks they can be a bad person.

Sakura Airi dropped out of school, and everyone knew that they had done something wrong, and they always felt guilty towards Hasebe Haruka.



You, Haruka Hasebe, are somewhat resentful, and we all admit it.

the second time.

You, Haruka Hasebe, are still a little resentful. It’s not that we can’t understand it and we can tolerate it.

the third time.

If you, Hasebe Haruka, are still resentful, then it’s because you are ignorant.

A class where Sakura Airison is now.

Which one is more important, you can’t tell, right?

Everything has its limits.

Express your inner dissatisfaction without any scruples.

The meager guilt in everyone's heart had already been wiped away by Hasebe Haruga [and they began to feel dissatisfied with Hasebe.


Maya Sato and others rolled their long hair around their ears with their fingertips and said more directly:

"Hasebe-san, we know that you have a good relationship with Sakura, and we didn't say anything more about your relationship with Hikigaya."

"But now that everyone is taking action against us, can you do more for the class exam and stop being so selfish?"

You, Haruka Hasebe, were dating people from other classes, but we didn’t say anything more and still trusted you so much.

See how generous we are.

In fact, it was just that they didn't take Hasebe Haruka seriously, so it didn't matter anyway.

But just say it casually.

Everyone also knew very well that having Hasebe Haruka to convince Hikigaya was obviously more reliable than Horikita Suzune.

"Yes, as"

Yukimura hesitated and said: "This is Hikigaya dealing with us, without considering the feelings of you and Karuizawa.

…Please give me flowers…

"Or does it mean that he also agrees that you don't need to worry about the relationship between the two parties and can compete directly?"

"Can you say a few words to Hikigaya?"

Faced with the accusations and doubts from everyone and Yukimura, Hasebe Naka's face turned stiff.

Naturally clear.

Although Hikigaya didn't tell them, she also said that they didn't need to care about the relationship between the two parties and could compete as they pleased.

Following everyone's accusations and seeing Hasebe Haruka's attitude becoming somewhat relaxed, Horikita Suzune also spoke at the right time.


"We also know your relationship with Hikigaya, and we don't ask you to convince Hikigaya.

"When the time comes, you just need to stay nearby. Leave the rest to me."

"At least we need to understand Hikigaya's motivation for doing this?"



Horikita Suzune looked serious.

As long as Hasebe Haruka is sitting next to him, I believe Hikigaya will have some scruples and consider Hasebe Haruka's feelings.

No matter how I think of Hikigaya's motive for doing this, he can only vent his anger on Sakura Airi.

But for this reason.

It is so stupid and completely untenable.

If it were just such a stupid reason, Horikita Suzune was very confident, so it shouldn't be difficult to convince Hikigaya.


Horikita Suzune continued:

"Class B will also give Class C one million personal points every month for this. Stopping this will be very beneficial to Hikigaya and the others, right?"

"Yes, Hasebe-san, you can just sit next to me then."

"Hasebe-kun, please help me."

"Sakura hasn't dropped out of school anyway, so don't get angry with us anymore."

Hearing what everyone said to each other, Karuizawa shivered in fear and did not dare to speak.

There is violence in numbers.

Hearing everyone around them criticize, most people must have a little self-doubt.

"All right.…"

Hasebe Haruka's eyes were a little evasive, and she pursed her lips and nodded.

It's exactly what Horikita Suzune said.

This matter is not good for Class B at all, at least they can't see it.

And hearing the accusations and pleas from everyone around him, Hasebe Haruka felt a little uncomfortable.


She's not as good at pretending as Karuizawa.

Good people cannot survive in a group of bad people.


Still a kind-hearted person makes concessions. .

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