Practical Teaching: Hikigaya’s Ability-First Classroom!

Chapter 050 Say What You Said Yesterday Again In Front Of Her

The next day.

After school.

Everyone made an appointment in front of Pallet Cafe.

at this time.

Hasebe Haruka was still sitting next to Horikita Suzune, just holding her cheeks and eating snacks casually.

His expression was not as complicated as yesterday.

Since Horikita Suzune feels that she needs her help, then she can help. Whether or not she can convince Hikigaya is Horikita Suzune's own business.

People like Horikita Suzune and Class D are ungrateful.

There is no need to take it too seriously, just do it casually.

The only difference is.

Hikigaya brought Sakura Airi with her.

"Where did you talk about yesterday?"

Hikigaya rested his arms on the table and stared at Horikita Suzune opposite him with burning eyes:

"By the way, Horikita, why do you want to be promoted to Class A?"


Say what you said yesterday again in front of Sakura Airi.

Hikigaya wants to see if this guy is really hypocritical to this point and can he still say it shamelessly?


Looking at Sakura Airi in front of her.

Horikita Suzune sighed helplessly, and instantly understood what Hikigaya meant.

What is sitting in front of me is not a qualified leader.

Yesterday, Hikigaya was not moved. He just went back to 227 to bring Sakura Airi to him.

No matter how many times you want me to say it. "

Horikita Suzune didn't feel that she was at fault. She beat her heart with her fist and was determined:

"I want to be promoted to Class A for everyone's sake!"


Hasebe Haruka couldn't help laughing, but he didn't say much, forget it, this guy could say whatever he liked.

Sakura Airi on the side looked up at Horikita Suzune. It seemed that she had been expelled from the class by Horikita Suzune.

"Haha, everyone?"

Hikigaya took a deep breath and said calmly.

"Who are the people you are talking about? Are they the people who say 'everyone has it' when they act coquettishly like mom and buy things? Who are they?"

"I have no friends, so I've never used this excuse."

"Horikita-kun, please explain to me, who are the people you are talking about? Isn't Sakura one of the people?"

There is nothing wrong with being selfish.

But using everyone and the class as an excuse really made Hikigaya a little sick.


I don’t know what influenced Horikita Suzune, but she already has an extremely firm will.


Horikita Suzune sighed, feeling that Hikigaya was unreasonable, and explained in a sincere tone:

"Sakura Yumae (bddf) is naturally a member of Class D. If possible, I don't want anyone to drop out.

"But there was nothing we could do about it at the time. In order to be promoted to Class A, dropping out of school Sakura was the most advantageous choice for her."

"I haven't changed my mind yet."

Horikita Suzune has always believed that sincerity is the surest way.

As long as you say it seriously, as long as you apologize sincerely, I believe the other party can understand.

Whether it's Sakura Airi or Hasebe Haruka.

They have all been successfully persuaded by her.

Now both Haruka Hasebe and Airi Sakura have let go of this past, but Hikigaya is the only one who is still clinging to this lunatic.

"Promoted to Class A."

Hikigaya sneered: "It's really a relaxing way to wait for someone to get hurt and then push her out in exchange for class points."


Horikita Suzune sighed again and looked at Hikigaya with a somewhat complicated look.

I don’t know what Class B was thinking about changing the leader from Ichinose to Hikigaya.

What a disaster it is to have such a leader.

"That's really easy to say."

Horikita Suzune shook her head helplessly: "Abandoning a comrade is not something you say is so easy."

"At the end of the day."

"You are in the upper class."

"I must have never experienced the days when I could only eat mountain and vegetable set meals every month."

"I must not have experienced it. I can only watch others enjoying campus life."

"There must never be a time when someone is ridiculing a defective product but has no choice but to swallow it."

"You have always been in the upper class, Jugai can't understand the lower class's obsession with class points.

"Isn't it?"

Horikita Suzune affirmed several times in a row and was determined.

These higher-ranking classes simply cannot understand the feelings and pain of Class D. They can only stand on the mountain and make sarcastic remarks.

Hear her words.

Hikigaya looked a little ugly.

As expected, it was impossible to convince Horikita Suzune by talking.

Obviously, the people in Class D, including Haruka Hasebe, have some flaws.

There is no doubt that the product is defective.

Looking at Hikigaya's ugly face, Horikita Suzune took advantage of the victory and pursued her.

"Besides, even Sakura and Hasebe-san don't care about it now, Hikigaya, what else do you have to care about?"

"It's a waste of Class B's personal points. As a leader, how about you give Class B a little thought?"

Hikigaya's expression turned extremely ugly.

When school started, Horikita Suzune was fine, but now he and Horikita Suzune really can't understand each other.

"Do you think you have convinced Airi and Jia? Airi is the best person to persuade?"

Hikigaya raised his chin slightly and asked with some disgust.

"That's right."

Horikita Suzune looked calm and said frankly: "This is also true, isn't it?"

That's just the way it is.

She has successfully convinced Sakura Airi and Hasebe Haruka.

If it weren't for Hikigaya, Sakura Airi would have dropped out of school, and Hasebe Haruka would have been persuaded by her.

What's wrong with this?

I can only blame Sakura Airi for being the last in OAA and lacking in social skills.

Everything is strength.

She just made the best choice for the class!


Hikigaya slammed the table hard, startling Hasebe Haruka and Sakura Airi.

This was the first time I saw Hikigaya looking so angry.

Only Horikita Suzune remained as calm as water, staring into Hikigaya's eyes with a calm expression.

It is obviously impossible to scare her with this method.

All I can do is be incompetent and furious.


Hikigaya stood up and looked down at Horikita Suzune with a cold expression.

"All your calculations are based on love and kindness."


If being mean can be considered a kind of strength.

Hikigaya feels that he is invincible, at least in this school, and it seems that no one can be more despicable than him.

"I don't."

Horikita Suzune was stunned for a moment, a little moved, and then stood up involuntarily to refute.

"Sakura is not strong enough and is ranked last in OAA. This is just the right choice for the class."

"Being able to reach unanimous agreement means that everyone agrees."

"Hikigaya, you are the one, think about the class, continue to waste the class's personal points like this, and target Class D without any purpose."

"It's really stupid, and don't you think you are selfish?"

Staring at Horikita Suzune in front of her, Hikigaya looked at her coldly and did not respond.

The emotion in that moment just now didn't seem to be fake.

Apparently Horikita Suzune didn't think that she would be a bastard who took advantage of other people's kindness.

Serious doubt.

This guy is just plain stupid.

It's just that Horikita Suzune seems to have entered a dead end, unable to recognize her mistake, or unwilling to admit it even to death.

Since you don't admit it.

Then wait for mugwort. .

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