Keyaki Mall.

Karaoke box.

Kiriyama Ikuha and Asahina sat across from Hikigaya.

"So, Hikigaya-kun wants me to sing?"

Asahina held the juice and tilted her little head and said in confusion.

I originally thought that she would be like Guiryuuin Maple Flower, who immediately lost interest after the medical visit.

did not expect.

After turning on the phone for a moment, Asahina came over directly, leaving Hikigaya's originally prepared words useless.

Even disappointed.

Asahina Asahina is obviously not opposed to becoming ordinary friends either.

Most of this was due to Ichinose, who probably said a lot of good things about Hikigaya around her.

Asahina always had a good impression of him.


Hikigaya didn't hide anything.

"I want to deal with Nan Yunya, and I wonder if I can ask you two to help.


The two of them were stunned.

Hikigaya has surrendered like Nagumoya.

And the reasons are very good. If you buy the turnover, you can basically be sure to enter the top four.

Now turn around and deal with Nagyunya?

What to do with the Class B cultural festival in the second year and what to do with the personal points spent.

Now deal with Nagyunya.

Isn't this a disease?

"What are your plans?"

Kiriyama Ikuha asked with a frown, looking at Hikigaya with a somewhat complicated look.

I originally thought that Hikigaya had surrendered, but unexpectedly, he still wanted to resist Nagumo Ya.


This is something worth supporting.

13 Kiriyama Ikuha has always been dissatisfied with Nagumo Ya's arbitrary and exclusive behavior.


Resisting Nagumo Ya now will undoubtedly do more harm than good to Hikigaya.


Asahina was stunned for a moment, then suddenly became excited:

"So you haven't given up yet. Are you going to deal with Ya? Let me know if you have any plans. I'm willing to help!"

"I won't tell you the plan."

Hikigaya explained in a deep voice: "When the time comes, all you need to do is support me. Of course, it would be better if you can reveal some dirty information about Nagumo. If you don't, forget it."


If it's too much trouble, don't trouble others.

When Nan Yunya did not question the purchase turnover, his failure was already doomed.

Having Asahina and others help is just the icing on the cake.

Just increase the success rate.


Kiriyama Ikuha frowned:

"Can't you trust me?"

"Kind of."

Hikigaya nodded and said frankly.

Although there was a connection with Horikita Manabu, his knowledge of Kiriyama Ikuha was too little, and he could not trust him 100%.

Kiriyama Ikuha thought for a moment, but he wasn't surprised at all.

"If I tell him now that you are going to deal with Nagyunya, what will you do?"

"It doesn't have much impact."

"I see."

Kiriyama Ikuha nodded, then shook his head and said:

"If you can't tell me the complete plan, I can't make a guarantee. The best I can do is to play it by ear. If there is a chance to deal with Nanyun, I will take action and win over some people. Is that okay?"


Instead, Hikigaya was stunned.

I originally thought it would take a lot of effort, but I didn't expect Kiriyama Iruha to agree so easily.

See this.

Kiriyama Ikuha couldn't help but smile and said a little complicatedly.

"Don't be so surprised. Although Nanyun will not forgive those who betray him, he is very tolerant of those who have strength.

"Even if it's just to maintain my rule over Class B for three years, I still have value."

"At least Nanyun is indeed worthy of trust in implementing his own ideas."

"That's true."

Asahina on the side also nodded.


Nagyun Ya's rule was definitely not achieved overnight.

Kiriyama Ikuha or other third-year leaders must have resisted before, but they all failed in the end.


Nagyun Ya also did not create a big purge for them.

As long as you have strength, you can have your own ideas, whether to resist or obey.

As long as the strength is enough, that's fine.

At least Nan Yunya is indeed trustworthy in terms of putting personal strength first.


This is the leadership charisma of Nagyunya that can be recognized by so many people.

Regardless of whether the means of conduct are praiseworthy or not.

If Nagyunya can reach this point, she must have her own merits.

all of these.

It still stems from trust in Nagyunya.

Although Nan Yunya acted arbitrarily and ignored the thoughts of those around her, her methods were also despicable.

But the exam on the uninhabited island encountered an accident.

Nagumo Masato never made a mistake.


Hearing this, Hikigaya frowned:

"Um...Senior Kiriyama, if you have such optimistic thoughts, I advise you not to take action. I don't necessarily need your help. w

"Then I'll squeeze it."

Asahina pointed at herself: "I also want Masa to be defeated once. It's very troublesome to see him so arrogant.

"You and him are childhood sweethearts, right? That can only be judged by yourself, but I advise you not to be too optimistic about Nan Yun. It is best to think that he may take it out on you and make you drop out of school."

Hikigaya explained in a deep voice that he was not maliciously trying to undermine Nagyunya.

Although Nagumo Ya performed perfectly, Hikigaya would not be deceived so easily.

after all.

Nagumoya never fails.

This makes Nan Yunya's journey too smooth, her vigilance is too low, and it is even more difficult for her to recognize her true self.


Nan Yunya is also doubting whether she is really powerful.

Only then did he struggle to become an enemy of the strong.

Everything about him.

It is all based on the fact that he graduated from Class A 100% and can perfectly suppress the 'rebellious' behavior of Kiriyama Ikuha and others.


This was all achieved by Nagyunya through her own personal strength.

But it is precisely because of this that Nan Yunya can be so calm.

Treat the entanglements and rebellions of Kiriyama Ikuha and others purely as fun.


How would Nagyun Ya behave like this when he really failed?

No one knows.

It may be used to go further, or it may expose one's true nature.

One cannot just look at the ordinary.

The most important thing is to see how he faces failure and the choices he makes at critical moments.

Just like Ayanokouji and Horikita Suzune.

No matter how well you perform or how high-sounding your words are, you will not hesitate to take action against your own people at critical moments.

This is the nature of these two people, and it is the most terrifying thing.


Horikita Suzune might be just plain stupid.

But Ayanokouji must be cold-blooded, ruthless and extremely selfish, and even people around him will feel scared when they see him.

Tongshan looked thoughtful and a little confused.

It's obviously impossible to say that I'm not worried at all, and I really can't stand Nagyunya's style.


"You said you support you, can you do it anonymously?"

Kiriyama came up with a compromise plan.


Hikigaya nodded indifferently.

It’s good for people to be able to do this. 573 There is no need to be too harsh on people with whom you are not familiar.

"That's fine."

"That's just the way it is."

Hikigaya nodded and continued: "If you succeed, I can provide you with the opportunity to be promoted to Class A, but whether you can graduate from Class A depends on your strength.

"Huh? Are you serious?"

Kiriyama Ikuha was dumbfounded, and Asahina Hagibi on the other side was also a little surprised.

"Of course it is true, but in the end it still depends on the seniors themselves."

Hikigaya nodded and turned to look at Asahina.

Let's speak clearly first to avoid being resented later, but the premise of all this is that Asahina is a good person.

Not only had he selflessly helped Ichinose before, but he also had the heart to deal with Nagumo Ya.

"So, does Asahina-senpai think it's okay?"


Asahina scratched her hair and was obviously hesitant. After thinking for a moment, she shook her head and said:

"Although I don't really care about graduating from Class A, I feel a little sorry for everyone in the class. I'd better forget it."

"However, Hikigaya, you can rest assured that I will not tell Hikigaya about this matter. Whether you can graduate from Class A in the end depends on everyone. I also believe that everyone has such strength."

"I will cheer for you in my heart! I must beat Ya to death."


Hikigaya twitched the corner of his mouth and nodded.

In the end, only Kiriyama-senpai agreed.

The assistance of two people is not necessary, but it is more likely to succeed.


Having a childhood sweetheart like Asahina is truly a disaster.

in other words.

To the extent that even a childhood sweetheart like Asahina wants to stand on the opposite side, Nagumo Miyabi must have her own problems. .

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