Parrett Cafe.

Upon hearing Hikigaya's call, Karuizawa and others were speechless.

"It's obviously a holiday, and it's still Christmas, why is the school like this?"

"I can't help it. It's the fate of office workers to be called back to work on holidays. Something big must have happened, otherwise the teacher wouldn't have informed us like this.

"Then Xiaoqi, Hanami-chan, let us take the things back."

"Thank you."

The two smiled and handed the two large shopping bags to Sakura Airi and others.

Although it is not expensive, there are still quite a lot of things to buy. It is definitely inconvenient to take them to school. It would be better to ask Sakura Airi and others to help take them back.

Looking at the scene in front of me.

Horikita Suzune was slightly moved as she held the shopping bag in her hand.

But after taking a look at Karuizawa and the others, they seemed to have no intention of helping her carry anything.

I haven't felt anything before.

It wasn't until this time of need that Horikita Suzune felt cold for the first time.

“Forget it, it’s not impossible.

Horikita Suzune returned to the front desk.

Spend personal points on home delivery.

Although it is only delivered to the dormitory building, you can just take it with you when you go back.

as usual.

Anyway, I am always alone, as long as I solve it by myself.

The three of them headed to school together.

Horikita Suzune is wearing jeans and a windbreaker today, and the three of them are also wearing casual clothes. Although there is something wrong, it should be okay today.


Hikigaya said with some concern: "Did Chabashira-sensei also inform you to go to school?"


After hesitating for a moment, Horikita Suzune nodded.

Although it's unpleasant to watch Hikigaya, at least she doesn't bring her emotions to work.

"Judging from the current situation, we who have been notified are all members of the student union. Ichinose, do you have any clues?"

"No, I haven't received any contact. There were just some minor disputes in the past few days. There should be no genius.

"Furthermore, Kushida was not notified about the student council matter. Could it be related to the special examination?"

Ichinose and Hikigaya looked at each other.

Special exams are suddenly scheduled during the holidays.


It's not impossible to do this with the urine quality of this school...

"I can't think of anything after thinking about it. Anyway, let's go and talk about it first."

Hikigaya shook his head and quickened his pace.

After all, this was the first time I had seen Hoshinomiya Zhihui look so serious.

Horikita Suzune and Ichinose were walking beside Hikigaya.

Strange to say.

It was obvious that Hikigaya was unhappy, but for some reason Horikita Suzune didn't feel disgusted when she followed Hikigaya.

On the contrary, there is a feeling of...relaxation and joy.

The stress accumulated during this period also disappeared in these few steps.

meeting room.

Hikigaya pushed open the door and entered.

As soon as he came into view, he saw Katsuragi and Nanase Tsubasa sitting on both sides of the conference room.

Other than that.

Third-year students Kiriyama Iruha, Kiryuin Kaedeka, and two seniors.

Second graders Yusu Sakayanagi, Sho Ryuuen, Ayanokouji, Sudō, Yosuke Hirata, as well as Ryuuen and Ki Ibuki.

First-year students Kyo Ishigami, Ichika Amasawa, Riku Utsunomiya, Sakurako Tsubaki, and Kazuomi Hoizumi.

And a student from Class B of the first year, I remember his name was Yuta Sakamoto.

He should be the new leader of Class B in the first year.

Everyone was sitting around the conference room, with Chairman Sakayanagi and many teachers sitting at the main seats.

as well as...

Sitting in the middle of everyone on the West Bank...

"Hikigaya, Ichinose, and Horikita, sit down."

Hearing Hoshinomiya's words, Hikigaya and others were a little confused in the empty seats.

I didn't expect that so many people would be called.

This obviously has nothing to do with the student union.


Not only the leaders of each class, but also loners like Kiryuin and Ibuki Mio are also there. What is the reason for choosing these people.

Hikigaya and several others turned to look at the west bank in the field.

He was in tears and kept wiping the tears in front of his eyes with his sleeves. He cried endlessly, which made Long Yuan and Bao Quan feel a little disgusted.

It’s so useless.

Last time, he followed Nagumo's order to trick Sumida, but Hikigaya gave in instantly when he found the evidence.

He should have been dropped out of school long ago.

After being forgiven, he backstabbed Hikigaya again and switched to Nagumo.



It's the label on him.

Although I don't know what happened, crying like this doesn't look like a man at all.

"Okay, now that everyone is here, let's get started."

Chairman Sakayanagi sighed heavily and stared sharply at Nishigan who was sitting in his seat.

"Xi'an, according to surveillance and identification by several students and staff, you entered the bathroom on the right side of the third floor of Shidax at 10:05 this morning and risked the murder of Nagyunya who was also in the bathroom. Do you have anything to say?"

The word murder immediately stunned everyone present, and Hikigaya was also a little shocked.


Since it is still being solved at school, it must have been unsuccessful.

However, the school obviously did not let it go without reason, but had already obtained a large amount of evidence.

"No, no, no..."

Feeling the sharp gazes of several adult teachers, Xi'an burst into tears and cried with aggrieved face:

"I'm obviously very obedient, why don't you let me go? I'm obviously about to graduate, why do you have to let us drop out of school? Woohoo..."

".々The reason is clear to us, but it seems you don't deny the murder?"

"No, no, I just...just poked him a little bit. It's okay. It should be okay..."

The room was breathing slightly heavy.

Ichinose, Ryuuen, Horikita Suzune, Sakayanagi Arisu and others were suddenly shocked, as if they had not considered this possibility at all.

Hikigaya lowered his head silently.

This possibility was also not considered.


However, he considered that Nagyunya would definitely not let Nishigan and Takatomi go, so he deliberately left Nishigan and Takatomi behind to attract Nagyunya's attention to delay time.

I hope the two can delay it until Nagyunya graduates.

The fact was indeed as he expected.

Just a few days ago, during the special examination for the third grade, I opened this school.


I really didn't expect it to turn out like this...

That's true.

The result of Takatomi dropping out of school a few days ago was known to the whole school. He must have used various methods to get a ball, so please forgive him.

pity. (Okay, Zhao) Graduation is clearly approaching.

And he has a lot of personal points.

It is entirely possible that Nagyunya could guarantee that she would at least graduate from Class A but still refuse to let them go.

After all, they exist.

It seems that it always means that Nagumoya is being plotted by Hikigaya, which shows his incompetence. Nagumoya cannot tolerate the existence of the two of them.

Bullying an honest person is too cruel...

It will become like this now.

Judging from the dialogue alone, it was probably Nishi On who brought a knife into the toilet privately and had a dispute with Nagyunya, and stabbed her directly.

After realizing that he had committed a murder, Xi'an was so frightened that he wanted to run away, which is why he attracted the attention of the staff...

With the school's calm attitude, it's probably not a big deal.

There is surveillance outside the bathroom.

There are also identifications from several staff members or students.

Nagumo Miya might be fine too.

There's basically no way to argue...

Hikigaya silently clenched his fists, only to find that his palms were sweating. Chairman Sakayanagi also noticed this scene.

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