Hikigaya was a little helpless.

In any case, the decision-making power is in the hands of the school, and it still depends on the school's decision.

"Then what will the school do?"

Chairman Sakayanagi crossed his arms and looked serious.

"The school will respect students' autonomy from beginning to end and try its best to avoid interfering in matters between students, but if human life is involved, it is a different matter. Do you understand?

"I see..."

Hikigaya lowered his gaze and looked at the ground.

The implication.

The school does not want to interfere in the affairs between students.

After all, such a result is entirely the student's own choice and ability. Whether it is considered bullying is difficult to define.

There are also many people who use bullying as an excuse to pretend to be victims.

But if there is a possibility of human life.

Naturally, the school will not sit idly by.


By now.

The matter of Class D is no longer a problem that can be solved by individual abilities.

Even the school administration.

Maybe there is no particularly good way.

Even if it is mandatory for the whole grade to shut up and talk about related topics.

Those who violate the rules will be immediately expelled from school.

freedom of speech.

It is everyone's right, at least on the surface.

Let’s not talk about whether this is fair to others.

Even taking tough misses.

Others' prejudice, ridicule, and cold violence against Class D will not stop here.

Chairman Sakayanagi would probably hint to him like this.


Even so, Hikigaya can't do anything. The only person who can do anything is Sakura Airi.

As long as Sakura Airi forgives Class D in public and exchanges a few friendly words with the people of Class D, it will be fine.

Although it still cannot change the status quo.

But it can provide the people of Class D with an outlet and a means of counterattack, so that their spirits will not collapse.

For example, 'The victim himself didn't say anything, so who do you think he is?', 'The victim himself didn't say anything, why are you pretending to be a big-tailed wolf?', 'You are all just standing on the highest moral point, and a man's heart will judge a gentleman's heart. 'Such an excuse.

That's all.

It would make the people in Class D feel a lot more comfortable.

After all, he has the best relationship with Sakura Airi. Chairman Sakayanagi may not be able to demand Sakura Airi from the school's standpoint.

I hope he can convince Sakura Airi to forgive the people in Class D and show it in public.

This may be the only solution with minimal side effects.

This is not difficult.

Hikigaya is clear.

Sakura doesn't resent Class D too much, which shows that it's easy for her. I believe Sakura can easily agree.

He wasn't even needed.

As long as someone from Class D takes the initiative to apologize, Sakura Airi will probably expose it.

The issue is.

This will undoubtedly lower Sakura Airi's evaluation and make Sakura Airi look particularly easy to bully.

There is a thin line between kindness and weakness.

Being able to forgive them easily even if they are abandoned by the whole class will give people the impression that they are weak and can be bullied.

never mind.

It's not a big deal, and it's not certain whether it will happen.

It would be nice if they stood by Sakura Airi's side then.

It wasn't difficult to convince Sakura.

The problem is that Sakura Airi is asked to solve the problem of Class D. Hikigaya is a little unhappy because of the previous events.

An agreement with Horikita Manabu.

Everything that can be done has been done, any ideas are Horikita Suzune's own business.


So much money was spent and so much energy wasted.

In the end, you have to wipe Class D’s butt yourself again?

It's not like he was depressed, but Hikigaya felt something was wrong no matter how he thought about it, as if he owed Class D...

At least some benefits must be exchanged.

Hikigaya looked up at Chairman Sakayanagi, pretending to be hesitant.

"What's wrong?"

"In that case, I have an idea that I might try.

Hikigaya didn't say everything. Anyway, there is no need to explain things clearly that you know and I know. He just suggested:

"I just need the school to agree to two conditions."

Chairman Sakayanagi looked indifferent, but felt quite satisfied inside.

after all.

The key figure is Sakura Airi, if Hikigaya is stubborn.

Insisting on using this method to completely defeat Class D, it is only a matter of time. Chairman Sakayanagi does not have a particularly good way to deal with it.

The most that can be done is to force people in the school to shut up.

No further talk is allowed.

It is not certain whether the problem can be solved, and it will also damage the impartiality of the school.

Fortunately Hikigaya did not do this.

Compromise and concession are compulsory courses for a politician, and boring self-esteem is only a stumbling block on the road to progress.

Know how to compromise in exchange for benefits that are beneficial to you.

That's what smart people do.

It's just still too tender.

…Please give me flowers…

"Are you negotiating terms with me?"

Chairman Sakayanagi's eyes were sharp and he said coldly, his tone making people feel a chill.

He naturally needs to distinguish whether it is a smart compromise or a weakness for his father-in-law or chairman.

not to mention.

The position of being a father-in-law.

It's also good to let this guy know up front that the world isn't that simple.

"of course not."

Hikigaya forced a smile.

It feels like this father-in-law can change his face faster than turning the pages of a book.

Then he took a deep breath and said:

"Although I don't know how the school will solve the problem, my idea should be able to minimize the impact, and it should have a certain educational significance. If not, forget it...

If you can't, pull him down.

Let the school figure it out on its own.

He would definitely not help convince Sakura Airi anyway.


The school's forced termination was like a mechanical deception.

Let his efforts of more than half a year go to waste, what if he doesn't get some benefits for Class B?


Chairman Sakayanagi was silent for a moment with the light reflected in his lenses.

"Let's talk about it first."

"Let me design two special exams. Although there may be some omissions based on the students' abilities, I will leave it to the teachers to help.

"Huh? You should know..."

"Ok, I know."

Before Chairman Sakayanagi finished speaking, Hikigaya showed a sly smile and said:

"Guaranteed to be absolutely fair so that no one can find fault!"

No matter what kind of test, who designed the test, whether it is biased towards that class, maintaining fairness on the surface is the bottom line of the school.

Chairman Sakayanagi thought for a moment.

Obviously Hikigaya is not weak or ignorant, but has a sense of proportion.

"As long as it's fair, there's no problem. What kind of exam do you want to design?"

"First of all, it's an exam just like the unanimous exam. At least the questions are designed by me, and then..."

Hikigaya smiled.

After telling Chairman Sakayanagi his thoughts in detail, he turned and left the meeting room.

Before leaving, Chairman Liu said:

"If you really care, you can go to the hospital to see Nanyun, but you'd better not see him now.

Hikigaya nodded and turned to leave.

Let him prove it.

The so-called fairness is so false.

What a big lie the so-called strength is. .

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