Practical Teaching: Hikigaya’s Ability-First Classroom!

Chapter 216 Speculation, Counterattack.

Exchange of offense and defense.

Hikigaya squatted in the catcher's area, observing the scene in front of him.

The entire baseball stadium has an unobstructed view.

After this period of training.

In Hikigaya understanding.

Catchers need more than just an understanding of baseball and strength.

The most important thing is the ability to command the overall situation, the ability to read the opponent's psychology, and the ability to take care of the team members.

The first one was indeed Hirata Yosuke.

Class C was thinking the same thing as them.

Yosuke Hirata, who has faster feet, is the first batsman and can put a lot of pressure on him from the top.

As the panel leader of the whole school.

All abilities are at the upper level, and their performance should be very stable.

Trusted by everyone.

With Hirata's character, he would probably want to live up to the trust of others.


Let’s test it out first.

Although not as good as Sudou, Sumida's ability is good and he is the type who is good at changing balls.

It’s just that the xinxing is relatively weak.

Don't like to take responsibility and are easily affected by the surrounding environment.

It's better to be more stable first.

Hikigaya gestured.

One of the types of balls that Sumida is good at.

The middle.

A two-seam straight ball, also known as the sinker.

It will be slightly slower than the four-seam, but will move inwards during lecture.

Sumida nodded, raised his left leg high, and waved his soft arm like a whip.

At this moment.

A strong gust of wind passed in front of him, Hirata swung the bat suddenly, and the ball entered Hikigaya's glove a second later.

"nice shot!"


Hikigaya glanced at the panel and threw it back to the field.

Although it is not as fast as Sudo's ball speed of nearly 150KM, Sumida was in good condition today.

no problem.

However, Hirata just swung the bat.

Sure enough, I've seen Sudou's high-speed balls too much, so I can see them clearly.


It's a pity that Sumida's ball is not as fast as Sudou's.

Following this idea, Hikigaya began to match the ball.

A curveball down the middle.

"nice shot!"

this time.

Hirata couldn't even swing the bat.

Did he mistake it for a bad ball?

"I'm sorry."

Hikigaya threw the ball back and said softly: "Our ace is not as strong as Sudou."

"How is it possible? This is not the first time I have seen such a curve ball."

Hirata's expression was slightly solemn, and he took a deep breath and took up his posture again.

Even if you don't like it in your heart, you will still respond well.

'First time...?

Hikigaya looked deeply and squatted on the ground.

Two good shots.

Do you want to make a bad ball to test Hirata's ability?


I was just hit three times.

Although Shibata and others didn't show much, the people in Sayo Ando's study group were obviously worried, so it was better to do their best to boost morale.

inner angle.

Four-seam straight shot.


A white light flashed across, and Hirata leaned back and was unable to even swing the bat.

"nice shot!"

"Great, come on, Kuroda-kun!

strike out.

Although the style is different, Sumida can do the same.

The corners of Hikigaya's mouth couldn't help but curve.

It works.

Class C's second hitter is Akito Miyake.

Except for the last time, the two of them had no contact with each other.

Akito Miyake seems to be much more stable than before, and his serious face gives people a sense of resoluteness.

He was struck out without even swinging the bat.

It just feels like Hikigaya is observing.

The third one is Takeru Sudo.

Waiting for the fourth baton is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka.

Hikigaya was a little surprised. He originally thought that Sudou would be the ace, but Ayanokouji Kiyotaka would be the fourth one.

It was Ayanokouji who showed his ability during training.

Are you ready to show your strength?

Regardless of whether this judgment is correct, in short, it must not be allowed to pretend to be here.

Straight ball inside angle.

Sudo swings the bat.

Carter ball in the middle.

Sudo swings the bat.

Straight ball from the middle square.

Sudo swings the bat.

"The outside world..."

After two strikes, the number of foul balls remains unchanged.

What worries Hikigaya is that this guy seems to be very active in swinging the bat, and he will swing it no matter what the ball feels like.

Test it out.

Hikigaya's eyes were deep and his gloves were close to Sudo.

Bad ball in the inside corner.

Only the area above home plate, between the batter's shoulders and legs, is considered a strike zone, and anywhere else is a bad pitch.

But if the batter swings the bat, it will be counted as a strike.


Sumida shook his head hesitantly.

If he makes a mistake in controlling the ball, it is easy to hit Sudou's body, so he is not willing to shoot.

Hikigaya frowned.

There's no point in arguing with Sumida here, it's just a simple test.

Think of this.

Hikigaya still changed his focus and chose the outside corner, trying to get the ball with the stars.

Straight ball.

Seeing this, Sumida nodded in agreement, raised his left leg and threw the baseball.

A swish sound.

Sudou swung the bat suddenly.

"Good ball, the batter is out! Exchange offense and defense!"

Class instructor Mashima waved his fist and announced the end of the game.


Sudou walked off the stage with an ugly face.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Hikigaya raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Although it is still difficult to be sure, there is a guess in my heart.

Second game.

Hikigaya stands in the strike zone.

At this time, 1 is out and one is on base.

It was Ichinose Honami who used the direct right to base, and Kuroda was also struck out in the fourth at bat.

no way.

Sudo threw a 151KM super speed ball.

Sure enough, it was still too fast.

Even Sumida, a veteran, struggled to cope in the first game.

Looking at Sudo on the pitcher's mound, Hikigaya took a deep breath.


Let’s try the 150KM straight drive first.

I saw Sudo raising his left leg high and hiding the ball behind his glove.

There was a snap.

A crisp voice sounded from behind.


Hikigaya looked back with astonishment on his face, only to see that the ball had firmly entered Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's glove.

I see

Is this a 150KM super straight ball?

When watching from the sidelines, I felt it was very fast, only to find that I couldn't react at all.

This guy is simply cheating.

Is this the speed at which a human can hit?

He only saw a little white light, not even a shadow (Qian Zhao's.

This is a hammer.


Want to win the game.

We must first conquer Sudou's high-speed ball.

Behind him, Moriyama Takuya and Watanabe Norihito have better striking abilities than him.

The original plan was for him to use a sacrifice bunt, and then Moriyama and others behind him would continue the offensive.


during this time.

Hikigaya also only practiced striking and never practiced batting at all.

But the current situation.

Even if he bunts, Ichinose's speed may not allow him to reach second base.

Even Sumida can't do anything now, and Moriyama and others behind him are unlikely to be able to cope with Sudo's high-speed ball.

Think carefully about whether there are loopholes in this line.

no way.

Not many people are good at baseball.

Some omissions are inevitable.

He hesitated for a moment.

Hikigaya still decided to work hard!

At least some pressure should be put on Sudou. Keeping people striking out like this is really demoralizing. .

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