Practical Teaching: Hikigaya’s Ability-First Classroom!

Chapter 248 Transfer Tickets, An Absolutely Rational Choice

The next day.

Class D in third year.

The exam started again unanimously.

With the experience from last time, Class D passed the three topics in less than thirty minutes.

Sae Chabashira sat in front of the podium.

The fourth topic was displayed on the screen behind him.

[Question 4: One person is randomly selected to get the opportunity to change classes freely. 】

[Agree; oppose. 】

[After agreeing, one person will be randomly selected, and the transfer right will be valid for half a year. 】


Horikita Suzune and others were stunned for a moment.

Even the same exam.

But there will definitely be something different.

Although it was expected.

But I never expected that such a problem would arise.

The right to transfer classes during the half-year retention period is until the end of the second semester.

And it’s third grade now.

It's almost equal to the chance of graduating directly from Class A.

That's right.

This is the test specially designed by Hikigaya for Class D.

There is no such thing as strength.

It's just that his academic ability and physical fitness are more suitable for Class D.

The 7th voting results.

25 votes in favor; 13 votes against.

Looking at the scene in front of her, Horikita Suzune was a little shocked for a moment.

long before the exam.

She was well prepared.

First time voting.

Ayanokouji throws 1, she throws 2, Hirata throws 3, and Sudou throws 4 just in case.

The moment you realize the problem.

Horikita Suzune had expected that some people would vote in favor, but she did not expect that more than half of the people would vote in favor.


Sudou was also a little dumbfounded and quickly stood up and said:

"Why did so many people vote for it? What do you think?"

Hear the words.

Everyone in Class D looked at each other hesitantly.


It was Yukimura who stood up.

You should do things by yourself without any hidden thoughts.

"My vote is yes."

Yukimura pushed up his glasses on the bridge of his nose and said, "I don't understand why you voted against it?"

"Huh? How can you agree, Yukimura? Are you planning to betray the class?"

Sudou was a little unbelievable.

In his eyes.

Choosing in favor of transferring to another class is undoubtedly betrayal.


Yukimura frowned in displeasure:

"Water flows to lower places and people go to higher places, and no one will be hurt. How can it be called betrayal?"

"What's more, the person who gets the right to transfer in the end may not be me, it might be you Sudou. If you don't want to transfer, why don't you just give up when the time comes?"

As soon as this statement came out.

Class D suddenly fell silent, and Sudou didn't know how to respond.

Because what Yukimura said makes sense.

Different situations will lead to different growth.

After being alienated by Haruka Hasebe, Yukimura also lost a place to socialize due to his character.

The last unanimous exam.

Let Yukimura learn a lesson and recognize his true heart.

like he said.

I just want to be saved, that's all.

Everything is because of my lack of strength, everything is because of my lack of rationality.

Isn't it just rational and irresponsible?

Who can't do the same?

The ideas are becoming more and more extreme, but they are very reasonable.

See this.

"What about the others?"

Sudou also looked nervously at the people around him, and then at his friends Chi Kanji and others. There were twenty-five people in total.

"I have the same idea as Yukimura..."

Chi Kuanzhi, Waicun and others said hesitantly.


This is only one of the reasons.

After all, what Yukimura said makes sense, it won't hurt anyone, and the transfer of rights is random and not necessarily his.

Why do you disapprove?

As for, another reason.

It’s because I no longer want to be scorned by others, and I don’t want to be looked at strangely by others when shopping in Keyaki Shopping Mall.

It's like looking at a piece of garbage.


As long as you continue to stay in Class D, this situation cannot change.

Changing classes may be a good way out.


Naturally, such words cannot be said.

After all, this is tantamount to continuing to deny Horikita Suzune's last choice, which will only lower her own evaluation in the class.

Under the temptation of A sharp.

The superficial unity of Class D collapsed at the drop of a hat.

"Did everyone else she voted for think the same way?"

Horikita Suzune took a deep breath and stood up.

Seeing Yukimura taking the lead, everyone in Class D looked at each other and nodded.


Horikita Suzune turned to look at Yukimura and became serious.

"Do you think this class has no chance of being promoted to Class A? Or do I still not have your trust?"

"That's not..."

Yukimura avoided the latter question and simply explained:

0…Please give me flowers…

"Similar to what I just said, we can first choose to allow anyone to get the right to transfer. If Class D has the opportunity to be promoted to Class A, those who have the right to transfer will naturally not think about changing classes."

"Isn't it?"

Horikita Suzune thought hard for a moment, but still felt speechless.

Because from a rational perspective, Yukimura's reasons are absolutely correct.

No one will be hurt.

Get the right to transfer first. If you don't want to transfer then, don't transfer.

What a simple thing.

Even Ayanokouji couldn't think of any words to stop it. Kenenonamimura's choice was the 'right' one.


Horikita Suzune always felt that there was something inexplicably wrong. Maybe it was the betrayal that Sudou said, but it wasn't.

I just cannot choose to agree based on my feelings.

a long time.

Horikita Suzune hesitated and said:

"Yukimura, if you get a class transfer ticket, will you be willing to be friends for two years?"

Yukimura deadpanned.

The people around could not help but glance at Horikita Suzune.

Don't say Yukimura has no friends now.

Even if there is!

You’ve already cut innocent Sakura Airi, do you, Horikita Suzune, still have the qualifications to say such things? Are you qualified to play the emotional card on me?

Do you think I'm stupid?

No matter Horikita Suzune or Ayanokouji.

They are all cold-blooded and ruthless leaders with outstanding strength.

It’s not just Yukimura.

People around him have already recognized this.


Hear these words.

Yukimura still glanced at Hasebe Haruka and Miyake Akito.

I used to have friends, but not anymore.

But it doesn’t matter.

Yukimura has realized who he is, and now he just wants to get promoted to A. Those useless feelings are just stumbling blocks.

Let go of these ties.

He will become stronger.

As strong as Ayanokouji and Horikita Suzune.

It is precisely because he is rational enough that he can possess such unparalleled power.

"I have no nostalgia."

Yukimura also said without any concealment: "And it doesn't necessarily mean that I get the transfer ticket. Even if I get it, as long as the class has the possibility of being promoted to A, I will naturally not choose to transfer.

"Horikita, what are your reasons for opposing and agreeing?"

Horikita Suzune was speechless.

I feel like something is shaking inside me.


Such torture will not end so easily. .

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