Practical Teaching: Hikigaya’s Ability-First Classroom!

Chapter 250: Abandoning Votes, A Test That Is Bound To Fail

Hear the words.

Horikita Suzune's face turned pale.

It was clear that although she, Hirata, Ayanokouji and others had personal points, they were only a minority.

Twenty million.

It was still a number that made Class D despair.

As early as one month after school started.

Class D has clearly understood the importance of personal points.


After receiving a reward of 500,000 personal points in the preferential treatment test, Karuizawa still spent it all in less than a month.

After the exit vote exam.

Class D once again strictly understood the importance of personal points.


Chi Kuanzhi has a girlfriend.

I still lament that the personal points every month are not enough. Most of Class D are such moonlighters.

It’s not that I don’t understand the importance of personal points.


As Yukimura said.

The only thing that matters is that you can be saved.

That's all.

"Only this time, you have already committed a foul."

Sae Chabashira sighed and said 05: "If there are no other questions, just continue with the exam.

Horikita Suzune and others were speechless.

The problems faced by every class are the same, so it cannot be said to be unfair.

It was clear that he had passed the vote to drop out and passed the unanimous examination.


Are you not working towards saving 20 million personal points?

There should be enough time to prepare.

Why didn't you do this?


Horikita Suzune knew very well that she couldn't do it.

Entrusting your money to others for safekeeping is an incredible thing in itself.

Except for Ichinose.

Katsuragi couldn't do it, Ryuuen couldn't do it, Horikita Suzune couldn't do it, and Ayanokoji couldn't do it either.

This itself is unreasonable.

It's even more unusual for him to be the good boy in Ichinose's class.


Class A is self-disciplined enough to save money spontaneously.

Whether it's for yourself or to maintain your position in Class A.

With enough personal points, Katsuragi also knew that he had to collect his personal points and let the school take care of them.

Although Long Yuan could not do it.

But he also knows how to keep the personal points he earns on himself, and then rule the class by paying for them.

To win.

Each has its own way of collecting individual points.


Class D does not.

I have never even thought in this direction, I just lamented that Ichinose is very powerful and Ryuuen is despicable.

as a result.

Just repeating the same mistakes again.

Once, twice, and a third time.

‘As for everyone, the everyone you mentioned was the guest who excluded him when he was injured.

Hikigaya's words couldn't help but echo in his mind.

Why didn't you do that? Why didn't you try?

Horikita Suzune asked herself, feeling a little shaken in her heart.

Never even tried.


Dropout vote, unanimous exam.

Knowing that such an exam exists, why do you still make the same mistakes again and again?

However, there is no point in thinking about this anymore.

The exam still has to go on.

He hesitated for a moment.

There should be no need to act according to the plan here, and test the surface to prove your determination.

Horikita Suzune chose A to drop out of school and received 300 class points.

Choose to minimize losses.

Since this kind of exam has already appeared in the school, there is nothing we can do about it. We can only choose the fewest people to drop out.


The results of the 12th exam were displayed on the screen.

Choose A35 vote; choose BO vote; choose C2 vote, and discard one vote.

Obviously everyone is thinking about the same thing.

Only one person tends to drop out of school.


Horikita Suzune and others were stunned for a moment.

Without waiting for myself to think.

Everyone's eyes have turned to Chi Kuanzhi in unison.

There is no need to explain the reasons.

If we were to choose a dropout, it would undoubtedly be Chi Kuanzhi, so a hundred votes would naturally be held.

"One person abandoned his vote and failed the exam by abandoning his vote three times."


Precisely because votes are not allowed to be discarded.

This test about human nature is particularly difficult.

Seeing Ike Kanji's head lowered and his identity trembling slightly, Horikita Suzune decided not to ask questions for the time being but to deal with the other two votes.

"Can I ask the other two why they chose C?"

"Although I don't know who the other one is, I voted for option three."

Yukimura's eyes were bright, but his expression was a little cold.

"The reason is very simple. With 900 class points, we can be promoted to Class A in one go, right?"


Former friend.

Miyake Akito and Hasebe Haruka couldn't help but glance at him.

It feels like Yukimura has become a different person.

In the past, Yukimura kept talking about getting promoted to A every day and working hard towards Class A.


What should I say...not as rational as now?

Now Yukimura has become more rational.

The opportunity to directly advance to A is before you, why not choose it?


the other side.

Horikita Suzune clenched her fists,

He opened his lips slightly and felt his breathing was slightly short of breath.

With the personalities of Hikigaya and Ichinose, at most one of them would choose to drop out of school.

Just choose to drop out three people.

No matter how other classes choose [they can become Class A immediately.

If you want to be promoted to Class A, this is the best opportunity.


Since it is to be promoted to Class A.

Even if we can't achieve 340, we should still work hard in this direction.

There must be something wrong.

Horikita Suzune took a deep breath of air, feeling a little difficult to breathe.

That's right.

This is entirely a test for Horikita Suzune alone.

As for Hirata, he looked back at Ayanokouji. Seeing that the other party made no move, he lowered his head and remained silent.

Once again they have to elect dropouts.

"So... where's the other person?"

Horikita Suzune took a deep breath, unable to stop because of such a trivial matter, and turned to look at Koenji.

Although Koenji promised not to go out of his way to cause trouble.

But he also has his own opinions.

"It's me..."

Koenji flipped his hair carelessly:

"As Yukimura said, this is just the chance to be promoted to Class A, isn't it?"

"I don't think this is an opportunity, Koenji, could you please choose A?"

"After all, we agreed that this vote will follow you. If you think so, then I have no problem with it."

Koenji doesn’t care about Tao.

Although I don’t know what this guy is thinking, fortunately, Koenji was vaccinated before the exam.

Anyway, Koenji won't be a problem.

Horikita Suzune turned to look at Yukimura with a somewhat complicated look.

If it was to advance to Class A, Yukimura's choice is understandable, but there must be something wrong...

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