in conclusion.

Listening to Horikita Suzune's memories.

The eyes of many people in the class fell on Chi Kuanzhi.

Whether it is ranking in OAA, progress in three years, or contribution to the class, Chi Kuanji is always at the bottom.


Apart from a little knowledge about camping, it seems that there is nothing to be learned from Gongzhi.


This is indeed the case.

According to the values ​​​​of this school, Chi Kuanzhi is indeed useless.


Camping knowledge is not advanced knowledge at all.

After the first uninhabited island exam.

Even Chi Kuanji's camping knowledge is of no value. Most of the people in the class already know it.

Even if Chi Kuanzhi is lost.

There will no longer be any impact on the class.


Just use that ethereal luck and the effect of heating up the atmosphere.


No matter how you look at it.

Chi Kuanzhi is always the last in the class.

"Ring tone..."

Sudou hesitated.

After all, Chi Kuanzhi is also his 05 friend.

But it is also clear rationally.

Letting Chi Kuanzhi drop out of school is the best choice for the class and the fairest choice.

Although there are many ordinary people in the class.

The difference is roughly a few points.

But as a friend.

Sudou also knew very well that Ike Kanji was still not as good as others.

Do not know why.

A rational world often requires people to lose their conscience.

Then slowly move towards maturity, towards numbness... and finally lose the ability to empathize.


Sudou couldn't say anything.

Reading so many books is not in vain. It is clear that letting Chi Kuanzhi drop out of school is the best and fairest choice for the class.

It is also very easy to convince yourself.

Who told Chi Kuanzhi not to work hard in the past three years and make the least progress?

Who is to blame?

Anyway, Yamauchi Haruki also dropped out of school, and it wouldn't hurt to drop out another Ike Kanji.

There's the first time, there's the second time, there's countless times.


Except for Sakura Airi who is still in school and can occasionally become a topic of conversation, Yamauchi Haruki has long been forgotten by everyone.


There are also class points that can be obtained, so why not do it instead?

Good habits are developed slowly.

Having tasted the benefits of doing so, Yuancun and others have already formed what is called path dependence.

Except it’s a bit painful when making a choice.

The guilt has long been numb.


No one from Class D spoke.

They were all waiting for Horikita Suzune's reaction.

"I believe everyone knows very well that even if it is very painful, we must choose a dropout."

Horikita Suzune looked around the entire classroom, but no one responded.

No one wants to bear this notoriety.


As a leader, she must bear this responsibility.

"If there are no other opinions, how about I name them first and then discuss them later?"

Seeing no one responded, Horikita Suzune turned her attention to Ike Kanji.


At this moment.

" drop out of school..."

Chi Kuanzhi lowered his head so that no one could see his expression, and murmured in his voice.

Because the sound was so low, no one around could hear it clearly.

Horikita Suzune also frowned.

"Chi, what did you say?"

"I said..."

Suddenly, Ike Kanji suddenly raised his head, stared at Horikita Suzune with red eyes and yelled:

"Horikita, you dropped out of school."

Inside the classroom.

There was an eerie silence for a moment, and no one responded for a long time. They just stared at Chi Kuanzhi in shock, with red and swollen eyes.

Until Sudou reacted and was a little dumbfounded.

"Wait, Kanji, what are you talking about..."

"Are you kidding? No matter how hard you turn, it won't be Horikita's turn."

Yukimura also frowned and said.

I originally thought that Chi Kuanzhi was going to say something [after a long time, it was just a broken jar.

"Shut up, everyone"

Looking at the people standing opposite, Chi Kuanzhi roared with red eyes.

"At the end of the day."

"We made a promise to drop Kushida out of school, why did Sakura have to drop out in the end? Is there something wrong with her head?"

"Isn't it all Horikita and Ayanokouji's fault that people at school look down on us like this?"

Chi Kuanzhi hunched over and roared.

Transfer conflicts.

It is indeed conducive to class unity.


Transferring conflicts also means admitting one's own mistakes.


Class D had consciously concealed the information, and obviously knew there was something wrong with such a thing.

Since half a year.

Class D was born into an environment where almost everyone disliked them.

Although there are classmates in the class, although I won't do anything, the feeling of being ostracized by the whole world is not good.


Class D doesn't just hate Hikigaya Hachiman.

At the same time, Ayanokouji and Horikita Suzune hated the culprits who made them bear this price and made this choice.

If there is no harm.

Naturally, everyone can live in peace with each other.

But whenever disagreements arise, they bear a price they are unwilling to bear.

It’s about the unanimous examination.

It will be talked about over and over again, and it will become fodder for attacks in the hands of others.


Looking at Chi Kuanzhi who was gradually exhausted.

Horikita Suzune clenched her fists slightly, and her heart was only slightly shaken.

As early as the unanimous examination.

Horikita Suzune is already prepared to bear everything. This awareness is not a lie, it is something that a leader must bear.


Horikita Suzune has no regrets.

Kushida Platycodon is worth more than Sakura Airi.

Perhaps it was due to Hikigaya's concern for them, or perhaps it was attributed to Kushida Kikyo's feelings for the class.

As long as Kushida Kikyo is still functioning honestly.

There is no 417 betrayal of the class.


Whether it is academic ability, physical ability, judgment, or alertness.

The value of Kushida Kikyo is much greater than Sakura Airi.

This is the truth.

Before Horikita Suzune could speak, Koenji shook his head.

"It's really ugly to blame others for mistakes like this...

"Lusuo, what can you understand about me?"

"People like you are understandable"

"Everyone, please stop arguing..."

At this moment.

Wang Meiyu really couldn't stand it anymore.

He stood up with tears in his eyes, holding his two little pink fists and shaking his head.

"The last exam was a decision we all made together. Please stop arguing..."

Wang Meiyu said with some choking.

Looking at the quarreling class, I felt a pain in my heart.

It's like going back to the last exam.

The originally gentle class began to quarrel again.

I really don’t want to see the class become like this.

What Koenji said was absolutely correct.

It's really disgusting and ugly to blame all your mistakes on others.

What Wang Meiyu said is absolutely correct.

The vote is cast by everyone, so naturally everyone is responsible.

Chi Xianzhi is just acting recklessly.


But I don't understand.

These are only the worries of wealthy people. .

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