
The exam is over.

After all, their hard power was far greater than that of Ishizaki and others, so Hikigaya and others easily won.

at this time.

Halfway through everyone's return to Class A, Miao Xing Zhihui returned to the class to announce the results of the exam.

Class A won this special exam with a margin of 126 points.

after all.

The hard power is far greater than that of the other side.

As long as you can withstand the psychological offensive from Ryūen and others, it is not difficult to win the exam.

This is still a very small gap.

Mainly because Long Yuan and others changed their strategies and seized more opportunities to answer questions.

Although it is impossible to achieve all of them, it can still allow Ichinose and others to answer no questions and reduce losses as much as possible.

Although the reward was not very large, Ichinose and others were still extremely happy.

Graduation is approaching.

The advantage is naturally that the more the better.


Hoshinomiya Chie announced the point changes for each class.

Grade 3 Class A (Hikigaya): 1654 points.

Grade 3 Class B (Ayanokouji): 1621 points.

Third-year Class C (Katsuragi): 902 points.

Grade 3 Class D (Longyuan): 852 points.


Kanzaki and others were stunned for a moment.

When I saw the class points of Class B, I immediately felt the pressure on my face.

Obviously the last exam was still around 1300.

Now the gap from Class A has actually been shortened to thirty points.

"Teacher, what's going on?"

"How is this possible? I remember they were over 1,300 points a few days ago.

"Doesn't this mean that they have reached nearly 280 class points in this exam?"

this exam.

The reward is the points earned on both sides subtracted, and the remainder is the increased class points.

There are three hundred test questions on each side.

Theoretically, you can get up to six hundred class points.

But it's actually not realistic.

As long as it's a normal duel.

Being able to widen the gap of two hundred class points is already very good.

If it doesn't work, you can still be like Long Yuanming.

Anyway, I can't win, so I just don't give the other party a chance to answer the question, and I try my best to answer to avoid the other party scoring.

More than two hundred points.

This is undoubtedly a great victory for Ayanokouji's class.

after class.

Everyone gathered together.

Hoshinomiya Chie also came close to Hikigaya, shaking his arm nervously.

"What should we do, Xiao Qi, Xiao Sae and the others are almost catching up."

"Calm down, it's not happening yet, isn't it?"

Even though he said so.

But Hikigaya was also slightly uneasy.

Some people took out their mobile phones and searched for OAA, while others asked their friends to inquire about the situation.

"What's going on? There seems to be one less person in Class B?"

Sayo Ando held the mobile phone and suddenly felt confused.

Unconsciously, Class B, the Horikita Suzune Class, had only 36 people left, one less.

Others also opened OAA to confirm.

"Hey, it's's changed again

"It seems like there won't be any dropouts from this exam, right? What's going on?"

Xiaoqiao Meng and others were a little confused.


Asako Aizura suddenly realized: "Look at Class C, there seems to be an extra person in their class.

Hikigaya has also ordered Class C.

For some reason, there was an extra person in the Katsuragi class, and it was Yukimura.

It seems that some kind of strategy was used, but even so, they still lost.

Just finished the exam.

There is no need to go to the student union today.

Hikigaya leaves the school with Ichinose and others.


Anyway, they won this exam, so let’s start the celebration party first and talk about other things later.

At this moment.

A sarcastic sound attracted the attention of several people.

Not far in front of Hikigaya and others, I saw Tomura and others following Nantoki with sarcastic expressions on their faces:

"Yukimura, bah, I didn't expect you to betray the class and take advantage of others.

"Don't say that, I've seen it a long time ago."

"That's the kind of person Yukimura is. How about it? You regret it now, gurgling..."

The main hall and the others covered their mouths and snickered, which made Yukimura blush.

the other side.

Hikigaya frowned.

Listen to this.

It was Yukimura who betrayed the class.

Not surprising, he had contacted Yukimura before and wanted to develop him into an undercover agent.

As long as there is a higher probability of graduating from Class A, the possibility of Yukimura betraying the class is extremely high.

Just didn't expect it.

Yukimura would actually choose the Katsuragi class.

Sure enough, Katsuragi's reputation is better, or maybe he saw something.

"How's it going... Yukimura, are you very angry when you find out that we won in the end?"

The hall and others said with joking expressions.

Naturally, there is no need to be polite to Yukimura, who has betrayed his class and transferred to Class C.

"'s not certain who will lose and who will win."

Yukimura snorted coldly and quickened his pace to throw away a few people.

0…Please give me flowers………………


I do have some regrets.

In fact, Katsuragi had been in contact with him as early as half a year ago.

long before the exam.

It was already agreed with Katsuragi.

As long as you deliberately give wrong answers on the exam, you can be transferred to Class C.

As for why it was Katsuragi instead of Hikigaya, it was naturally because Katsuragi's credit and reputation were better.

There is no guilt at all.

The actions of Horikita Suzune and others have long since completely lost their moral binding force.

Water flows to higher places, and people go to lower places.

Yukimura didn't think there was any problem.

If Waicun and others had the same opportunity, they would probably make the same choice, but they would just pretend to be hesitant.

I just didn’t expect Ayanokouji to actually win.

And it was a big win.



He completed his task perfectly and deliberately answered incorrectly to suppress the score of Group A to less than a dozen points.

Moreover, there was a contract, and Katsuragi kept his promise.

He was transferred directly to Class C.


Yukimura did have some misunderstandings, and he is still a little confused to this day.

How could Katsuragi lose so miserably?


Yukimura wasn't too worried.

He decided to transfer to Katsuragi class during this exam, naturally because he saw the savings in Xia Cheng's hands.

Even now.

Katsuragi still has a whopping 80 million personal points saved in his hands!

Even if he changes classes and loses 20 million, he still still has a huge sum of 60 million!

Money is power!

As long as the same situation doesn't happen in this exam.

Sixty million personal points are enough to bribe at least three people, or even more depending on the method!

simply put.

These 60 million personal points can be used as a sure-fire bargaining chip for an exam.

Based on the current reward range for each exam.

You can jump directly to Class A!

Only now is the time for Katsuragi to really start to exert his strength!


Not only Yukimura, even if he fell into Class C, his classmates didn't panic at all.

Don't panic when you have plenty of food.

If you have money, you will have enough confidence to turn defeat into victory!

No one can escape the temptation of up to 20 million personal points, right?

As for Ayanokouji's class, Yukimura can guarantee that.

Although Waicun and others were making a lot of noise, they were more jealous that no one looked up to them.

Just this exam

It really made Yukimura feel a little weird... meaning.

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