Practical Teaching: Hikigaya’s Ability-First Classroom!

Chapter 069 Horikita Blames Herself, The Exam Is Over

End of dragon group exam.

Hikigaya suddenly felt at ease and no longer had to participate in discussions.

Early the next morning.

Hikigaya sat in the cafe as usual and passed the time.

As for other people's exams, that's not something he can consider.

It didn't take long.

Horikita Suzune came to the cafe and sat directly opposite him.

"Did you submit the answers to the school?"

"It's just an exam, there's no need to be in such a hurry.

Hikigaya was startled.

This guy must be so anxious.

"I don't have time for small talk with you."

Horikita Suzune said in a cold voice: "Is it you?"

This guy is really impatient. I'm afraid he plans to continue asking questions one by one, or he may have already asked Kanzaki and the others.

"It's me."

Hikigaya nodded.

There's nothing to hide at all.


Horikita Suzune leaned forward slightly and said in a nervous tone: "Who are you writing about?"

"Kikyou Kushida is the one in your class."

Hikigaya shook his head helplessly.

I feel that although this guy looks cold, he still has the same temperament as a little girl.

"What a joke."

Horikita Suzune stood up instantly and was extremely shocked.

"Why...why would you...guess it was her?"

real or fake.

This guy actually thought he was doing a good job.

He is not bragging, Hikigaya is quite experienced in observing human beings.

"Judging from the looks of it, you must have guessed correctly, Horikita."

Hikigaya stood up and said proudly: "You must have never played Werewolf before."


When it was seen that her behavior was wrong, Horikita Suzune blamed herself and clicked her tongue.

Now that the dragon group exam is over, there is no point in thinking about it anymore.

She frowned and said with dissatisfaction: "Although I have heard of it, what's the point of playing those useless games? It doesn't improve myself at all. What does this have to do with your guess about Kushida?"


Let you show off in front of me again, always putting on a self-satisfied and stinking face, Hikigaya whispered proudly:

"Listen up, the so-called werewolf killing..."

"Tell the important point!"

"Ah? Oh...․"

Sure enough, not everyone is Ichinose and would quietly listen to him talk about things that they don't dare to be interested in.

"It's actually quite obvious."

Hikigaya lost interest and turned his head to the side, and explained nonchalantly:

"You brought the topic to Class A, didn't you just want to hide Kushida's identity as the favored one?"


Horikita Suzune straightened her delicate body and frowned in disbelief: "Given the circumstances at that time, it was not inappropriate for me to bring the topic to Class A, and it is indeed possible that the recipient of the preferential treatment is in Class A, isn't it?"

"That's not right."

Hikigaya leaned on the chair and said without interest: "With your persistence in Class A, if you are really not sure who the abuser is, you should be similar to Ryuuen, chasing and beating everyone present.

"Instead of changing the topic and settling down honestly."

"Just because you know who the recipient of the favor is, both your actions and your speech have been slightly distorted."

"It's very easy to find preferential treatment recipients in Class D."


It's okay to underestimate me. Hikigaya knows how much he weighs, but he can't forgive him for daring to underestimate Werewolf.

Hear his words.

Horikita Suzune sat back in her seat blankly, hunched her shoulders and lowered her head in silence.


After a long time, Hikigaya also noticed something was wrong: "You haven't, right?"

This guy's desire to win.

Oh no,

Judging from the performance of the uninhabited island, it should be regarded as a sense of responsibility, but it is too strong.


Horikita Suzune held her pink fist and said: "The biggest flaw is actually me..."

"Well, ah, how should I put it?"

A beautiful girl showed such a depressed side in front of him, and it would be unbearable to continue to attack her.

Hikigaya couldn't do such a thing yet, so he reluctantly said with relief:

"It doesn't matter. Hirata and Kushida's speeches are not much better than yours."

In his opinion.

Although Horikita Suzune, Kushida Kikyo and Hirata Yosuke's acting skills are pretty good, at least they don't get hot when they talk.

After all, the education I have received since childhood is to be a good boy who does not lie.

I heard that many people played Werewolf for the first time.

Their faces would get hot and their hands would tremble because of lying.


But it is one of the necessary criteria to become an adult.

The performance of several people should be considered very good, but in Hikigaya's opinion, their speeches were all poor.


Ryuuen is not much better at chasing and fighting.

The good guy's identity was immediately revealed.

"Can this be considered comfort to you?"

Horikita Suzune's face darkened. If someone was so comforting, wouldn't it mean that she was only at the level of Class D?

"That's what I planned."

Hikigaya laughed dryly, this guy has a really bad character.

"never mind."

Horikita Suzune took a deep breath and said in a cold voice:

"A defeat is a defeat. Just win it back next time, but it won't be so easy for you next time.

"Oh, is it so."

Feeling Horikita's sharp gaze, Hikigaya quickly dodged: "That's because you overestimate me. I only have some experience in human observation, and other aspects are not worth mentioning. Please let it go."

He didn't want to be targeted by such a self-important woman.


"I will naturally judge this."

Horikita Suzune said calmly: "However, even though you know that Class D and Class B are in a cooperative relationship, you still attack us without hesitation. Don't you feel ashamed?"

"have no idea."

Hikigaya looked away: "I don't know the specific cooperation matters, but Ichinose agreed.

If you have any questions, go to Ichinose.

"I see."

Horikita Suzune said with a complicated expression: "Although it is cooperation, it is only cooperation in name. Indeed, we have not discussed a treaty that will not attack each other."


Cooperation between two classes.

More akin to a verbal gentleman's agreement.

I'll help if I can, and I won't be polite in the exam. I'm afraid that's why Ichinose agreed, and Horikita Suzune seemed to take it for granted.


"Hikigaya, I took note of this account."

"Hey, wait a minute"

Before he could finish speaking, Horikita Suzune put her hands on the table and turned to leave the cafe.

His acting style is really neat.

Leave after asking.

Hikigaya shook his head helplessly, and then as expected.

Ryuuen and Katsuragi also came over [for the same reason as Horikita Suzune.

Hikigaya natural - response.

After all, there was nothing to hide, but the identity of the favored recipient was not told to them.

Now find out the identity of each additional preferential recipient.

There is one more possibility to find the root rule of ‘strict adjustment’.

Naturally, he would not do anything that might endanger the class.

As for what Ichinose and others would do, Hikigaya thought about it for a while and felt that he didn't care much.

It's best to win.

If he can't win, he will still work hard towards 20 million personal points.

August 14th.

The last day of exams.

Hikigaya was lying on the bed playing mini game, waiting for the test results from the school.

"Kanzaki, there's no need to be so nervous."

Shibata sat on the bed and comforted.

"You also know what happened just now."

Kanzaki shook his head solemnly and said: "There is really no way to reassure people."

Just at nine o'clock in the evening.

of the remaining ten groups.

Seven groups submitted their answers to the school almost at the same time.

If something is abnormal, it will really make people feel uneasy.

…Please give me flowers…

“Only three groups did not submit their answers to the school.”

Kanzaki shook his head solemnly and said, "Obviously some class found a way for the school to choose preferential treatment."

"If the Dragon Team is really as Hikigaya speculated, and the preferential recipient is Kushida Kikyo, then the class that submitted the answer to the school is probably one of Class C and Class A, which still have intact classes."

"Wow..." Watanabe said helplessly: "I really don't want to hear it, I feel like I don't want them to win. If I have to choose one, it's better to let Class C win.

The facts are before our eyes.

Everyone had no choice but to accept it.


Hikigaya is confused.

According to what Ichinose and others said, if you want to find out how the school chooses those who receive preferential treatment, you need to find out the preferential treatment of at least two classes.

Apparently two classes collaborated.

But only three groups remained.

It shows that this is a separate action of a class, otherwise it would be impossible to kill the alliance together.

Regardless of Katsuragi, Horikita Suzune, or Ryuuen, they are not guys who would be played with word games.


Someone betrayed the class!

Moreover, this person has a high status in the class and can know the identity of other people who are favoring him.

Hikigaya was a little excited.

What are the other classes doing? They are actually engaging in internal strife in the class. This is so exciting.



It's just that he has no interest. It can't be someone from Class B who betrayed him. That wouldn't be funny.

Hikigaya thought for a moment.

It feels unlikely that there will be another traitor in Class A.

after all.

Compared with the time when the island was uninhabited, Katsuragi's command method has been significantly deformed and has become restrained. This may be one of the purposes of Sakayanagi.


Hikigaya is more inclined.

Even Katsuragi himself didn't know about the preferential treatment in Class A, so he could put the blame on the Sakayanagi people.

If someone in Class A really betrays.

It's okay to have one leak, but all three of them were discovered by other classes. Do you think I, Katsuragi-san, am a fool?

It was obviously done by the Sakayanagi faction, and other students would probably disagree. Katsuragi had evidence to blame the Sakayanagi faction.

I feel like Sakayanagi, who wants to bring down Katsuragi even if there is internal strife in the class, is not stupid enough to make such a nasty move.

Otherwise, Sakayanagi might not be recognized by Class A.


Rule out the possibility of a traitor in Class A.

It feels like it can’t be C.

In a dictatorship like Ryuuen, it is normal for traitors to appear, but it may be difficult for others to know the information about all the preferential treatment.

If three secrets are leaked at once, do you think I, Long Yuan, am a fool?

It feels like it can’t be D.

After all, Class D is already in last place, and betraying the class will not do any good to Class D.

Unless you are trading personal points that are exciting enough.


Simply a lunatic.


D is also excluded.

What are you doing? I thought about it for a long time and couldn't think of anything.

Hikigaya press Xiaoxiaole to clear the next level.

If you have to choose one.

It is still more likely that someone has betrayed the class for a large amount of personal points, and the most likely ones can only be Classes D and C.

It just depends on the final result.


Watanabe frowned and said: "If they already knew the school's rules for selecting preferential treatment candidates, why did they have to wait until now.

"To be wary of us, of course."

Kanzaki shook his head and said: "I was afraid that our three classes would work together to find out the rules, so we delayed it until the last moment and didn't give us time to think about it."


After all, the other party is not an idiot.

It's impossible to give them such an obvious loophole to exploit.


Near zero.

Four people received emails from the school at the same time.

Rat————because the traitor answered correctly, the result is three.

Pig————because the traitor answered correctly, the result is three.

Hikigaya didn't bother to look, so he just clicked on it and the result was huge.

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