“Yamauchi-san, why are you talking to Ichinose-san… Those news that might expose our Class D!”

After Ichinose left the house, Karuizawa Megumi couldn’t wait to ask.

Looking at her appearance, it’s definitely not because it may damage the interests of Class D to question Haruki Yamauchi, at best, she wants to seize this opportunity to count down Haruki Yamauchi!

“Anyway, the exams are over, and those don’t matter anymore, right?”

Haruki Yamauchi took out his mobile phone that had just received the school information, and the content on it was: The exam of the rabbit group has ended, please wait for the exam results with peace of mind!

“Someone has betrayed already, huh? so soon…”

Saying this, Karuizawa Megumi showed a happy smile, which meant that their battle was successful, and Karuizawa Megumi was able to get a lot of personal points.

However, immediately her brows furrowed, and she looked at Haruki Yamauchi beside her.

According to the previous agreement, all the personal points obtained by Megumi Karuizawa this time belong to Haruki Yamauchi, which cannot be changed.

Thinking of this, Megumi Karuizawa leaned over to Haruki Yamauchi, hugged his arm, and shook it.

“Yamauchi-san, can you…”


Before Karuizawa could finish speaking, Haruki Yamauchi rejected Karuizawa outright, then broke free of her arm and continued to walk forward.

“I haven’t said anything!”

Megumi Karuizawa suddenly screamed as if she couldn’t bear it, and quickly caught up with Haruki Yamauchi.

Haruki Yamauchi didn’t even look at Megumi Karuizawa beside him, so he patiently comforted her.

“Then you say, I’ll say no again. ”

“…… Forget it, I don’t have anything more to say. ”

Karuizawa was speechless, she suspected that Haruki Yamauchi could read minds, otherwise how could she have discovered her secret in advance, and now she could know what she meant before she could say it?

However, it seems that this may also be the two of us have a special tacit understanding and can read each other’s thoughts, maybe this is the so-called fate!

After a slight pause, Megumi Karuizawa caught up with Haruki Yamauchi again, her mind still thinking about the events of yesterday night.

From the time she first met Haruki Yamauchi, Megumi Karuizawa could see that Haruki Yamauchi was not in a good mood, so she decided to keep playing tricks on Haruki Yamauchi at 400.

Of course, she has the idea of wanting to make Haruki Yamauchi’s mood better, but Megumi Karuizawa also has her own plans, and she wants to take advantage of Haruki Yamauchi’s not so happy time to take the opportunity to get closer to Haruki Yamauchi.

Taking advantage of the weakness to get into this kind of thing, but regardless of gender, at least Karuizawa Megumi is very satisfied with her approach and the results achieved, which can be seen from the fact that Haruki Yamauchi did not show an attitude of rejection towards her approach.

It’s a pity that after the exam, I won’t have such a good opportunity to get close to Yamauchi-san in the future.

However, in the future school days, there are still many opportunities to see each other, so there is no need to worry.

Thinking like this, Megumi Karuizawa regained her smile and proposed without changing her face.

“Yamauchi-san, let’s go have something to eat?”

“I’m not hungry, you can eat by yourself. ”

“When we get to the ship, we’re going to separate, so let’s just have a meal. ”

“…… You can also. ”

Haruki Yamauchi finally agreed to Karuizawa’s suggestion, and he didn’t want to be too unkind and deliberately refuse, otherwise even Karuizawa would get hurt.

Hurting others for no reason is not something Haruki Yamauchi likes to do.


On the pitch black sea, the cruise ship slowly moved forward, and now that it was close to 11 o’clock in the evening, more and more people began to gather at the café.

The results of the exam were about to be announced, and people’s hearts were fluctuating, and even people who didn’t usually like to go out walked out of the dormitory.

“Can you see the results of this exam?” ”

Just across from Kiyotaka Ayakoji, Horikita Suzune was looking at him with a calm gaze and asked lightly.

“I don’t know, this exam is not something that can be done by one person’s ability, I can only guarantee that the results of the rabbit group are in our favor. ”

Kiyotaka Ayakoji was only slightly silent, and quickly gave his own answer.

In this on-board examination, there must be a pattern in the distribution of preferential candidates, and the school’s announcement acknowledges this without leaving a trace.

However, in order to find out the pattern, it is not enough to rely on the information of the preferential treatment of one class, at least two or more.

If this problem cannot be solved, even the most intelligent person cannot deduce the distribution of preferential patients from his own wisdom.

Or worse, even if the result is extrapolated, it is most likely wrong, and it is better to do nothing.

“I’m the same, and I’m in control of the situation in the dragon group. ”

Horikita Suzune said this, but she looked a little restless, uneasy, as if she was worried about something.

“It’s just that there are a lot of strange things that I can’t understand. ”

Images flashed through her mind, and Horikita Suzune felt more and more that she had overlooked something, and at that moment, a man suddenly appeared in front of her.

“Suzune, ass worm, are you all waiting for me here?”

With his usual contemptuous smile on his face, Long Yuan Sho walked to the empty seat between the two and sat down, looking at Horikita Suzune in front of him unscrupulously, while showing undisguised disregard for Kiyotaka Ayakoji.

“You look very relaxed, Dragon Garden. ”

Horikita Suzune didn’t do anything to respond to Long Yuanxiang’s performance, just asked questions flatly.

“Of course, since I’ve already done well in this exam, shouldn’t I be calm?”

Long Yuanxiang boasted without modesty, but it was strange, and he could make people feel the kind of confidence in him.

“I’ve found all the favorites, and you should be glad that you’re not my main target. ”

“Otherwise, you’ll probably be weeping bitterly soon. ”

“Obviously the results of the exam have not yet been announced…”

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Horikita Suzune was about to say a few sarcastic words when her phone suddenly rang, and the school sent a message announcing the results of the exam.

Long Yuanxiang didn’t plan to look at his phone at all, just from the sudden change in Horikita Suzune’s face, he had already obtained the answer he wanted.

“Looks like you’re already feeling my favor, so… Goodbye, Suzune, and the heel!”

I don’t know if it’s Kiyotaka Ayakoji’s illusion, he always feels that when Long Yuanxiang looks at him, he has a little more scrutiny, as if he is confirming whether he is the person he wants. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

As if he hadn’t noticed anything, Ayakoji Kiyotaka didn’t even lift his eyelids, and was calm under Long Yuanxiang’s gaze.

“It’s boring…”

It seemed that he heard Long Yuanxiang say something in a low voice, and then he left here without any nostalgia.

Horikita Suzune was staring at the information displayed on the phone, and the result of the dragon group displayed on it was… Result one.

All equals receive 500,000 personal points, and the preferential Kushida Kikyo earns double the 500,000 points and 1,000,000 personal points.

“How so?”

Result 1 is a happy result, but for a class with a preferential person, not being able to earn class points from it is obviously a big loss.

This is also the most unacceptable result for Horikita Suzune, who thought that there would be no accidents in the dragon group exam, but suddenly there is such an almost impossible development, and her heart is full of frustration.

“Looks like something strange is happening. ”

Kiyotaka Ayakoji didn’t look surprised when he saw Horikita Suzune’s performance, but felt that this was normal.

From the beginning of Horikita Suzune’s uneasy appearance, Kiyotaka Ayakoji guessed that there would be some accidents, if it was just expected.

“More and more… The more fun it is!”

Kiyotaka Ayakoji got up and left the café, he had already seen Ken Sudo see Suzune Horikita and go straight here, so he decided to go back to sleep.


“That’s the end of the exam, right?”

When she heard the sound of the school announcement, Megumi Karuizawa murmured as if she hadn’t reacted to it, as if she was in a dream.

“Yes, it’s over, we’ll be ashore soon. ”

Haruki Yamauchi nodded in affirmation of Megumi Karuizawa’s words, and he also reflected on his performance in this special exam and summed up the gains and losses.

Before he got on the boat, Haruki Yamauchi knew what was going to happen, so he began to prepare for it, and prepared a digital camera to Yin C class.

In addition, Haruki Yamauchi did not continue to disguise his thoughts, and he also began to do things that would attract attention, showing his presence.

This is also an inevitable process, Haruki Yamauchi can’t always hide behind the scenes, and one day he will have to stand up.

He doesn’t have to hide his obsessions, and if it’s better for him, then he chooses to do it.

Of course, those real secrets, those things that Haruki Yamauchi was doing in secret, he couldn’t expose them to the outside, and in the end, only he knew about them.

Even if someone else discovers clues and deduces something later, it will be a long time later, and the impact will not be great.

In addition, the relationship between Haruki Yamauchi and Kushida Kikyo has also gone further from being good friends to being a little ambiguous now.

This is not something that Haruki Yamauchi can control alone, and he can only let it develop.

Then I met Megumi Karuizawa and knew her secrets.

Horikita Suzune also noticed Haruki Yamauchi and often came to contact him.

Kiyotaka Ayakoji is secretly plotting something, trying to involve Haruki Yamauchi.

The conflict of the girls in class C, the overtures of Saki Yamashita, and the provocation and contact of Mio Ibuki.

Ichinose Hatama may also be paying attention to Haruki Yamauchi because of his doubts about being sent to the rabbit group, but more attention is still on Kiyotaka Ayakoji.

And some contact with Sae Chazhu, she will definitely continue to test Haruki Yamauchi in the future, even if the threat is unsuccessful, maybe she wants Haruki Yamauchi to make some achievements to repay her help.

Shiina Hiyowa’s temptation, Yosuke Hirata, who was in the same bedroom, also began to care about Haruki Yamauchi, and in more corners, there were also some people who knew Haruki Yamauchi because of the relationship between Kushida Kikyo.

Although there is a lot of time, only about two weeks, it seems that there are a lot of things experienced!

Haruki Yamauchi confirmed this, and at the same time sighed slightly.

“Let’s go, it’s time to go back!”

It was almost twelve o’clock at midnight, and there were not many people on the deck, and Haruki Yamauchi greeted him, and Megumi Karuizawa hurriedly followed as if she had just woken up from a dream.

The next step is the return of the cruise ship, and the students will return to school at noon the day after tomorrow.

At the same time, the summer vacation began, and things in school came to an end.

Two days later, Haruki Yamauchi had returned to his dormitory and resumed his usual life, and what had happened on the cruise ship was like a dream.

It’s just that there is one more person who will greet Haruki Yamauchi, and she didn’t ask Haruki Yamauchi to help her tutor as she said before, it seems that it is not that time yet.

There are also those who have become cold in the relationship, that is, Shiina Hiyozu, Haruki Yamauchi and her are not friends in the first place, so such a change is not abrupt, at least Kaneda Satoru next to him has never felt it.

When he went to the library again, Haruki Yamauchi had already turned a blind eye to Hiyori Shiina, and he knew that the more he talked to such a person, the more information he would reveal about himself, especially when Hikazu Shiina already had a certain impression of Haruki Yamauchi.

No matter what you say, trying to disguise or hide something, simply misleading her, etc., is not as simple as not communicating with her, and nothing will happen.

At first, Haruki Yamauchi became a little unaccustomed to life on campus because of the lingering afterglow of his stay on an uninhabited island and a luxury cruise ship, but he quickly readjusted to life at two o’clock and one line, wandering between the library and the dormitory every day, and living the life of an ascetic again.

Kushida Kikyo called Haruki Yamauchi a few times, during which he also hinted that Haruki Yamauchi should invite her to hang out and use the summer vacation time to get along, but Haruki Yamauchi didn’t hear what he did.

Because Haruki Yamauchi has more important things to do than these, he has to deal with these during the summer vacation, and it may be too late later.

In other words, it is only during the summer vacation that you can find the right opportunity, and other times it will be inconvenient.

After returning to the dormitory that day, Haruki Yamauchi went to a construction site on campus and waited.

Bringing nothing with him, just a person, Haruki Yamauchi sat on the grass in the shade of a tree, just watching the cranes and forklifts not far away continue to work.

Every year, there are some changes in the high-level school, and these changes are naturally impossible to make when the students are in school, so they can only be carried out during the students’ holidays, and this is the case now.

After a while, the faint sound of stepping on the soft grass gradually sounded, and Haruki Yamauchi turned around and saw the person he was waiting for coming.

“Hello, Matsushita-san!”.

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