Just when Chiaki Matsushita wanted to express her dissatisfaction with Haruki Yamauchi, Haruki Yamauchi had already let go of her and stood in front of the huge desk with the nameplate of the student president.

Behind the desk, there sat a sharp handsome guy with glasses, and on one side of him stood a pretty girl with her hair tied into two bags.

They are now on duty, and they all carry their name tags on their chests, respectively, Horikita and Tachibana, as the student council president and secretary.

There should be very few people in the whole school who don’t know each other, after all, when there is any activity in the school, they are in charge of the platform.

Even if they brush their faces, it is estimated that their appearance is remembered by almost everyone in the school.

“What’s the matter?”

Horikita and Tachibana were a little surprised to see Haruki Yamauchi enter the office in the way of pulling Matsushita Chiaki, but soon Horikita Gakubu regained his composure and began to admit it routinely.

The student union has a lot of power, of course, there will be accidents, and generally students will respond to problems that cannot be solved, and then they will report to the school for further processing.

On the other hand, if there is a dispute between students and it needs to be reported to the school, it will be reported to the student council first, and then the student council will conduct a mediation trial, and then it will be handed over to the school when they cannot handle it.

It’s just that at that point, the punishment will become more severe.

There are not a few people like Haruki Yamauchi who push open the door of the student union, and although the way he came in was a little surprising, Horihoku was only surprised for a moment and decided to deal with it as usual.

“It’s very simple, I’m just here to say, my partner Matsushita Chiaki and I, and then we’re going to defeat Horikita Suzune!”

In the eyes of Horikita and Tachibana Akane who were extremely surprised by “Three Zero Three”, and as if their ears were broken, Haruki Yamauchi proudly grabbed Matsushita Chiaki’s hand and raised it, so declared.

Matsushita Chiaki was stunned, she didn’t understand what Haruki Yamauchi meant by this, her brain crashed on the spot, and she couldn’t react effectively.

“Chairman Horikita…”

Tachibana Akane, the secretary of the student council, immediately walked up to Horikita’s side, as if she wanted to say something, but her actions were immediately stopped by Horikita Gaku’s raised hand.

Then Horihokita finally raised his head and began to look at Haruki Yamauchi seriously, and he even stood up, as if to show that he valued Haruki Yamauchi.

“You want to defeat Suzune, and then what?”

“And then… I’ll wait until then, I want to show you what you’re capable of, and I hope you understand that!”

In the face of this person who sat on the highest honor in the school, Haruki Yamauchi continued to say shocking words as if he was provocative.

“I’ll understand, I’ve seen your potential, and I’ll wait for that day to come!

Horihoku sat down again, supported his chin with both hands, and returned to his original plain appearance, which was undoubtedly the meaning of sending off guests.

Haruki Yamauchi nodded slightly, then pulled up Chiaki Matsushita, who was still sluggish, strode out, and closed the door of the student union office with his hand.

“President Horikita, don’t you really have to worry about your sister?”

Tachibana only whispered the words that she hadn’t said just now, although she and Horikita Manabu are the best partners, and they have reached the point of intimacy, but whether in private or in public, she will still maintain the greatest respect for Horikita Gaku.

“No, if Suzune is really defeated, it’s also her own problem, not to mention, she needs to grow too. ”

Horikita’s eyes shone sharply, but the interest in them grew stronger.

“Class D is really good, a Kiyotaka Ayakoji and a Haruki Yamauchi are all excellent talents!”

Although Haruki Yamauchi did not say his name, Horikita Manabu is a genius, and the lifestyle of a genius is naturally different from ordinary people, and he has long remembered the looks and names of everyone in the school, and of course he can recognize Haruki Yamauchi.

“Chairman Horikita…”

Tachibana looked at Horikita with some surprise, she rarely saw Horikita take the initiative to praise others, in the first grade, one of Horikita was praised by Horikita Kiyotaka Ayakoji, and the other was Haruki Yamauchi just now.

This means that Horikita Gakuin gave them an extremely high evaluation that others can’t even imagine, which is undoubtedly very rare.

“Kiyotaka Ayakoji’s strength is unfathomable, but Haruki Yamauchi’s body has infinite possibilities, and I have already seen his potential!”

Horikita Gabu is born with the ability to see the essence through phenomena, no matter how others hide, he can see the essence of the other party under heavy disguises, so as to judge the strength of the other party.

Whether it was Kiyotaka Ayakoji, who was noticed by him at a glance, and Haruki Yamauchi, who had just been discovered by him, he saw quite outstanding merits.

“If he can grow to the right level before I leave this school, maybe I can also give him the task of stopping Nagumo!”

Horikita has always been thinking about not letting Nan Yunya act recklessly after he leaves, so he wants to find the right person to stop him.

It’s a pity that Kiyotaka Ayakoji, the only one who is considered capable of doing this by Horikita Manaku, has no interest in this at all.

In contrast, Haruki Yamauchi, who has ambition in his eyes, may be more suitable for this matter.

Is it possible that he will become an even more terrifying being than Nagumo?

Horikita suddenly had such a guess in his heart, and he instantly felt suspicious of it.

“Anyway, just see what he does and decide how to deal with him!”

Graduation is approaching, and there are so many troubles that I can’t count, even Horikita Gaku, I feel a little powerless.

Chiaki Matsushita was held by Haruki Yamauchi and started running, from leaving the student union office until near the stadium, before letting go of her.

In the scorching summer, running on the road like this again, Matsushita Chiaki only felt that his throat was beginning to smoke, and he couldn’t even speak.

It just so happened that this was Haruki Yamauchi returning, and he bought two bottles of tea drinks from a vending machine not far away and handed one to Chiaki Matsushita.

The cold tea drink with the bitter tea aroma was gradually swallowed, moisturizing the dry lips and throat, and Chiaki Matsushita finally remembered what had just happened, and glared at Haruki Yamauchi vigorously.

“Yamauchi-san, what do you mean by the things you did in the student union office?

Haruki Yamauchi said that letting Chiaki Matsushita see her strength would convince her of the reason why she could bring Class D to A, and as a result, Haruki Yamauchi brought Chiaki Matsushita to the student union office, in front of the student president, and performed like this.

It was both embarrassment and doubt, and Chiaki Matsushita still hadn’t figured out what Haruki Yamauchi meant, but he just felt that he had suddenly gone crazy and said something crazy.

Especially when he thought of Haruki Yamauchi raising his hand and shouting his name loudly, Chiaki Matsushita couldn’t help but have the urge to cover his face.

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At that time, Chiaki Matsushita even wanted to kick Haruki Yamauchi directly down the stairs through the window!

And Haruki Yamauchi, looking at Chiaki Matsushita’s angry look, began to explain unhurriedly.

“Do you know the relationship between the student council president and Horikita Suzune?”

“Horikita Studies, Horikita Suzune… Could it be…”

Chiaki Matsushita is not a stupid person, her brain is very flexible, and when she heard Haruki Yamauchi’s reminder, coupled with the age gap between the two, she immediately thought of a possibility…

“Are they brother and sister?”

“Yes, you guessed right!”

Haruki Yamauchi smiled smugly, looking at Chiaki Matsushita’s gaze with a teachable taste.

“If you think about it, isn’t it our incomparably firm conviction that we are going to defeat his sister in front of the student council president?

(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Under the gaze of Chiaki Matsushita as if she was about to eat Haruki Yamauchi, the bottle in her hand was slowly squeezed flat, making a creaking sound, and her teeth also creaked.

“So, what you’re showing me is this self-indulgent behavior… By the way, let’s offend the student council president?”

Although it is unlikely that the student council president will specifically target ordinary students, the students sitting in this position can make the other party very sad by casually targeting ordinary students.

There are few people who don’t understand such a simple truth, and everyone is in awe of the student president, not only because of his honor, but also because of the power in their hands.

“Yes, you understand that, so we’re in the same boat!”

Haruki Yamauchi smiled and agreed with Chiaki Matsushita’s statement, but in a blink of an eye, he saw Chiaki Matsushita waving his arms and grabbing his face.

She was obviously a little broken, and unconsciously, she was deceived into messing around with Haruki Yamauchi, and suddenly entered the field of vision of such a terrifying character, and suddenly lost her mind.

Haruki Yamauchi was holding a tea drink with one hand, and the other hand was casually blocking Matsushita Chiaki’s movements, and his mouth was still explaining unhurriedly.

“Don’t worry, President Horikita doesn’t have a good relationship with Horikita-san, and he never wants his sister to stay at this school, so he won’t hinder our actions… 0”

“It’s just that if we don’t do anything, and he sees him as someone who can only talk big in front of him, maybe we will feel teased, and what awaits us at that time is a tragic result!”

In fact, even if Haruki Yamauchi really just lets his mouth out in front of Horikita Gaku, Horikita Gakubu will at most lose interest in them, and he will not specifically target them.

However, Haruki Yamauchi knew about this, but Chiaki Matsushita didn’t know that even people who looked kind on the outside could be ruthless, let alone Horikita Gaku’s paralyzed face, which was very cold at first glance.

Even if Haruki Yamauchi said that Horikita is a very well-behaved person who loves his younger students very much, it is estimated that Matsushita Chiaki will not believe it!

This is also just right, Haruki Yamauchi has long been optimistic about today’s timing, and asked Matsushita Chiaki to come out, on the one hand, to prepare to enter Horikita’s field of vision, and on the other hand, with the help of the pressure of the student president, so that Matsushita Chiaki had to cooperate with him.

Chiaki Matsushita is usually a cautious person, but if she finds out that she does nothing, she will offend the student council president, and even if she is driven by this power, she will take a certain level of action.

Haruki Yamauchi is ready to pull Chiaki Matsushita onto his boat step by step in this way.

And when she gets acquainted with this way of life, even if she is asked to get rid of Haruki Yamauchi, it is estimated that she will not be able to do it.

“Alright, let’s go eat, I’ll invite you to dinner!”

Although Haruki Yamauchi is indeed not very good at building relationships with people, he still understands the simple truth of carrots and sticks, and now is the time to give carrots.

“You’re really cunning, who wants to eat with someone like you?”

When Matsushita Chiaki saw Haruki Yamauchi get up, she immediately gave up her actions against Haruki Yamauchi, and at the same time sarcastic.

Haruki Yamauchi didn’t listen to her at all, he just pressed her shoulder, and dragged her forward, unable to stand at all.

“Anyway, I didn’t make the rice, I just ate it together, so what’s the matter?”

“Let go of me, I’ll go myself!”

Although still a little reluctantly, Chiaki Matsushita reluctantly agreed to Haruki Yamauchi’s invitation and followed Haruki Yamauchi’s side.

Haruki Yamauchi had a smile on his face, but there was no hint of a smile in his eyes.

Now he just used some means casually, so that Matsushita Chiaki began to get used to his own pace, but the effect of this method can only last for a short period of time, and it will soon lose its effect.

The next thing to do is to convince Chiaki Matsushita of me, otherwise, she will not be a useful pawn.

The specific method, Haruki Yamauchi has not thought of it yet, not that he has not thought of how to do it, but he has not found the right person to do it.

At least at the beginning of the new semester, when the classes start fighting again, it would be nice for 5.0 people from other classes to be the bad guys, and Haruki Yamauchi will appear as a savior at that time.

Or, there is no need to deliberately hurt Chiaki Matsushita, as long as she understands that following Haruki Yamauchi is better for her future, and if she can behave willingly, she doesn’t have to do more.

The best result is that Haruki Yamauchi is ready to live in harmony with Chiaki Matsushita in the next time, if they can quickly become good friends, then Haruki Yamauchi can also save a lot of things, and there is no need to think about other means at all.

In short, what to do next, it depends not only on the situation, but also on the actual needs and possibilities, since Haruki Yamauchi has already chosen Matsushita Chiaki, he will not let her slip away from his hands.

This is not something that Chiaki Matsushita has a choice, the person who has the right to choose can only be Haruki Yamauchi himself.

In other words, if Haruki Yamauchi feels that Matsushita Chiaki is not qualified, he will always discard it and replace it with a more suitable one.

To say why Haruki Yamauchi suddenly had the idea of recruiting chess pieces for himself, it’s actually very simple…

In this school, almost all the students in the leadership class will have one or several deputies, which is not only for prestige or good looks, but also for their own last barrier.

People who do not have this barrier are often easily plotted, or they are attacked fatally because of sudden events, and then they are dropped out of school.

Although Kushida Kikyo is my best choice, and her ability is also excellent enough to be qualified for the position next to me, but it is too dangerous for her, and I am still a little reluctant…

So, after careful selection, Haruki Yamauchi finally confirmed that the target was Chiaki Matsushita.

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