It’s just that for Haruki Yamauchi, it is difficult for him to pay the same attention to Kushida Kikyo, which is also a fact in front of him.

Sometimes it’s not all good to be too sensible, and it’s easy to take everything around you into account, and it’s becoming harder and harder to give your heart.

Haruki Yamauchi has understood this deeply.

After a brief conversation with Kushida Kikyo, the two quickly separated and walked towards the gymnasium below.

Originally, Haruki Yamauchi was going to go to the gym with Kushida Kikyo, but she suddenly felt that her hair was messed up and she had to fix her hair, so she had to separate.

Haruki Yamauchi was surprised by this, because Kushida Kikyo had always had short, neatly trimmed hair, and he didn’t feel where Kushida’s hair was messed up at all.

But forget it, it’s hard for Haruki Yamauchi to understand this kind of problem anyway, so he can only ignore it for the time being.

When I entered the gymnasium, there was a crowd of people inside, and all classes came to the divided area to stand and wait, waiting for the class leaders to contact each other.

Class D belongs to the red group, and because class A and D are united, the leader of the red group is a senior from the third grade A, and he quickly finds out, and Yosuke Hirata stands together and starts talking.

Haruki Yamauchi didn’t care about the grouping of the classes at all, but turned his gaze to the area of the first-grade class A, and in front of that area, there was a petite girl.

Her hair was silvery-white, and her body was as thin as skin, like a young girl who had not yet grown up.

Her skin was snow-white, and she held a thin cane in her hand, and she sat with her head bowed, but she had an unusually strong sense of presence.

Occasionally, when she raised her head, she would smile lightly, and she was almost unreal, like a girl who came out of a comic, not like a human thing.

Sakayanagi Arisu…

When I was on the uninhabited island, there was a student of A who was absent from the uninhabited island exam because of his unhealthy health, which caused A to fall into a disadvantageous situation from the beginning, that is, Sakayanagi Yusu.

Looking back, Haruki Yamauchi realizes that he has never met her, and although he didn’t deliberately go to the vicinity of A to find her relationship, there should be other reasons for this.

She may not even go to class because of her health.

It’s not impossible, this school has always been surprisingly tolerant of students, provided that the students who are in this school are strong.

In other words, as long as you have a valid reason not to go to class and are able to show a reasonable grade on the exam, it doesn’t matter at all.

Absenteeism from class will not have any impact on the individual’s evaluation.

Even if there is an accident that is placed in another school and enough to suspend the school, the school will be merciful, and as long as it can have the strength to stay in this school and can prove it, the school can treat it as if nothing happened and it will still be considered normal.

In this school, students are free to do whatever they want, as long as the rules allow, and the school will solve anything for them.

This is the dream of a high-level school, where students are completely self-managed, with little to no extra discipline and no pressure from elsewhere.

In exchange, students must also take responsibility for their own choices, not only to endure the test of special school exams, but also to constantly fight here in the open and secret, never to rest.

Thinking of these things, Haruki Yamauchi retracted his gaze again, he didn’t want to be noticed by Sakayanagi Yusu in advance, so let her focus on Kiyotaka Ayakoji first.

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“It’s a pity that I can’t play because of my health, so I lose the game without a fight. ”

Sakayanagi seemed to notice everyone’s attention, and quickly bowed slightly to apologize.

“Please let me apologize at the beginning for causing trouble to my class and Class D!”

“Don’t worry, no one blames you. ”

“It’s because the school is too unkind, and obviously you didn’t mean it. ”

Needless to say, the people in Class A did not express their dissatisfaction with Banyanagi Youqi, and they all spoke out to comfort him. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Banliu Youqi looks very cute, and she looks very weak and beautiful, so it is estimated that it is difficult for ordinary boys to blame her ruthlessly.

People are creatures that can easily judge people by their appearance, and good appearance often brings many advantages.

It’s just that Haruki Yamauchi knows that Sakayanagi Yusu is not as fragile as she looks, and the exams she didn’t take before, and the two mistakes made by Katsuragi Kohei Leader A are inseparable from her.

In other words, Sakayanagi is a person who will unceremoniously knock down her opponent even if the class as a whole is damaged, and she is even more aggressive than anyone could have imagined.

In the original plot, after this sports festival, Kohei Katsuragi will completely step down from the stage of A because of this failure, and Sakayanagi Yusu will take over the burden and truly master A thoroughly.

In other words, the previous situation of Class A being divided into two factions came to an end, and the curtain came down on the defeat of Kohei Katsuragi and his replacement by the leader Sakayanagi Yusu.

Even in a split state, Class A is still far ahead in class points, and even from this point of view, it can be understood that A is indeed the undoubted best class, and there is no problem with the school’s class placement.

Now that A is united, it will be harder to deal with them.

It didn’t take long for the gymnasium meeting to come to an end, and Haruki Yamauchi went back with him.

After all, it was just people from various classes who came to meet, and even if there was really something, it wouldn’t be discussed here in public.

Still as Haruki Yamauchi knew in advance, Long Yuanxiang still didn’t look like he wanted to seriously discuss it with Class B because he was connected with Kushida Kikyo, because he had decided to set his goal on Class D, and he didn’t care about anything else.

“If heaven makes (good Zhao Hao) people perish, it must first make people crazy, which is really eternal truth. ”

Haruki Yamauchi didn’t care about these things in the gym, because he had more important things to do, and today’s class points had been collected into Haruki Yamauchi’s account in the morning.

In other words, whether it’s Karuizawa Megumi or Sho Tatsuzono, their points have already been received, and the next thing is to send them to Haruki Yamauchi.

With so many points again, Haruki Yamauchi has already figured out how he will improve next, and he is waiting for the night to improve.

After coming out of the gymnasium, a lot of people went back to their classes, and it looked like they were going to discuss something next.

Haruki Yamauchi glanced over there, but he didn’t care, and went straight back to the dormitory.

Anyway, the current discussion is a bit premature, and even if there is a result, the entry form will not be submitted until a week before the start of the sports festival.

Haruki Yamauchi is not in a hurry at all.

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