But Haruki Yamauchi still insisted and let her finish the matter, which would also be part of her clearer understanding of her position and her feelings for Haruki Yamauchi.

It’s best not to interrupt this, in many ways, no matter how much Haruki Yamauchi says, it’s not much use, and it’s best to make Kushida Kikyo feel it himself.

“You’re going to hand over the entry form for Class D to Class C, right?”

Haruki Yamauchi listened carefully to Kushida Kikyo’s words and quickly pointed out the key.

“There’s no way, there’s not much to do at the festival, so I can only choose to do it. ”

Kushida Kikyo replied without the slightest hesitation, because that was the truth.

The reason why the sports festival is not called a special examination is that the rewards and punishments are not proportional, and there are not many places in it that can be used flexibly.

In addition to the preparations in advance, when it comes to the day of the sports festival, it is basically a matter of working the rules of the sports festival and trying to win the game.

When it comes to the field, there are basically people from the school who supervise it, and you can walk 30 on the verge of violating the rules and use some small means.

But if you want to use this to decide the outcome of the game, you are asking for hardship by using other means.

Haruki Yamauchi was silent for a moment, as if thinking, before he asked curiously.

“If you want to deal with Horikita Suzune, then you only need to give the entry sheet of the two of them to Class C, why leak it completely?”

Because of his desire for revenge, Kushida Kikyo ignored a problem and made a relatively loss-making deal.

Now, Haruki Yamauchi wants to make her realize the inadequacy of her conditions.

“Because it was my idea to want to deal with Horikita Suzune, and in Class C, they also wanted to reciprocate. ”

Kushida Kikyo said the real reason without thinking, it should be that she also mentioned something similar to Class C, after all, she would not fail to understand that the disappearance of class points and the fiasco of the sports festival would not be a good thing for anyone in Class D.

“What Class C wants, is the rest of the table, they want to win, Class C wins. ”

“No, that’s not a reason why they really intend to work with you, you’ve been lied to. “

Haruki Yamauchi did not hesitate to contradict Kushida Kikyo and pointed out the crux of the matter.

“There are four classes in the first grade, and if Class C wants to win, they won’t just aim for Class D, which is even lower than them, Class A and Class B are their real goals!”

It’s easy to understand, but Kushida Kikyo was blinded by his own thoughts, and he hasn’t thought of it yet.

For now, Class D is not the opponent of Class C, and it can only be said that they have a certain sense of crisis.

If Class C wants to be promoted, Class B is the most important target they should deal with.

“What do I mean? If Class C is hiding their real goal, what is their real goal?”

Kushida Kikyo didn’t know the inside story of the uninhabited island exam, and she could only speculate based on what she knew, and then she realized that she didn’t really understand it.

It’s not that Kushida Kikyo isn’t smart enough, it’s just that she doesn’t have enough information to understand Long Yuanxiang’s character and Long Yuanxiang’s thinking.

“It’s very simple, your goal, which is also the goal of Class C, normally speaking, they should be asking for you, not the other way around, you need to pay them. ”

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Haruki Yamauchi smiled, pointed out the key part, and then said his own advice.

“Next, you ask Class C for two million individual points on the condition of Suzune Horikita’s entry form, and the bottom line is to hand over Takeru Sudo’s entry sheet and one million personal points at the same time, and if they don’t give it to you, you will refuse the deal.

“It’s… Is it really possible?”

Hearing Haruki Yamauchi’s words, Kushida Kikyo’s mouth opened wide, and she couldn’t help but look surprised, she quickly covered her mouth, (read a violent novel, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“It’s not that I’m asking Class C to do things, why do I have to get paid?”

“Don’t worry about those things, just do what I say! You have to remember that you are betraying the interests of the class, shouldn’t there be anything in return?”

Haruki Yamauchi took the other hand that Kushida Kikyo had put down, and pressed slightly, as if to give her confidence.

“Also, even if you cooperate with Class C, will you be able to make Horikita Suzune drop out of school? Obviously, you can’t do this, they don’t have that much ability at all, and their cooperation is not that valuable!”

“In that case, you should be tougher, this deal must be led by you, and I am sure they will eventually agree to your terms. ”

Haruki Yamauchi smiled slightly, his eyes deep.

“You always remember that the people in Class C are more vigilant than you, and there are more people who hate Horikita Suzune, because Horikita Suzune is also their enemy! ”

In this regard, Haruki Yamauchi can be said to have an extraordinary voice, and his several actions did not betray Class D, and it can even be said that he did not harm the interests of Class D, and obtained a lot of personal points from Class C.

Of course, Haruki Yamauchi didn’t mean to think about Class D, at least not completely.

Otherwise, the evidence he has now is enough to deal a big blow to Class C.

“So… Does it really work?”

Kushida Kikyo has been moved by Haruki Yamauchi, but she still has a hesitant 563 look, and even her eyes have become dodgy.


Haruki Yamauchi didn’t say anything more, just gave him support with a determined gaze, and then he got up and made a gesture of sending off the guest.

“You go back and think about how to do it, there should be no problem, by the way, take a good rest, you should be able to understand the key, you don’t need me to explain it. ”

Kushida Kikyo watched Haruki Yamauchi’s movements, moved slightly, and when she was about to get up, she was a little unsteady on her feet and fell forward.

At such a close distance, Haruki Yamauchi took a step forward as a matter of course, letting her fall into his arms, his hands behind his back, and gently stroking her hair.

“Don’t worry, I won’t deceive you, they will definitely agree to your conditions, because Long Yuanxiang’s patience is much worse than yours. ”

Long Yuanxiang is a person with a lot of action, which is not derogatory, but often the more you do it, the more you get wrong, and the faster you do it, the faster you get it wrong.

This time, Long Yuanxiang doesn’t know if he has learned the lessons of the previous times, and can use some new and more rigorous methods to prevent the possible snooping of Haruki Yamauchi?

“I guess he will not only agree to your request, but he will also choose to enter into a contract for more peace of mind. ”

Thinking of the lessons that Long Yuanxiang received a few times ago, Haruki Yamauchi smiled slightly.

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