It’s just that at this time, Panasonic Chiaki didn’t resist that possibility much, but became extremely excited.

“Perhaps, life will be more interesting in the future, maybe it is not enough. ”

In essence, Chiaki Matsushita is still a restless girl, she seems to want peace, but in her heart, she wants to seek excitement.

That’s probably the majority of young people.

Thinking of many things, Chiaki Matsushita suddenly had a lot more expectations for her future life.

After leaving the woods, Haruki Yamauchi didn’t go to the library, and he didn’t plan to go to the library as often as recently as possible.

Now, Haruki Yamauchi almost doesn’t need to go to the library to review and prepare, and his grades are not the best now, but at least they can be said to be excellent.

Especially today, there will be new points in the account, and Haruki Yamauchi can use those points to improve himself.

All these factors add up, and now Haruki Yamauchi is not in a hurry to review, he already has enough confidence, even if he doesn’t study so hard, he doesn’t have to worry about grades. 30

In this case, Haruki Yamauchi doesn’t need to run to the library every day, and he himself doesn’t like the knowledge in books.

I did that before, but I was just instinctively protecting myself, and if I didn’t have enough grades in this school, I would be dropped out.

It’s actually the result of relying on personal willpower and self-control, and Haruki Yamauchi doesn’t find it interesting deep down.

Thinking of this, Haruki Yamauchi walked towards the dormitory, he estimated that it would not be long before someone else would come looking for him.

Considering this, it’s better to wait in the dormitory first, it won’t be long anyway.

In this sports festival, Haruki Yamauchi only had contact with one person other than Kushida Kikyo, and that person must have a lot of questions now.

“Other than that, Shiina Hikazu should have paid more attention to me now, after all, I can hide it, and Class C won’t pay too much attention to me. ”

“But after they came into contact with me, the conditions proposed by Kushida Kikyo changed, and since I was the one who could influence Kushida Kikyo, they should be able to figure out very easily that I was the one who made Kushida Kikyo change. ”

This is also a matter of course, as long as the order of the two things is linked, it is easy to understand that Haruki Yamauchi is the one behind Kushida Kikyo.

Even if you can’t control Kushida Kikyo’s every move, at least for her influence, it can be said that you can guess it just by thinking about it.

It doesn’t matter anymore, having come to this point, Haruki Yamauchi has no intention of continuing to hide, or rather, as long as he wants to act according to his own methods, there is no way to hide in the first place.

Sooner or later, you have to go to the surface and be noticed by people in other classes.

It is precisely because of these considerations that Haruki Yamauchi doesn’t care about being discovered, and it can even be said that being tempted by Shiina Day and Yamauchi of Class C is completely expected by Haruki Yamauchi.

Even if Hiyowa Shiina doesn’t show up, Haruki Yamauchi will probably create the conditions for himself to be able to participate in these things.

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In this respect, this is something that has been predestined for a long time.

So, although Shiina Hi and approached Haruki Yamauchi twice, both with a bad smell, Haruki Yamauchi didn’t feel anything.

“Whether it’s suspicion of malice or suspicion of malice, it’s just their subjective will, and I just need to notice that those things work for me. ”

With this calmness, Haruki Yamauchi walked to his dormitory, opened the door, put down his school bag, and began to cook.

In all fairness, Haruki Yamauchi wasn’t too hungry right now, and he decided to do it now that he was cooking, thinking that he could calm the anger of the other person and make things easier to solve.

Anyway, these are not such troublesome things for Haruki Yamauchi, at least Haruki Yamauchi doesn’t feel that there is anything wrong.

After a while, there was a knock on the door of the dormitory, and Haruki Yamauchi smiled, he thought he would get the call first, but he didn’t expect it to be the first to knock.

It seemed that her mood was even more impatient than Haruki Yamauchi imagined, and as soon as she got out of school, she immediately said goodbye to her friends, and then came to Haruki Yamauchi’s side.

In that case, why didn’t you call yesterday? Obviously the matter was over yesterday, and the school’s punishment has already come down?

It may be that yesterday, she didn’t think of these things, and it wasn’t until today that she gradually recalled what was going on, which is a very normal way of thinking.

Many times, people are like this, at the moment of the incident, they can’t react quickly, until after the incident, summarize the lesson, and gradually understand what is going on.

This is also something that cannot be helped, many moments, because it is the person concerned, it is originally in the game, and it is impossible to see clearly.

It is normal to wait until a period of time to be able to detach yourself from the situation at the time and then look at your own practices, so that you can draw lessons from them.

This is how people’s reflexes are exercised, and those who are flexible are often able to react at the time, and those who are not very flexible may take a long time to gradually understand the truth.

If you look at it from this aspect, it only took one day to understand what was going on, and you are still a relatively smart person.

Opening the door, Haruki Yamauchi 977 saw Karuizawa Megumi’s angry face, she seemed to be looking at Haruki Yamauchi angrily, and she didn’t even speak for a while.

“Do you want to come in and say?”

Haruki Yamauchi saw Karuizawa’s appearance, but he still didn’t care too much, he knew Karuizawa’s character, often anger or happiness was just the surface, it was just a kind of work to cover himself. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Deep down in Karuizawa’s heart, she only cares about herself, the pain or joy of others, she doesn’t care too much, and everything she shows is a disguise.

And during the summer vacation, Megumi Karuizawa let Haruki Yamauchi leave her a little personal point, and not take all her earnings on the ship, which can also be said to be painstaking, not the first time she came to Haruki Yamauchi’s dormitory.

It’s just that at that time, Haruki Yamauchi still needed personal points very much, and of course he wouldn’t agree to such a request.

Moreover, Haruki Yamauchi has not forgotten his image, he is a very principled person in the eyes of others, of course, it is impossible to disrupt his principles because of a few words and some actions of Megumi Karuizawa, so it will not be worth it at all.

Although it is said that if you do that, the relationship between Haruki Yamauchi and Megumi Karuizawa can be one step closer, but that is only trouble for Haruki Yamauchi, and he doesn’t need to do that.

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