If you go to the cafeteria and order a set meal, it will cost you a lot of personal points, and if you change it to ingredients, it will be enough to eat a few meals.

It’s just that many students have never touched the kitchen, so in this case, of course, they still choose to eat in the cafeteria or other restaurants.

Haruki Yamauchi is different, he can cook, and he doesn’t feel that it is troublesome, of course, he chooses to buy the ingredients and cook by himself.

“After sixty points, it takes 30,000 points to improve each attribute, which means that I now have about 600,000 points, and I can improve about 20 points of attribute. ”

“In the next special exam, there is not much need for physical strength and force, because this special exam mainly relies on the results of the written test, and I ask each other, so I will improve my academic ability and intelligence. ”

Thinking so, Haruki Yamauchi saw that on his personal panel, his personal points were consumed, and his intelligence and academic ability had increased by ten points.

[Stamina 61

Armed forces 60

Academic ability 70

Intelligence 70

Personal points: 52460]

“All of a sudden, I used up my personal points by more than 30 points, but the improvement was also great, and I could feel that my brain was spinning faster, and I was more familiar with the knowledge I already had. ”

After all, these things are not as obvious as physical strength and force, and the changes in the body can be felt immediately.

However, Haruki Yamauchi is not unaware, he can at least feel that his head is much more relaxed, and his control over his body is much stronger.

“Forget it, it’s almost clear when you wait until tomorrow to start class, and there’s no rush now. ”

Haruki Yamauchi soon stopped caring about these things, he turned on his computer, began to log in to the school’s official website, and immediately saw the new announcement.

In late October, the third-year students will basically quit the student council, in other words, the student council president will be replaced.

It’s a common practice in the past, and it’s almost time for the third-year students to graduate, so they will hand over the affairs to the second-year students, and then prepare for graduation with peace of mind.

If it were to be changed to another school, although the change of the student council president was not a big news, it was definitely not worthy of Haruki Yamauchi’s attention.

But in this school, it is very different, the reason is very simple, the student council in this school has a lot of power.

The student council even has the right to make suggestions to the school authorities, and can decide on various special examinations, at least the way in which they can be proposed.

Usually, most of the affairs related to the school are also decided by the student union, and only when the student union cannot solve the matter, the school will choose to intervene.

And the result of this is that the fundamental student council is different, and the students’ style of acting will also be different, because the student council will have different principles for handling things. ”

It’s like the incident between Sudo Ken and Class C before, when Horikita was the student president at the time, he might have punished this kind of thing heavily to prevent similar things from happening.

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If it were Nan Yunya, he probably wouldn’t care about this kind of thing, so he would adopt a laissez-faire attitude, which would make similar things even more.

Because at that point, the cost of conflict becomes smaller, or even almost non-existent, and the smart students will certainly know what to do.

After the change of the student council, the school became even more turbulent in the original plot, and it is difficult to say that there is no reason for this.

Haruki Yamauchi, who has expected it now, has naturally been paying attention to these things, because the affairs of the student union do not only affect the people related to the student union, even ordinary students will be affected by it.

“If you calculate the time, it’s probably the most recent time, and Horikita will take the initiative to contact me. ”

Haruki Yamauchi seemed to have seen that time coming, and he already understood it not long after the summer vacation had just begun.

Although Horikita Suzune has become what it is now, it seems that Haruki Yamauchi has not intervened at all, and it is not Haruki Yamauchi.

However, Haruki Yamauchi believes that if it is Horikita, he should be able to discover something from it, and he will be able to know his own abilities.

Before the sports festival began, the current result was already stated, and to some extent, it was also an ability, which is a fact that no one can deny.

The next morning, Haruki Yamauchi habitually glanced behind him, but Ken Sudo still didn’t come, and it seemed that his suspension for half a month was not groundless, and it was true so far.

By the time he comes back again, Sudo Ken should be able to learn enough lessons from this incident to wake him up.

In fact, for now, Sudo Ken is lucky, but he stopped his club activities. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

If this happened in the first semester, I’m afraid the punishment wouldn’t have been so simple, and Ken Sudo wouldn’t have been elected as a full-fledged member.

If it was a conflict that occurred in those exams, and Koenji Rokusuke insisted on pursuing the matter, it would not be impossible to get Ken Sudo punished by dropping out of school.

Combined with Ken Sudo’s style of acting in the past, it is estimated that no one will intercede for Ken Sudo, and everyone will wish that Ken Sudo would drop out of school or something.

This can be seen from 753 in the first semester, even Horikita Suzune planned to give up Sudo Ken, but Ayakoji Kiyotaka saw the value of Sudo Ken at that time, and kept persuading Horikita Suzune not to give up Sudo Ken, so that Sudo Ken’s grades slowly improved at that time.

At that time, there was another matter of archaeology, and Sudo was able to pass the exam at that time, so there was no unnecessary danger.

It’s a pity that this time Ayakoji Kiyotaka completely adopted a laissez-faire mode, Horikita Suzune was too busy to take care of herself, she couldn’t even save herself, and naturally she didn’t have the energy to pull Ken Sudo a hand.

Now, because of what happened before, the people in Class D have a panicked look, as if they have lost their souls, and they don’t know what to do.

This is also something that can’t be helped, the deduction of class points is good, and when the class points were deducted to zero in the past, everyone has not experienced such a thing.

The problem is that Horikita Suzune, who has always been at the forefront and seems to be leading everyone, fell this time, coupled with Sudo Ken’s misdeeds, which also caused Class D to bear some pressure.

All the way to the present, the students of Class D can no longer see the future, and do not know how the future will go.

Haruki Yamauchi guessed that they should be very worried now, right?

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