This is actually quite normal, in this school, students must be thoughtful in every step, otherwise they will not be able to move forward.

If Haruki Yamauchi had come here without knowing anything, I’m afraid Horikita would have been disappointed as well.

It is undoubtedly foolish to rush to an appointment without knowing anything about the matter.

Horikita nodded slightly, agreeing with Haruki Yamauchi’s words, and turned to look at the sky not far away.

“If you had come earlier, I would have had some power at that time, and I might have been able to put you in the student union. ”


Shaking his head, Horikita didn’t say anything further, but the meaning was obvious, he no longer had that kind of power.

This is actually obvious, after the sports festival, it is estimated that Horikita has already put down the things at hand and handed them over to the next student president, Nan Yunya.

In other words, in addition to not officially handing over the position of student president, the current Horikita School, his position as student president is also ~ already in name only.

Of course, this is not really anything, because it has been similar in the past.

By March next year, the third grade will leave the school, and they will stay in the school for less than half a year.

In such a short period of time, just wanting to fight again at the end and see if I can graduate in A is already doing my best, let alone worrying about other things.

It is precisely because of this reason that the school will stipulate that after October, the original third grade will basically retire from the student council and be replaced by a second year.

After arriving, it was almost the same kind of charter, and it basically became a common practice.

Of course, according to Haruki Yamauchi’s understanding, there may be a deeper reason.

The student council in this school has a lot of power, and can even influence the formulation of special exams and the advice of some rules.

If, when graduation is approaching, someone from the student union uses the power of the student union to deliberately reveal some secret information or change something in order to create an opportunity for their class to rise, it will undoubtedly make the class rise greatly.

At that point, even if the student who violated the law is punished afterwards, the student’s class may not be punished.

According to the rules of the school, only one person is the one who violates the rules, and everyone else chooses to follow the favorable advice without knowing the specific situation, and of course the whole class cannot be punished.

At that time, of course, other classes whose interests have been damaged will not be convinced, which may be related to whether or not you can graduate in A, and it is related to many important things.

If we do get to that point, I’m afraid there will be more disputes as a result, and there is no doubt that the school will not allow this kind of thing to happen.

And the best way to eradicate this possibility is to have the third-year student council members out of office early, so that even if they want to do something, they will not be able to do it.

If some people choose to act too early, it won’t help because it’s not close to graduation and the school has plenty of time to deal with these things and it won’t make much of a difference.

Just for the sake of winning or losing a special exam, he gambled on his life in this school, and no one should be so stupid as to do such a thing.

And after arriving in Nanyunya, he also wants to continue to expand the power of the student union and prepare to change the term of office of the student union.

In Haruki Yamauchi’s opinion, things should not work out, and as long as the school’s management is not stupid, they will not agree to such a request.

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Even if Nan Yunya is considered a big man among the students, compared to the school’s management, he is still limited in what he can decide.

The idea of making the student president serve until graduation is only imaginary, and there is no possibility of realizing it at all.

Haruki Yamauchi didn’t expect that Horikita would be able to use his power to do anything for himself, at least in terms of the student council, so he shook his head very dryly.

“If at that time, would you choose to come to me?”

“No, I didn’t recognize your abilities at that time. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In the face of Haruki Yamauchi’s tentative questioning, Horikita shook his head directly without the slightest hesitation, denying that this was also his true thoughts, and he was unexpectedly blunt many times.

During the summer vacation, in the eyes of Horikita Gaku, Haruki Yamauchi was just an interesting person who talked a lot, but he didn’t really prove his strength in front of his eyes.

0 for flowers0

It was only now, through his own sources, that Horikita Manabu was able to confirm a lot of things, and thus recognized Haruki Yamauchi’s strength.

There is a chronological order, and Horihoku Gaku, of course, will not ignore this, and there is no need to hide it.

Even Kiyotaka Ayakoji gradually entered Horikita’s field of vision after controlling Horikita Suzune to do a few things.

Replaced by Haruki Yamauchi, it’s a similar procedure.

“So, it’s completely unnecessary to talk about those things now, isn’t it?”

Haruki Yamauchi naturally continued, only to see Akane Tachibana glaring at him.

Among the people who spoke to Horikita in this tone, it is estimated that Haruki Yamauchi is still the first, especially since he is still a first-year person, which makes Tachibana even more intolerable.

It’s just that, with the previous lesson, Tachibana didn’t try to reprimand Haruki Yamauchi again this time, but just glared at Haruki Yamauchi fiercely with her eyes.

For this kind of gaze, Haruki Yamauchi didn’t feel it at all, and didn’t care at all.

“When you say that, I can assume that you can understand what I’m going to do, right?”

Horikita didn’t care about Haruki Yamauchi’s words, but asked in general with confirmation.

Haruki Yamauchi nodded, of course he knew what Horikita was going to say, and he also knew what he wanted to do, so he didn’t feel confused at all because Horikita had few words.

“Well, I’m guessing you’re going to say goodbye soon, because this place is not a place where people can talk safely. ”

“That’s right, then we’ll see you next time, and I’ll look for you then. ”

After saying this, Horikita Gabu glanced deeply at Haruki Yamauchi, and then left without looking back.

When Orange saw this scene, she didn’t understand what was going on at all, or rather, she didn’t know what the two were communicating with from beginning to end.

Horikita Horihoku waited here for a long time, and Haruki Yamauchi also came here in a hurry, but they didn’t say a few words, and they immediately parted again.

Until now, Tachibana Akane is still a little buzzing in her brain, she has no idea what’s going on here.

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