“Actually, even if you don’t ask, I’m going to say it, even Ichinose-san’s starting to worry, I have to make it clear what’s going on, after all, we still have a covenant.”

Judging from the covenant established by Class B and Class D, it is more appropriate to deal with this matter as soon as possible, given that Class B has already developed some mistrust.

Otherwise, it will continue to create distrust among allies, which will be devastating to the cooperation between the next two classes.

It’s just that judging from the current situation of Class B and Class D, it is obvious that Class D, which is at the bottom, needs to maintain the relationship with Class B, which is also undoubted.

Even if it’s just to reassure Ichinose, it is estimated that Horikita Suzune will choose to tell Ichinose about Class C, provided that it can be told, and the impact is not too great.

Looking at it now, it is clear that Horikita Suzune has made a decision.

“Well, it won’t be too much of a problem to tell Ichinose, even if it’s in a hostile position, I think Ichinose is a very trustworthy person.”

Haruki Yamauchi also agreed with this side and nodded to express his opinion.

Ichinose is indeed a very righteous person, and in many cases, he is willing to stand up, so he can get so much trust ~ Lai and respect.

Otherwise, just being beautiful and excellent in appearance will not be recognized by so many people, both men and women.

In fact, there are many people who like Ichinose Sailami, but there are almost no people who hate her.

It’s hard to have conditions like Ichinose and not provoke the jealousy of others.

From here, you can see that Ichinose is so powerful that even if you want to find out her shortcomings, it’s hard.

Even the more you get to know this person, the more you will feel that this person is trustworthy and worthy of respect, and this is the charm of Ichinose Sail.

At this point, I’m afraid the entire school doesn’t know about people like Ichinose Habanami.

Kushida Kikyo is also very popular and charming, but let her show her true self, I’m afraid she won’t dare.

And Ichinose Fanna, there is no such scruples, which is also the difference between them.

While Haruki Yamauchi was thinking about these things, Horikita Suzune was also sorting out his thoughts in his heart, and it seemed that he was about to speak.

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“That incident, Long Yuanxiang deliberately wanted to frame me, and the conditions he put forward to me were a certain amount of point compensation, as well as an apology to Kinoshita’s classmates.”

“Is it that simple?”

These conditions were something that Haruki Yamauchi had thought of a long time ago, but he didn’t expect that Long Yuanxiang only made such a simple request, without attaching some additional things. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

You know, Haruki Yamauchi also instructed Kushida Kikyo to ask for some extra points from Sho Ryuzono, and it is almost impossible for those points to be squeezed out of Horikita Suzune alone.

Horikita Suzune has only had about 600,000 points on her body at most since the ship exam, and she may not be able to reach it, and if she wants to make up for the gap of one million individual points, plus 500,000 Kinoshita classmates in her class, it can be said that it can only be regarded as a fraction.

If it is calculated in this way, the loss of Class C in the sports festival is far worse than that of Class D, and it is not cost-effective to target Class D.

0 begging for flowers

Of course, judging from Long Yuanxiang’s character, this is of course very reasonable, Long Yuanxiang is originally a person who doesn’t like to play cards according to common sense, and it is not surprising that he will do anything.

“Of course, it’s not that simple, because there is Teacher Chazhu by his side, and Long Yuanxiang didn’t put forward too many conditions.”

Horikita Suzune thought about it, but was still ready to tell the matter.

“He also put forward a condition that I don’t have any conditions, that is, if I find something special in Class D, just tell him, and he will write off the points that I wanted.”

As he said this, Horikita Suzune also stared at Haruki Yamauchi, as if he wanted to find something on his face.

And Haruki Yamauchi is putting on a poker face, and he is also slightly surprised in his heart, listening to Horikita Suzune’s meaning, it seems that Long Yuan Xiang didn’t want to deal with her much in the end, but aimed at himself or Ayakoji Kiyotaka?

If it’s someone who has nothing to do with these things, it’s probably hard to understand what Horikita Suzunin means by these things.

After all, there are dozens of people in a class, and what can be called special is also a difficult standard to define.

Whether it is appearance, grades, or sports, popularity, etc., there is no unified standard, and it is naturally difficult to distinguish who is a special kind of person.

But in the eyes of people like Haruki Yamauchi and Kiyotaka Ayakoji, if it is a special person that Long Yuanxiang wants to find, it can undoubtedly only be someone that Long Yuanxiang has dealt with, and he can lock on to the target billion at once.

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