When Haruki Yamauchi was ready to go to night, he would talk to Kushida Kikyo about Class C, and after convincing her not to act rashly, she could prepare for this special exam with peace of mind.

Previously, Haruki Yamauchi was a little worried that Kushida Kikyo would want to take advantage of the victory because of the sports festival and something like that, and planned to continue to attack Horikita Suzune.

If this weren’t the case, I’m afraid that until now, Haruki Yamauchi wouldn’t have thought of Kushida Kikyo, and in that case, the relationship between them would change faster, and maybe by that time, many things would have become late.

Thinking about it this way, maybe Haruki Yamauchi will be grateful for this, so that Haruki Yamauchi didn’t have time to make a mistake.

This is actually a shortcoming of Haruki Yamauchi, he always focuses on himself, and often ignores many things around him, which also leads to problems in many cases.

In the past, Haruki Yamauchi’s interpersonal relationship was very simple, so there was no need to worry about similar problems.

Until now, Haruki Yamauchi has been in contact with more people, but 293 is still stuck in the old thoughts, so it is completely predictable that there will be problems.

Haruki Yamauchi wouldn’t say that he was particularly tired or bored about this, but he did feel a little overwhelmed, which is also true.

“It seems that I have to pay more attention to this aspect in the future, at least I can’t take things for granted, which is too detrimental to my future development. ”

After confirming this conclusion, Haruki Yamauchi threw these thoughts aside for the time being, and he didn’t need to worry about these things for the time being.

As for waiting until there are any problems in the future, I’ll wait until the time to talk about it, anyway, Haruki Yamauchi is not particularly anxious.

At this school, sometimes Haruki Yamauchi feels that he is very busy, (dabh), but there are also times when he also feels that he is too idle to know what to do.

At least for now, Haruki Yamauchi hasn’t reached the point where he’s particularly busy, so he should have plenty of time to maintain his relationships.

Maybe when that time comes, Haruki Yamauchi’s personal time will be filled with those things again.

After all, Haruki Yamauchi is a person who can’t be idle, and even he can’t change this.

“Forget it, at the end of the day, I still have to take one step at a time. ”

Haruki Yamauchi shook his head, stopped thinking about these things, and listened intently to the lecture.

Because of the different systems here, the afternoon class is not too long, only two, and the morning class is really long.

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In this case, it was naturally over quickly, and Haruki Yamauchi got up and walked outside, but he vaguely saw a lead, and quickly chased after him.

Of course, it’s not Kushida Kikyo, and although Haruki Yamauchi said that he has something to talk about with Kushida Kikyo, those things are not something that needs to be said now, at least.

Moreover, it has attracted the attention of many people before, and in this case, if people want to find Haruki Yamauchi, it is even more unlikely that it is because of the previous incident that Kushida Kikyo has become a little embarrassed. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Haruki Yamauchi pretended not to notice anything about what was behind him, and just walked forward in silence.

Along the way, until he reached the dormitory and came to the room, he just opened the door and walked in, without any intention of turning back.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door, and Haruki Yamauchi opened the door, and it was Horikita Suzune.

Although Haruki Yamauchi had thought about it a long time ago, Horikita Suzune might find himself because of these things.

However, what Haruki Yamauchi didn’t expect was that Horikita Suzune found herself so quickly, and she couldn’t wait to find it just after talking to Kushida Kikyo.

The reason is obvious, in Horikita Suzune’s heart, the matter about Kushida Kikyo is so important.

In other words, Horikita Suzune attaches so much importance to those things, so she didn’t plan to delay for a moment, and quickly found Haruki Yamauchi.

“Would you like tea or coffee?”

I’ve been here a few times, and Haruki Yamauchi hasn’t entertained Horikita Suzune yet, so I’m also asking at this time.

This has nothing to do with whether Haruki Yamauchi likes or hates Horikita Suzune, it’s just a courtesy.

“A cup of coffee, thank you!”

To Haruki Yamauchi’s surprise, Horikita Suzune quickly agreed and asked for a cup of coffee, although she showed a somewhat surprised expression.

As far as Haruki Yamauchi knows, Horikita Suzune is a person who has a sense of rejection for others.

Especially when facing boys, Horikita Suzune is very cold and rejects people thousands of miles away, except for facing her brother Horikita Manabu and her tablemate Ayakoji Kiyotaka.

It’s not nice to say.,Horikita Suzune just treats other boys at all.,Resist like dirt.,This is Horikita Suzune’s style of acting.。。

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