Seeing this, Haruki Yamauchi just smiled slightly, and didn’t care.

After this exam, Haruki Yamauchi and Airi Sakura have no other connection, in other words, their relationship will also come to a standstill because of this.

Perhaps, Sakura Airi took these things into account and took a look at Haruki Yamauchi.

“Maybe I’m thinking too much…”

In all fairness, Haruki Yamauchi wasn’t that much of a narcissist, and he just thought about it and stopped paying attention.

As for Sakura Airi’s side, if she still regards Haruki Yamauchi as a friend, then Haruki Yamauchi will not refuse.

One more friend, one more way, even if it seems to be useless Sakura Airi, it will play a certain role at a critical time.

Haruki Yamauchi also understands this.

083 No matter how strong a person’s ability is, it is impossible to do everything, there are always things that a person cannot do.

In this case, the existence of a helper is very necessary, and even Kiyotaka Ayakoji, who has been hiding and doesn’t want to expose himself, has been looking for a chess piece for himself, so you can see this importance.

Special exams, many times, are not individual games, they are based on the class, and if you only advocate individual heroism, then it will not be good for yourself or the class.

It is precisely because of this understanding that Haruki Yamauchi will not say to despise anyone.

In the current environment, it is possible for anyone to play a role that is not bad.

In such a situation, it is absolutely foolish to belittle a person rashly.

In other words, some people may be useless in many places, but trying to harm someone is a very simple thing, or even too simple to mention.

It’s like Ken Sudo, and if you want him to do something, it might be difficult.

But if Sudo wants to sabotage that thing, the destructive power that can be exerted is indeed very great.

Even if it’s the last sports festival, doesn’t it mean that there will be no more?

Where is Class D going to reason?

So, maybe you don’t have to be deliberately courteous to someone, but it’s also better not to make people feel too disgusted and annoying.

Otherwise, someone will drag you into the water without any recklessness, which will definitely be a very troublesome thing.

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The biggest punishment in this school is to drop out, and if someone is not even afraid of this punishment, then there is indeed nothing that can stop him anymore.

Haruki Yamauchi also keeps these things in mind at all times, reminding himself not to get too carried away, so as not to get into trouble when he doesn’t know.

Considering these things, Haruki Yamauchi has also become a lot more cautious, although he is originally a very cautious person, but after these things, he naturally needs to be more cautious. (dabb)

To be honest, this is the key reason why Haruki Yamauchi has been able to go all the way to the present, no matter at any time, he does not give up the characteristic of being careful, which is the key to Haruki Yamauchi never having anything happen.

Like Suzune Horikita, he often focuses on the obvious, and gives up on the future and observes things that are difficult for him to see, and he will be calculated by others and step into a trap. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Haruki Yamauchi just sensed the danger and immediately began to confirm the source of what he felt, and Horikita Suzune probably never did.

The key to Suzune Horikita’s ability to go on is the belief that she wants to graduate at A and her determination not to give up.

If you don’t even have that, then Horikita Suzune is excellent, but the degree of excellence is actually very limited.

In the simplest words, Horikita Suzune is a general, not a handsome talent.

The kind of person who can charge into battle, but can’t command the whole situation.

From this point of view, Horikita Suzune cannot be used as a basic quality to be a leader, and although Horikita Suzune herself does not want to admit it, she should gradually realize this.

The strategic vision that a leader needs, as well as the ability to look at the big picture, Horikita Suzune does not have.

If he hadn’t realized this, I’m afraid Horikita Suzune might not have come to constantly ask Haruki Yamauchi, or even bow to Haruki Yamauchi for this.

The change in Horikita Suzune, that change, is the best illustration of this situation.

“In the future, I don’t know if Horikita Suzune will change. ”

Haruki Yamauchi realized the thought again, but didn’t care.

Because no matter whether Horikita Suzune changes or not, it makes no difference to Haruki Yamauchi.

As long as it is in the way of Haruki Yamauchi, Haruki Yamauchi will not hesitate to make a move, and if he does not block Haruki Yamauchi’s way, Haruki Yamauchi will not care about those things.

This is the simplest logic, and it is also Haruki Yamauchi’s code of conduct.

In this school, there are never true allies, but there can be enemies everywhere.

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