In other words, if Haruki Yamauchi had sensed danger at that time and had not done anything, he would not have been able to get to where he is now.

“So, if I had to choose again, I would still do it and not change my approach.”

“Changing the approach can certainly reduce the risk of many things, but at the same time, it has not gained anything, and until now I can only do nothing.”

“I’ve gotten a lot all the way to now, even if there are some problems now, let’s think about how to deal with them first.”

Thinking like this, Haruki Yamauchi let go of some of his regrets a little and turned to think about the problem at hand.

Since it is certain that these things have something to do with Class C and Satoru Kaneda, how to deal with the relationship between himself and Satoru Kaneda is something worth thinking about by Yamauchi 04 Tree.

In any case, it is impossible for Haruki Yamauchi to simply cut off his relationship with Satoru Kaneda, which is unrealistic.

Not to mention the rest, Kaneda Satoru still knows some things about Haruki Yamauchi, and it is not a good way to consider it from this aspect alone.

“Forget it, let’s see Satoru Kaneda first.”

Thinking about it, he couldn’t think of a way, and Haruki Yamauchi could only decide by seeing what kind of state Kaneda Satoru was in.

In many cases, there is no way to know the truth if many things are not discussed in person.

There is also a possibility of hiding a lot of things over the phone.

But as long as you talk about it in person, many things can’t be hidden, and this is also something that Haruki Yamauchi realized after coming to this place.

In other words, there are many deceitful elements here, and it is impossible to be less guarded.

Thinking about a lot of things, on the way to the library, Haruki Yamauchi had already arrived before he felt how long it had been.

As a result, when he got here, he had been waiting for several hours, and Haruki Yamauchi still hadn’t seen Satoru Kaneda, which made him a little speechless.

“Forgot about it?”

“Or did he really lose his phone?”

Satoru Kaneda is the kind of person who is very thoughtful, and it is unlikely that he will forget his own affairs, and Haruki Yamauchi does not think about this.

But it’s clear that he called Haruki Yamauchi over, but he hasn’t come until now, which is really a bit unreasonable.

If you exclude unexpected factors, could it be that this is the situation deliberately created by Satoru Kaneda?

Or is he using this kind of thing to convey some information to Haruki Yamauchi, some information that is inconvenient to say?

The more I thought about it, the more Haruki Yamauchi felt that it was possible.

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No matter how friends are, as long as they are not in the same class, their interests cannot be absolutely consistent, or it is more appropriate to be enemies and opponents.

In this case, even if you don’t care about those things and think about your classmates, you will definitely not casually say things that harm the interests of the class.

“Satoru Kaneda was under some pressure, and he couldn’t tell me the specifics, so he had such an attitude?” (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

Haruki Yamauchi thought in this direction, but did not leave there, but continued to wait in the library

After all, Haruki Yamauchi didn’t dare to pack a ticket, and what he thought must be right.

Everything has to wait until I see Kaneda Satoru to draw conclusions.

It’s just that the library was about to close after ten o’clock, and Satoru Kaneda still didn’t show up.

“I’m in trouble.”

Haruki Yamauchi shook his head slightly, already understanding that the situation might be even worse than he imagined.

Satoru Kaneda asked Haruki Yamauchi out, but he didn’t say anything, not even himself.

This can be understood because Kaneda Satoru didn’t want to say anything, but in that case, why did he deliberately call Haruki Yamauchi out and not say anything to himself?

Can’t Kaneda Satoru be deliberate, want to release Yamauchi Haruki pigeons, play him a little, right?

Anyway, with Kaneda Satoru’s character, he is not a mischievous person at all.

Then there is only one explanation, and Kaneda Satoru can’t say.

It may be that he was under pressure from the outside world, or maybe there was something on the position that caused Kaneda Satoru to be unable to tell 870 Haruki Yamauchi a lot of things.

In the end, the way Kaneda Satoru chose was to ask Haruki Yamauchi out, and in the end, he didn’t go to the appointment, and he used this way to deliver the message.

After leaving the library, Haruki Yamauchi did not choose to send a message to Satoru Kaneda, because that would be doomed to be fruitless.

Since Satoru Kaneda hasn’t arrived, Haruki Yamauchi won’t necessarily answer even if he calls, and he won’t necessarily say anything if he answers.

Smart people are like this, and they have exchanged many things without moving, and Haruki Yamauchi has realized this now.

Back in the dormitory, Haruki Yamauchi did not choose to sleep, but looked at his phone, he was waiting for an email from a person.

If there is anyone who can put pressure on Satoru Kaneda to be like this, that person is only Long Yuanxiang of Class C.

And Long Yuanxiang has been looking for Haruki Yamauchi.,If he catches Haruki Yamauchi’s tail.,With his character,,It’s very likely to contact Haruki Yamauchi.。。

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