Karuizawa Megumi didn’t say that she wanted to consider whether to help, and she readily agreed, but she was a little unconfident about whether she could do it.

This is also a matter of course, and the fact that Megumi Karuizawa was able to have such a status in Class D today is nothing more than relying on Yosuke Hirata’s aura.

But no matter how good Yosuke Hirata is, it is impossible for him to spread his influence to the outside world without hindrance.

Coupled with Karuizawa’s domineering and arrogant style in order to maintain her status, she not only has no connections in the outside class, but she has some grudges that are easier to describe.

In this case, Megumi Karuizawa wants to inquire about the news in Class C, just like telling a joke.

Haruki Yamauchi will mention this matter, of course, it is not useless, he has already thought of a way, and at this time he will naturally say that 04 came out.

“Just because you don’t have any friends out there doesn’t mean that others don’t know those things, so you should be able to ask. ”

“That would be a hassle, wouldn’t it?”

Hearing Haruki Yamauchi’s words, Megumi Karuizawa immediately understood what he meant and reluctantly spoke.

This is also a matter of course, these things must not be asked directly, they must be knocked on the side.

After knowing those things, Megumi Karuizawa still has to analyze and summarize, as long as you think about it, it must be a headache.

But this is what Karuizawa Megumi is best at, and Haruki Yamauchi asked her to do this, and it doesn’t mean burying her.

But the two are only in a cooperative relationship now, and Haruki Yamauchi has no way for her to do it, so it is only in the process of discussion.

And now looking at Megumi Karuizawa’s appearance, she is already a little moved, but she hasn’t reached the standard in her heart yet.

In that case, Haruki Yamauchi is already planning to add another bargaining chip.

“If you agree to this, I can grant you a request. ”

For Megumi Karuizawa, there should be a lot of things she can’t do on her own.

Otherwise, Karuizawa Megumi would not want to look for anything else to rely on, and Haruki Yamauchi is like this, using this as a condition to give her a guarantee.

Although it was said that if Megumi Karuizawa had difficulties, Haruki Yamauchi did not plan to sit idly by.

But what Haruki Yamauchi said in person now will undoubtedly be much more reassuring to Megumi Karuizawa.

After all, in the past experience, Haruki Yamauchi has never had the experience of defaulting, and what he says has always been guaranteed.

At least until now.

And the two of them are in the same class, if Haruki Yamauchi deceived Megumi Karuizawa like this, everyone looked down and didn’t look up, and the matter would not be exposed so simply.

In other words, Haruki Yamauchi’s words are still guaranteed enough, at least for now.

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“One request, can you ask for anything?”

Just like Haruki Yamauchi thought, as soon as he finished saying this, he saw Karuizawa Hui’s eyes light up like a cat, staring at Haruki Yamauchi tightly.

“Of course, not any request is fine, it must be without harming my interests, and if you ask me to withdraw from school, I will definitely not do it. ”

Needless to say, if you can even agree to the request to drop out of school, Haruki Yamauchi really can’t imagine the point of asking Karuizawa Megumi for help.

Because most of the time, in this school, the biggest punishment is to drop out.

If you don’t even care about dropping out, what else can’t you say yes?

So Haruki Yamauchi directly cut off such an idea from the bottom first. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Of course, Karuizawa Megumi is not a fool, she should also understand this and will not make any random demands.

“Really, what do you think of me? I’m not going to let you drop out. ”

Karuizawa patted some of Haruki Yamauchi on the shoulder, but she still didn’t relax, staring at Haruki Yamauchi’s eyes tightly.

“If I asked you to help with something that might cause you to drop out of school, would you do it?”

“It depends on the situation. ”

840 Haruki Yamauchi thought for a while, and then began to speak slowly.

“If it’s the kind of thing that doesn’t cause anything, it will definitely not work for me to take the risk of dropping out. ”

“But if it was to save you, you had to ask me to help, and at that time I was at risk of dropping out, I would probably still try. ”

“After all, I’m not going to sit idly by, are you happy with this answer?”


Karuizawa was silent for a while, her face a little complicated, but she suddenly laughed again.

“If you had agreed to such a thing without even asking, I would have doubted the veracity of your words. ”

“So, you agreed?”

Haruki Yamauchi was not surprised by Megumi Karuizawa’s answer, so he asked indifferently at this time.

“I have no reason to disagree, anyway, the person who Class C is targeting is you, I just need to ask a few words. ”

Megumi Karuizawa nodded, and it was kind of a recognition of Haruki Yamauchi’s words.

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