It is estimated that even in the future, it will be difficult to change this.

Kushida Kikyo has taken on too much and insisted too much, and her mind has long been alienated and cannot be speculated by common sense.

She can endure things that ordinary people can’t bear, and she also has a kind of appeal that ordinary people can’t imagine, this kind of person can’t be naïve.

If you show naivety, it must be a lie.

Although Haruki Yamauchi just thinks so, he can’t be sure, but his deep-rooted thoughts are estimated to be difficult to change.

Anyone who knows the other side of Kushida Kikyo will probably not be able to completely dispel this concern, not just Haruki Yamauchi.

In the following time, it seems that Haruki Yamauchi’s performance did the same before, and no one tried to ask Haruki Yamauchi to work, and he was able to relax more easily than he had originally thought.

At the same time, this is the fifth day, and the gap between boys and girls has exploded in a more intense way than expected, which directly leads to the situation in Class D becoming more serious.

The simple reason is that in such conflicts, no one wants to go in droves looking for food anymore.

The crisis of trust between boys and girls has erupted, and they are already in a state of non-communication, and unless it is a few people who have had a good relationship before, there is basically no communication.

No one wants to contribute to the collective, because the collective has collapsed and the situation is so bad.

Until now, the class has been using points to buy three meals as the daily consumption of Class D.

Haruki Yamauchi watched all this, indifferent, until in the middle of the night, he quietly walked out of the tent and went in the direction of the toilet.

The only thing to be thankful for is that Haruki Yamauchi deliberately chose that he and Kiyotaka Ayakoji were in different tents, so he shouldn’t have to worry about being found out by him.

Kiyotaka Ayakoji is an invulnerable person, and he can defend against any attack at any time, in other words, a very alert person.

If he was in a tent with him, Haruki Yamauchi left in the middle of the night, he might be discovered, and that would definitely not be the development he wanted.

Silently, Haruki Yamauchi came to a tent, and there was a kind of light shining inside, which was the tent of Sae Sae.

During the uninhabited island exam, all the class teachers must follow the students closely, take care of the students, and at the same time, be responsible for the students to exchange class points for various materials, in short, act as a liaison between the school and each class.

On the other hand, the things that the class teachers consume and use are provided by the school, and the students will not be burdened with these things.

At this moment, Saeda, the tea pillar, was sitting in the tent with his clothes dressed, and he was still looking at a book in his hand, and when he saw Haruki Yamauchi coming, he reached out and yawned, then put down the book and looked at Haruki Yamauchi.

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“The branch you stuffed me?”

In the camp, pens and paper are placed at the door of the tent and can be used by anyone who wants to.

The reason why it is put here is also very simple, it is to make it easier for the people in the camp to go out and explore, and then they can write down the corresponding terrain and supplement the map, so they are placed there.

Haruki Yamauchi found an opportunity, wrote a branch that ‘I have something to look for you at night’, threw it into the tent of the tea pillar Sae, and left.

Tea Pillar Sae had obviously received the branch, otherwise she wouldn’t have waited until now to sleep.

Usually, Chazhu Sazhi is still a person with a regular schedule, and today he stayed up abnormally late, only because of that branch.

“Yes, that’s the note I stuffed for you. ”

Haruki Yamauchi admitted this without hesitation, and then he immediately stated his intentions.

“Then, I wanted to exchange my class points for a digital camera, the kind that would shoot even on a dark and rainy day. ”

In principle, students in any class can use class points to exchange for things on the guide from the class guide, which is also part of the free subject.

But in fact, no one would do that, and if you waste class points and anger other students who want to keep them, the rest of the day will not be easy.

“So you’re trying to redeem your digital camera, what are you going to do? Shoot some videos of playing here? It’s not like you’re going to spy on girls taking a shower, is it


As a joke, Chazhu Sae thought of something again, revealing a helpless expression.

“Forget it, if you want to exchange for a digital camera, you can do it during the day, so why do you have to come at night?”.

It is impossible for Sae Chazhu not to think of this, she saw Haruki Yamauchi, and she understood that this is not a boy who can do nonsense, but every step has its own purpose, and she will not waste time needlessly.

“Quite simply, I want you to keep this matter a secret!”

Haruki Yamauchi unceremoniously said his request, he wanted to solve this matter as soon as possible, and then hurry back to reduce his suspicions.

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