It’s a place where there is surveillance, and Haruki Yamauchi is also a trustworthy person, even if Haruki Yamauchi really has bad intentions, the school will send someone to come immediately.

No matter from all directions, Megumi Karuizawa couldn’t find a reason to worry herself, so she came over.

“Sit down, I’m asking you out because I want to tell you something. ”

Haruki Yamauchi’s expression was very calm, he didn’t plan to use any means to coerce Karuizawa here, and there was no need for that, he just needed to tell some truth.

Kiyotaka Ayakoji desperately needs Megumi Karuizawa as his pawn, and he does not hesitate to use some extraordinary means to do so, because he has the need to do so.

For example, Kiyotaka Ayakoji didn’t want to stand at the front desk, for example, he was worried that after his father sent someone here, he would need a helper, and so on.

But those things are not what Haruki Yamauchi needs to worry about, on the contrary, Haruki Yamauchi is the kind of person who has no taboos, he doesn’t need to support his agent at all, just do something in person, and don’t need to think too much.

Naturally, there was no need for Haruki Yamauchi to copy Kiyotaka Ayakoji’s approach, he neither wanted to do that, nor did he have the need to do that.

“Yamauchi-san, I really didn’t expect you to be such a bold person to ask me to come here, don’t you already have Kushida-san?”

Although she was invited here, Karuizawa Megumi not only didn’t have any worries, but she was also a little happy, after all, the other party was a person close to Kushida Kikyo, and being able to ask her here at this time, to a certain extent, it also shows that her charm is greater than Kushida Kikyo.

Because of her own personality, Karuizawa Megumi usually behaves strongly, she may be said to be the leader of the girls, but her popularity can’t be compared with Kushida Kikyo, so naturally she also has a heart for comparison.

At this time, Karuizawa Megumi even thought that maybe he was too enthusiastic about Haruki Yamauchi during the day, which caused Haruki Yamauchi to fall in love, and now he can’t help but confess.

Because I can’t see anything from Haruki Yamauchi’s expression, plus Haruki Yamauchi’s usual style is very decent, and he rarely does the kind of thing that discusses girls behind his back, so Megumi Karuizawa trusts him.

This is the role of the image, sometimes it seems useless, sometimes it is useful, and sometimes it is decisive.

“Karuizawa-san, I’m not joking with you, you’re being targeted now. ”

Haruki Yamauchi looked at Megumi Karuizawa, who was sitting not far from him, and after leaning back slightly, he threw out an astonishing word.

Judging from the distance between the seats alone, Haruki Yamauchi found that Megumi Karuizawa actually trusted him very much, probably Haruki Yamauchi refused to contact the girl when he was on an uninhabited island, and the fact that he came forward today made Megumi Karuizawa have a lot of good feelings about him.

Apart from these, they are strangers, they can’t talk about hating or liking, and the relationship is not far or close, it is the relationship between classmates.

“What do you mean?”

Haruki Yamauchi doesn’t seem to be the kind of person who likes to talk nonsense, coupled with the taciturn, mature and reliable image he usually estaboos, even if Karuizawa Megumi hears this kind of news that is not easy to believe, he still doesn’t choose to doubt it at the first time.

“It means that you are being targeted, and someone wants to do something to you. ”

Haruki Yamauchi didn’t plan to waste too much time here, so he started to get straight to the point.

“You should know what happened today, right? Someone is going to take advantage of this to make a fuss and contact those girls, ready to deal with you!”

As soon as she said this, Karuizawa Megumi immediately understood what was going on, it was those girls in Class C who wanted to avenge their sisters, but she also looked a little puzzled and looked at Haruki Yamauchi.

“How do you know this? Did someone tell you?”

“It’s very simple, you left early, I happened to leave a little later than you, and I saw and discovered something, so I came to inform you now. ”

Haruki Yamauchi unceremoniously put the reason why he knew about this on the night of his return, and no one could debunk Haruki Yamauchi’s lies anyway.

No one can be sure that Haruki Yamauchi didn’t hear him when Kiyotaka Ayakoji spoke, what if his ears were very good?

It’s not out of the question.

“Thank you, Yamauchi-san, if you can, can you tell me who it is?”

This time, Karuizawa Megumi’s thanks were much more sincere, because Haruki Yamauchi found out this in advance, which can be said to have helped him a lot, and she is not a person who does not know gratitude.

“I’m sorry, I can’t say that. ”

Of course, Haruki Yamauchi won’t say the name of Kiyotaka Ayakoji from his mouth, let Karuizawa Megumi find out for himself, anyway, there are so many people, there will always be someone who can see that scene.

I believe that with the ability of the female leader of Karuizawa’s D class, it should not be too difficult to find out this kind of news.

“You can’t say, I know, it’s a Class D student, right?”

Karuizawa Megumi was also a smart person, otherwise he wouldn’t have been valued and used by Kiyotaka Ayakoji, and soon understood the real reason for the matter.

“And the only people who can know about this matter are Hideo Gomura and Kiyotaka Ayakoji, is it Gomura?

When talking about these things, Karuizawa Megumi also smiled speechlessly, and she remembered that she had just bullied Hideo Tomura, and it was normal to deal with retaliation.

That kind of boy is not much stronger than a girl, and Karuizawa Megumi naturally doesn’t care, but he actually wants to take revenge on himself, which makes her a little unexpected.

“It’s really enough for a small belly!”

Hearing Karuizawa’s muttering, Haruki Yamauchi just smiled and didn’t correct her guess, but looked at Karuizawa again emphatically.

“Karuizawa-san, don’t take things so simply! I mean, you’re being targeted, you’re all being targeted, including your secrets!”

When it finally came time to meet the poor dagger, Haruki Yamauchi no longer concealed it and said what he really wanted to say.

“My Secret!!”

Karuizawa suddenly jumped up from her seat, like a cat that had blown up her hair, and overreacted all of a sudden, almost falling on her foot.

After standing firm, Karuizawa Megumi looked at Haruki Yamauchi again, and her eyes couldn’t take her eyes off, as if she wanted to see through Haruki Yamauchi’s reality and reality.

“What’s my secret, what the hell do you mean?”

“It’s your secret, you should know what I mean, I didn’t lie to you. ”

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Haruki Yamauchi looked directly into Megumi Karuizawa’s eyes, and Megumi Karuizawa suddenly became unconvinced when she saw Haruki Yamauchi’s eyes that seemed to see everything.

Or, in her heart, she already believed it, but she couldn’t accept it for the time being.

Karuizawa Megumi is also smart, and he wouldn’t have thought that people like Haruki Yamauchi would never be untargeted, and he would definitely find himself with a definite answer.

“By the way, you’re in the same group as Hirata-san, is it…”

In a panic, Karuizawa Megumi already showed signs of not being able to control herself, she was about to lose control of herself, and the secret she wanted to hide was suddenly discovered, and that feeling was not something that people could bear casually.

“Of course it’s not Hirata-san, you should understand very well that he’s not that kind of person. ”

Haruki Yamauchi sighed when he saw Megumi Karuizawa trembling all over, just seeing her trembling like this, he could understand how important such a secret was to her, and it was completely worth her to protect with everything she had.

“I came to tell you this, I don’t mean anything else, I just want you to understand, not only I saw this, but that person also saw this, so he decided to test you and use this to control you, do you understand?”

Karuizawa seemed to be in the middle of the ice and snow, shivering from the cold, and kept turning in circles in place.

The words have been said to this extent, and Haruki Yamauchi has clearly mastered his secrets, and Megumi Karuizawa no longer has any luck mentality.

It’s just that Haruki Yamauchi’s words also made her a little relieved, judging from the current situation, Haruki Yamauchi is still very reliable, but another person…

Thinking of this, Karuizawa Megumi suddenly narrowed her pupils and understood something.

“That man… It’s Kiyotaka Ayakoji, right? He’s usually very gloomy, and when he stays with Horikita Suzune, he’s the only one who has such an observational power, Hideo Tomura, he’s someone who can’t do that!”

In just a few moments, Megumi Karuizawa had already guessed a lot from Haruki Yamauchi’s words.

I’m afraid that even if she doesn’t inquire, she will be able to know the truth of what Haruki Yamauchi said, but just in case, Karuizawa Megumi will definitely confirm it.

The knife on the neck, no one can rest assured until it is taken down.

“Since you’ve told me this, you’re willing to protect me, and what am I going to do?”

As if she had found her backbone, Megumi Karuizawa immediately turned her attention to Haruki Yamauchi, who desperately needed someone to help stabilize her mind.

The long career of being bullied has made Karuizawa Megumi’s heart weak and tenacious, and she will only feel secure when she finds someone she can rely on, and she can no longer live alone, which is her weakness.

And in order to do this, Karuizawa can do anything, and that’s where her tenacity lies.

“Of course I’m willing to protect you, and I’m not going to force you to do anything, you can remember that!”

Haruki Yamauchi just came over to tell Megumi Karuizawa about these things, he just wanted to hinder Kiyotaka Ayakoji’s actions, and he didn’t care about anything else.

“What you have to do, it’s very simple, during this exam, after each time, you have to leave with me, at least to a crowded place and then separate. ”

“Or rather, you’d better call me when you’re out on this ship. Don’t go to the middle of nowhere, there are many places on this ship that can’t be received, and you have to be careful not to be caught against you!”

At this moment, Haruki Yamauchi’s face had become extremely serious, and he told Karui Zehui very seriously to make sure that he realized the seriousness of this matter.

“But… What about Hirata-san? Isn’t it possible for him?”

Megumi Karuizawa suddenly mentioned Yosuke Hirata, who is certainly a trustworthy person, and even if she doesn’t mention it, Haruki Yamauchi wants to mention it.

“You have to understand that Yosuke Hirata is very reliable, but there are many ways to support him and lead you into a trap. ”

Haruki Yamauchi pointed this out mercilessly, he had already thought about it, and he had already had a draft when he spoke.

“Of course, when you get back to school, you probably won’t have to worry about anything. The school is full of surveillance, no one can threaten you, and then our relationship will end. ”

Megumi Karuizawa had been listening to Haruki Yamauchi’s words until the end, and she didn’t hear Haruki Yamauchi’s request, and finally raised her head in disbelief.

“So, you really don’t have any demands on me, and if you ask for my personal points in return, if not as a threat, but only as a reward for protection, that makes sense, right?”

“In that case, I’ll take all the personal points you earned for this exam as a reward for your protection, is that okay?”

Originally, Haruki Yamauchi hadn’t thought of this, but since Megumi Karuizawa took the initiative to mention it, he didn’t give it up, anyway, his demand for personal points was very strong.

Karuizawa Megumi immediately wanted to slap herself in the mouth, why did she have to mention this matter?

“It’s also for your sake!”

Seeing Megumi Karuizawa’s annoyed look, Haruki Yamauchi in turn excused her, making sure that she willingly agreed to this.

“We can make a pact that I will protect you, and that I will not divulge your secrets, and that you will hand in all the personal points you have earned in this exam, and the violator will be withdrawn from school!

“I’m going to give my personal points!”

Hearing Haruki Yamauchi’s words, Karuizawa Megumi suddenly made up her mind, the idea of protecting the secret was stronger than anything else, and she was now the one who wanted to conclude this contract even more.

“Looking at Yamauchi-san, you should have guessed that I was a preferential person, right? I’m going to give you all the personal points I got this time, and you’re responsible for protecting me in this exam and helping me keep it a secret, so it should be okay, right?”


Haruki Yamauchi smiled, these personal points were a surprise.

He didn’t plan to ask for it, but Karuizawa Megumi took the initiative to mention it, and in order to reassure her, Haruki Yamauchi could only accept it in tears.

“So… That’s it, you’re good to go!”

The conditions have been negotiated, and the next thing is to execute, and there is no need for Haruki Yamauchi to talk to Karuizawa anymore.

“Yamauchi-san, why are you helping me so much? In the first place, you didn’t plan to get paid, did you?”

Karuizawa Megumi didn’t leave immediately, and after walking a few steps, she turned around again and stared at Haruki Yamauchi, as if she wanted to engrave him in her heart, and looked at him intently.

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