Learned a lesson along the way, suffered a big loss.

It was very low, and it felt like my whole life was gone, and the school seemed to be nothing more than that.

The warmth of the senior's palm suddenly came from his shoulder.

"I see. "

"Thank you, senior, I won't let you down. "

This bit of warmth, feeling comforted, Sudo Ken felt a little better.

It's even a little guilty.

Is it all your fault?

The minister of the basketball club was left confused~ forced.

Did he do anything?

Why don't you want him to be disappointed?

The other party didn't think that he might be in the same group as someone else-?

Bullying him together?

“。。。。 "

"What a poor fellow. "

Looking at Sudo Ken, who left in a low voice, the minister also found this tendon child.

Shaking his head, he began to arrange training for the club members.

Ken Sudo, who left with his head bowed in a low voice, returned to the teaching area as soon as possible and found the student union office.

"Is there anything else? "

Seeing Ken Sudo come back, Horikita was a little surprised.

But I didn't worry too much, at most, the other party knew something.

In that case, it is estimated that the person can drop out of school directly.

"Please, help me, President. "

Having been prepared for a long time, Sudo Ken seemed to have turned on a strange switch and bowed directly.

I don't know how many times I've apologized today, but it's been three times just by fully bowing.


Horikita was surprised.

Here's what's going on.

"Let's just say something. "

"I... "

Sudo paused and explained the situation.

The simple thing is to beg for mercy and ask for help.

I hope the student union can help communicate about the basketball club.

“。。。 "

"Sudo-san, our student council just does things according to the rules, and generally doesn't interfere in the management of various clubs. "

"This time the matter was proposed by the victim Fang Yingye, and then we vetoed it and gave a reminder. "

"The basketball club is going to fire you, that's their internal matter, even if they look for us, it's useless. "

"Is it possible that the basketball club itself thinks you are not suitable to stay in their club?"

Horikita didn't expect that his classmate would dump the pot directly at him.

But it's also my own way of finding someone to help, but I don't have any opinions.

"The minister told me that as long as the teacher is willing to let me go, I will have a chance. "

"I, I know I was wrong. "

"I really know it's wrong, it won't happen again, and I can accept other punishments, as long as the society doesn't expel me. "

"Please help. "

Sudo Ken was a little broken, as if he was about to cry.

I feel like I've accepted more things today than I've received in my previous life.

Seeing Ken Sudo like this, Horikita was also speechless for a while, how short this classmate's temper was, he had also seen it.

Shadow Night is so bloodless that it makes him break down and cry.

Sure enough, if you want to attack someone, you have to attack something important to him.

Thinking of Kageya's words before the truth, Horikita Gakubu also learned more about the situation of the sinister little guy Kageya.

It's good that they are not in the same class, otherwise I don't know how it will be yin.

Horikita Gabu silently mourned for the first-graders.

Thinking about it, you must remind each other not to bully your sister.

Or let your sister pay attention to him and be careful.

Sister control still pays more attention to her sister at this time.

Then, I didn't forget about Sudo Ken.

"The main reason for this incident is still the real classmate of the shadow night, otherwise, you should go and talk to him, if you can convince him, bring him to the student union, our student union doesn't mind doing more, and then talk to the teacher of the basketball club. "

"Remember, stop being so violent. "

Horikita looked like a reminder.

However, only the ball was lifted.

Anyway, I threw it to the culprit of Kagenight's truth.

What's going on in the future, it's up to the real side of the movie night.

They don't have any opinion anyway.

"The shadow night is real. Sudo's breathing was a little shorter.

"That's right, it's your business, is there a problem?" Horikita looked at him and asked.

"This kid, it's so ... "Obviously, I am also the one who bullies, but the other party has to thank myself.

Horikita doesn't know whether to say that he is too bad and too dark to bully others, or that the other party is too honest and can't see through anything.

Leaving the student union office, Sudo was at a loss.

What will I do next?

He's like a ball being kicked around, and people, all at once, and then withering and exhausting.

He's been kicked twice in a row, and he doesn't know what to say anymore.

Coming to the student council is still simply thinking that the other party is good at talking and has a chance, and the shadow night is real over there.

Ken Sudo knows the difficulty before he goes, so it's probably a hundred times more difficult than convincing the student council and the minister.

Moreover, with their relationship, it is impossible for the other party to let him go.

I thought of the way Shadow Night Real smiled and said that he would quit the basketball club.

At this time, Sudo was a little scared, but he was not reconciled, so he still had to do it.

"Bastard. "

"Ahhh "

"Who else?"

Sudo Ken thought of their minister's words, find more friends?

I took out my phone and looked at a person, it was Kanji Chi at first, and Haruki Yamauchi.

These two guys, originally he thought they were good friends, but after this incident, they have basically broken off their friendship and are not reliable at all.

If it weren't for the current situation, Sudo Ken would have wanted to beat them up, usually talking like he could fly, and when something really happened, he would trick people.

And he has a conflict with Shadow Night, a large part of it is because of these two guys, it is clear that it was Haruki Yamauchi who provoked Shadow Night.

There is also revenge on the shadow night, which was really proposed by that Chi Kanji first, and he did it.

It's like this.,To the back.,Why me?。。

Sudo Ken was annoyed, and then saw a mediocre one hidden in the corner, who didn't know if he was a friend or not.

The mediocre Ayakoji Kiyotaka classmate.

Thinking of the other party, it seems that he is indeed a little clever, and he has put forward a few opinions to Chi Kuanzhi and them, and he is also very sensible, and he has stopped them from messing around many times.

Sudo Ken chose to contact Kiyotaka Ayakoji.

This was his last chance.

The whole person was still a little apprehensive, worried that Ayakoji Kiyotaka would be co-opted by Chi Kuanzhi and them, and then reject him.

The phone is dialed.


On the other side, in the first grade D class, the sudden phone call made Ayakoji Kiyotaka suddenly startled.

Since his usual score is a mediocre fifty points, he was also dragged in, and he felt that there was no other place if he didn't go in, and Chi Kanji and Haruki Yamauchi were also there.

Horikita Suzune was also begged by Karuizawa to join.,Although people won't be there.,But I'll help record some key points.,Copy and contribute your notebook every day.,It's really a good classmate.。

"Ayakoji, what's wrong with you?"

Hirata, who was having a study meeting, watched Ayakoji keep staring at his phone.

"Oh, it's okay, I'm sorry, Sudo seems to have something to do with me, I'll answer the phone. "

Hearing Hirata's words, Kiyotaka Ayakoji got up and changed his position, intending to answer the phone.

Ike Kanji and Haruki Yamauchi heard Ken Sudo's name, their eyes widened and they looked over.

"Then let's take a break. "

Hirata nodded in agreement.

"If you don't understand what you just said, you can ask your classmates around you, otherwise you can come to me. "

Comforting the students who are now gathered here.

Those who can be here have basically been persuaded, and Yosuke Hirata is indeed very good at taking them.

But no one had an opinion.

And watching Ayakoji Kiyotaka go out.

"I'll go out and take a look, and I'll help with anything later. .

Yosuke Hirata paused and walked out.

Looking at Yosuke Hirata, Chi Kanji was a little resentful and looked at Haruki Yamauchi next to him.

"What the hell does this guy do. "

"I guess it's Sudo guy looking for something again. Haruki Yamauchi nodded.

"Huh~ weren't you good friends before?"

"I heard Sato say that you all have a good relationship, and you are still together every day. "

Hearing this, Megumi Karuizawa spoke directly.

The full name of Sato in her mouth is Maya Sato, a hot girl in the class, a person in the small group of Karuizawa Hui, a person who is quite easy to talk to, a big grinning personality, and the disadvantage is that he has poor learning ability.

Recently, in addition to being led by Karuizawa Hui to study together, he was occasionally harassed by Chi Kanji, and he also had a small group with them.

"Not worried about him?"

Maya Sato also raised her head when she heard this, the relationship between Chi Kanji and Sudo was naturally what she had told Karuizawa and them when she was chatting.

I don't understand what the reason is, she was all taken out.

But no matter what, she must be on Megumi Karuizawa's side.

"Where there is, where there is. "

"Sudo's temper is too short. "

"We can't stand him anymore. "

Chi Kanji raised his hand to explain.

It seems that there will be more contact and degrading with the other party.

"That said, that guy was showing off his basketball and fitness all day, and he had a bad temper, so we didn't play with him for a long time. "

Haruki Yamauchi agreed.

Distance yourself from Ken Sudo.

People who used to play well now seem to be enemies.

Dislike comes and goes.

"Oh, I see. "

Karuizawa smiled and didn't say more.

It seems to believe it, and as for whether other people believe it or not, what you think is another matter.

And outside.

Kiyotaka Ayakoji also successfully knew what the situation was.

Things were more troublesome than he thought.

"Please, Ayakoji, you're my last friend, help me figure it out. "

Ken Sudo's voice came from the other side of the phone.

And Kiyotaka Ayakoji thought expressionlessly.

"Even so, it's a bit difficult for me to find a way to do it so suddenly. "

"The most important thing about this matter is the Shadow Night classmate, I haven't said a few words to him since the beginning of school, and there seems to be nothing I can do. "

There was a pause.

And when he saw Yosuke Hirata walking towards him.

Kiyotaka Ayakoji added, giving Ken Sudo, who was already disappointed over there, some hope.

"If it were Hirata-san, maybe I could do it. "

"Do you need my help asking Hirata-san?"

Yosuke Hirata is an honest man, and he can ask about the question when he opens his mouth, and Kiyotaka Ayakoji doesn't mind.

In addition, he estimated that even if he didn't say it, Hirata would come to ask him.


"Please, as long as he's willing to help, he can do anything. "

"It's the same for you, thank you, Ayakoji, if you have anything to do in the future, just look for me, you're really different from those two bastards. "

"You should also be careful of them, it is clear that they are causing trouble, and then fool me to deal with the truth of that shadow night, and now they themselves pretend that nothing happened, you know it. "

Ken Sudo's irritable voice came.

When it comes to Kanji Ike and Haruki Yamauchi, it's obviously excited.

At this time, it was like a life-saving straw.

Sudo Ken is glad that he found Kiyotaka Ayakoji.


Listening to Sudo Ken's words, Ayakoji Kiyotaka was expressionless and a little surprised.

"I see. "

"I'll help you, you're welcome, I'll do my best, if not, I hope you don't blame me. "

"Don't worry, no, that's just my fault. "

Sudo Ken seems to have learned to be human.

But now, Kiyotaka Ayakoji really feels like his last chance.

"Ayakoji-san. "

Hirata had already arrived here, and he had actually heard some words from afar just now.

It seemed to talk about him, but he didn't come over and speak immediately.

"You're talking to Sudo-san, and if you have the chance, I hope you can help get Sudo-san to come over and study. "

"If there's anything you need to do, you can come to me, I'm here to help. "

Yosuke Hirata approached and spoke.

He also asked others first, so that others don't have to be so embarrassed when they ask for him.

What a caring male mother.

Ayakoji Kiyotaka commented in his heart, and his mouth also spoke according to the other party's meaning.

"It's Sudo, Sudo is in some trouble. "

"It seems that the basketball club is going to fire him because of yesterday's incident. "

"Now he doesn't know what to do, do you have a way to help him?"


Yosuke Hirata's face changed drastically.

Those who don't know think he's going to be expelled.

No, Kiyotaka Ayakoji seriously doubted that even if he was expelled, he would not have such an expression.

"What's going on?"

"Can you let me talk to Sudo-san? Isn't the matter resolved? "

Yosuke Hirata said anxiously, pointing to Kiyotaka Ayakoji's mobile phone.

"No problem. "

"Sudo, I gave my phone to Hirata, you can tell him about the situation. "

Kiyotaka Ayakoji said to the phone that hadn't hung up yet, and after getting a response, the phone was handed to Hirata.

As for whether Sudo's side will be embarrassed, that's not his problem.

Sudo has been in Hirata's face more than once.

If it's an ordinary person, it is estimated that even if there is no quarrel when meeting, it is estimated that it will not be accepted with a black face.

As for helping out or something, it's better to think about it, but here in Hirata.

He still played the role of a male mother in the class.

Whenever someone needed help, he came.

"Sudo-san, didn't everything yesterday be resolved?"

Hirata turned the phone, said hello, and asked as softly as possible.

"The student council intervened?"

"No, the student union didn't take care of it, but it still announced the matter to the basketball club, and the minister informed me that he was going to expel me. "

Ken Sudo was a little unwilling when he said to the end.

Are you so worthless?

Not to mention the new students in the basketball club, he is sure to compete with those seniors and even official players.

But despite this, the other party doesn't care about it, and it feels like you can give up casually.

And that's exactly what happened, otherwise he wouldn't be looking for help everywhere like this.

Now Sudo doesn't know what to do, and his heart is on Hirata.

I hope the other party can come up with some way to help solve this matter.

Now Hirata is his last straw, without him, then he can only find the truth of the shadow night by himself.

"This... Yosuke Hirata frowned slightly.

What should I do in such a situation? Do I want to ask the head of the basketball club or what?

[On the shelves, the 3rd more 15,000 words, I hope that if you feel that you can, you can support the "Ask for subscription", "Ask for flowers", "Ask for reward", "Ask for collection", "Ask for monthly pass" small].

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