Wei Fan took a deep breath.

Hu Qingyun was right. The Tiger King and his family were dead, and a new demon was targeting the East District.

It can be analyzed from Zhou Qi's words that there are demons behind the E-Shen Gang, otherwise they would not be so arrogant in threatening the government officials and feeding them to the demons.

"It's so fast!"

The Tiger Gang was only eradicated for two or three days, but there were demons who found good agents to cause trouble in the East District.

At this moment, everyone was looking at Wei Fan.

The rules he had set before were very strict, but now another Tiger Gang appears. How will he deal with it?

"Who knows where the E-Shen Gang is located?"

Wei Fan looked around.

There were not only his men in the yard, but also the government servants of other catchers. The E-Shen Gang's affairs should not only occur in his territory, but also in the territories of other catchers.

"They are in the same yard where the Tiger Gang used to be!"

Wei Fan looked up and saw that Hu Qing was back.

"They started showing up yesterday and have collected money from many shops. Those who don't want to pay will destroy the shops..."

Wei Fan looked back at the class leader Luo Wen who was sitting inside and had not come out.

The courtyard belonging to the Tiger Gang was sealed off the same day they wiped out the Tiger Gang. They didn't even bother to inform the government, so most people didn't dare to occupy the courtyard left by the Tiger Gang.

"It's good to have a nest, but I'm afraid it won't be easy to find them!"

Wei Fan put on his saber and said to Zhou Qi and the other beaten government servant: "If you can still leave, come with me and see how I can support you."

When he first set the rules, he said, just go ahead and do it, and he will cover up everything if something goes wrong.

"Of course it can!"

After hearing Wei Fan's words, Zhou Qi and another Yamen servant immediately became energetic.

"Follow me if you are willing to eliminate this E-Shen Gang with me!" Wei Fan shouted.

In addition to his men, only four Wuyamen took action, and the number of people who responded was not as high as when the Tiger Gang was annihilated.

"Wei Fan, that's about it. The jails for the people arrested by the Tiger Gang last time are all full. The magistrate doesn't want so many things to happen in the East District, and he doesn't want more people to die."

Luo Wen appeared and called Wei Fan.

This is Yuncheng's consistent policy. No matter how many people you kill secretly, the most important thing is to maintain superficial calm.

In the Tiger Gang incident, dozens of people died in one breath, and the Yamen spent a lot of effort to burn all the bodies.

Because people often die on a large scale, it is easy to attract unclean things, that is, demons without flesh and blood. The kind of demons without flesh and blood are truly terrifying.

Many policies actually have reasons.

Wei Fan turned back: "They are in other places, they can do whatever they want, I have no control over them.

But in my territory, everything must be according to my rules. Unless I am not the boss, no one can make trouble in my territory without paying the price. "

He didn't give Luo Wen face, and his subordinate was beaten for the first time. If he just let it go, he would only be a joke in the Yamen in the future.

With the original seven people under his command, plus the four or five who followed, Wei Fan took more than a dozen people to the E-Shen Gang.


Looking at Wei Fan leaving, Luo Wen looked angry: "I don't know what happened, but if something happens to you, don't blame me for not reminding you."

He could still understand what happened to the Tiger Gang. After all, it was the Tiger Gang who wanted to kill Wei Fan first, but the E-Shen Gang only beat up two of Wei Fan's men. Wei Fan actually didn't even listen to him because of such a trivial matter.

After leaving the yamen, Hu Qing stepped forward and whispered in Wei Fan's ear: "Think about it, the leader of the E-Shen Gang is Lu Mingjie from the Lu family in the inner city, and the wife of the official is Lu Mingjie's aunt. "

It turns out that he has a relationship with the pawnbroker, so no wonder he was able to get the Tiger Gang's compound, and Luo Wen came to stop him.

Hu Qing continued: "The Lu family is mainly engaged in business. Under the care of the official, the business is getting bigger and bigger. I heard that they are no longer satisfied with their status as businessmen and want to develop into a martial arts family and cooperate with demons. Undoubtedly the fastest way.

This matter may have the support of the official.

Just think about it, if you use the E-Shen Gang, you may not be able to catch the head. "

Even she, who has always had a sense of justice and aims to join the Demon Suppressing Division, is trying to persuade Wei Fan to be cautious this time.

If the demon kills him, he will kill him.

But this time the matter involves three officials, the situation is different.

Wei Fan was expressionless: "I said that in my territory, even if the son of a pawnbroker commits a crime, he will be arrested. The nephew of the pawnbroker's wife is nothing.

If you are afraid, you can turn around and go back. "

Hu Qing pursed her lips: "I'm worried about you. My father is the head coach after all, so there's nothing to be afraid of."

She admired Wei Fan again. If she could dissuade Wei Fan, he would no longer be the Wei Fan she knew.

They are not afraid of the Tiger Gang, but they are afraid of the E-Shen Gang who just appeared.

Wei Fan whispered: "Let me tell you something. The Demon Suppressor will soon notice Yuncheng. The person you want to become the Demon Suppressor has performed better recently."

Hu Qing was nice to him. Wei Fan thought about it and told Hu Qing.


Hu Qing let out a low cry, her face full of excitement. If the Demon Suppressor noticed Yuncheng, not to mention the officials and the city lord would not be able to see enough: "I will have to kill a few more people in a while."

When we came to the Tiger Gang's yard again, it was still the same as before.

The difference is that the Tiger Gang at the gate has now been changed to the E-Shen Gang, and there are two men with knives standing guard at the gate.

Seeing Wei Fan and a group of government officials approaching, the two men on guard were not afraid, but even scolded them: "This is the E-Shen Gang, you guys should leave as soon as possible."

Wei Fan had a blank expression on his face: "The government is arresting people, put down your weapons and surrender, otherwise you will be killed without mercy."

He kept walking towards the gate.

"How dare you!"

Seeing this, the two gatekeepers drew their swords and chopped at Wei Fan.

They had received news that people from the government would come to the E Shen Gang, so they should not be lenient.

Wei Fan's sword was unsheathed at some point, and two heads flew up in a flash of the sword.

"The gatekeeper brother was killed, brothers, grab your weapons!"

A shout rang out in the courtyard.

[Kill Zhang San and get 3 months of power! ]

[Kill Li Daniu and get 2 months of power! ]


I have no interest in killing this kind of monster.

"Follow me closely, don't get separated!"

Wei Fan shouted and stepped into the E Shen Gang.

Among these yamen runners, only Hu Qing was at the fifth level of true qi, and the other yamen runners were at the first or second level of true qi, and even three of them had not even practiced true qi.

"When the yamen is doing business and arresting people, put down your weapons and surrender, otherwise you will be killed without mercy."

After entering the yard, Wei Fan repeated what he had said before as usual.

This is the rule of the yamen. If he kills people without saying anything, it is a violation of the rules. If he says something and the criminal still attacks, he can just chop him at will.

"Let your mother go!"

"You are just a small yamen runner, and you dare to come to the E Shen Gang to arrest people. Don't you know whose territory this is?"

"Don't talk nonsense, just say that no one will die!"


More than a dozen people from the E Shen Gang rushed out at once. He had gathered a lot of people in a short time. Wei Fan looked around and found that almost half of them were warriors, but most of them were at the first or second level of true qi.

"The criminal resisted with weapons, kill!"

Hu Qing shouted, took the initiative to attack, and rushed past Wei Fan.

Ever since she heard that the Demon Suppression Division would pay attention to Yuncheng, her spirit has been excited and she couldn't wait.

At the same time, except for Zhou Qi and another yamen runner with a swollen nose and face, other yamen runners also drew their swords.

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