"Dispose of the body and collect incriminating evidence!"

Wei Fan put away Daogang and directed his servants to search room by room.

After finishing this, he looked back at Rowan: "I didn't hear what you just said, class leader. Please say it again."

Hu Qing said first: "I heard it. The class leader said angrily that you are so bold?"

She looked like she didn't mind the matter.

If this crocodile monster hadn't appeared, Wei Fan would have been in trouble if he killed Lu Mingjie.

But now, it is the pawnbrokers who are in trouble.

Wei Fan nodded lightly and his eyes were cold: "Does killing a demon mean you are daring? It seems that the class leader is also colluding with the demon."

He walked towards Rowan slowly, his body emitting an intoxicating energy.

Luo Wen hurriedly denied: "You heard wrong. I meant that Wei Fan did a great job. These beasts dared to collude with the demons and brought the demons into the city. They were cut into pieces by a thousand cuts."

He felt that if he still insisted on his previous position, Wei Fan would definitely kill him too.

Moreover, since the demon appeared, it was too late for him to distance himself from the matter, so he didn't care whether Lu Mingjie died or not.


If the pian knew that Lu Mingjie had the audacity to bring the demon into the city, the pian would probably want to kill Lu Mingjie even if Lu Mingjie was not dead.

"Really? Did we hear wrongly?"

Luo Wen nodded wildly: "You really heard wrong!"

Under Wei Fan's momentum, he felt that his back was covered with cold sweat.

Wei Fan calmed down and said: "So, squad leader, what are we going to do next? The Lu family colluded with the demons and brought the demons into the city. Are we going to raid the Lu family and arrest all the Lu family members? "

Hearing this, Luo Wen, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, felt his heart tighten. Wei Fan not only wanted to force him to take sides, but also wanted to wipe out the Lu family in one fell swoop.

Between the official and Wei Fan, he could only choose one person now. As his thoughts turned, Luo Wen made his decision.

He took a deep breath: "The Lu family has dehumanized people and colluded with demons. Naturally, all of them must be arrested. Now let's have the corpse of this crocodile demon pulled to the street, so that everyone will know that the E-Shen Gang brought the demon into the city. Then we went to raid the Lu family."

Wei Fan smiled and said, "Boss, you are very conscientious when it comes to matters of right and wrong."

Outside the E-Shen Gang, a group of yamen officers hacked to death the gatekeepers of the E-Shen Gang, which alarmed the people around them. As time went by, there were already many theatergoers here.

These people are all looking forward to seeing if the people in the yamen can eradicate the E-Shen Gang just like they did to the Tiger Gang.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes widened.

I saw the door of the E-Shen Gang opened, and a young head catcher walked out.

As the head catcher walked out step by step, a crocodile corpse with its head cut off appeared in everyone's sight.

I saw that even though the crocodile had no head, its body was more than three meters long, and it could not be hugged by one person.

"It's a demon. The Yamen's servants killed a demon in the E-Shen Gang!"

The stench hit their faces, and some people couldn't help but retching.

More people are afraid. They live nearby, and a demon is hiding in the E-Shen Gang. Their safety can be imagined.

"These beasts from the E-Shen Gang are even bolder than the Tiger Gang. They dare to introduce monsters into the city."

"No wonder the people from the Yamen came directly to kill them. It's taboo for demons to enter the city!"

"Fart, in other districts, why don't you see the Yamen arresting those who colluded with the demons? I saw it clearly, it was Wei Fanwei who arrested the leader. It was he who led the men to eradicate the Tiger Gang before, and it was he who led the men to rush in just now. E-Shen Gang.”

Someone recognized Wei Fan and publicized his achievements.

"Everyone, please give in. The E-Shen Gang has dehumanized people and colluded with demons to bring the demons into the city. Fortunately, my East District Head Captor, Wei Fan, realized this in time and led his men to destroy the E-Shen Gang and the crocodile demon.

Now that the crocodile monster is dead, there is no need to be afraid. We still have official duties, so please get out of the way. "

Luo Wen followed Wei Fan and took the opportunity to spread the word.

The reason for coming to the E-Shen Gang changed from Zhou Qi and the others being beaten to Wei Fan secretly finding out that the E-Shen Gang was hiding demons, so he brought people to destroy the E-Shen Gang.

"God catches me!"

"With such divine arrests as guards, no monsters will dare to come to our East District to cause trouble in the future!"

"Finally, we have a man who is dedicated to serving the people!"

"Quickly make way for the Guardian Guard, don't delay him from killing demons."

The crowd made a way and there was cheering all around.

For many years, they have been oppressed by the Tiger Gang. Unexpectedly, the Tiger Gang had just been eradicated, and another E-Shen Gang came.

Just when they all thought that the E-Shen Gang would always exist, they didn't expect that just one day later, the E-Shen Gang would be wiped out again.

"In order to prevent the Lu family from receiving the news and escaping, we must act quickly."

Luo Wen came up and whispered in Wei Fan's ear that it was best to handle these things before the pian and the Lu family reacted.


Wei Fan handed the body of the crocodile demon to his yamen, and he and Luo Wen quickly rushed back to the East District yamen with a few elites to gather manpower.

The inner city is the most prosperous place in Cloud City, and those who are qualified to live in the inner city are either rich or noble.

Compared to the filthy, messy and smelly areas in the east, west, south, and north districts, this place is like a paradise on earth. The streets are cleaned by dedicated personnel, the houses are magnificent, and there is enough room for three or four carriages to pass on any given street.

Gangs lure people to feed monsters, etc. This has never happened here, because ordinary people cannot enter the inner city at all.

The entrance was guarded by soldiers at all times. Even when Wei Fan and his group of yamen runners arrived here, they were stopped.

Luo Wen came out to show his identity, and he knew the leader of these guards, so he was quickly released.

"Don't kill too hard later. The people in the inner city are not as good as those in the outer city. Even if it's because of demons, they will be dissatisfied if they are killed too much.

Moreover, the Lu family's business is big. In addition to the relationship with our East District Dianli, they also have friendships with other big figures in Yuncheng."

Luo Wen was very worried that Wei Fan would kill all the people in the Lu family. He knew Wei Fan's character too well.

Wei Fan frowned slightly. Is he such a person in Luo Wen's mind: "What are you talking about, squad leader? We are here to arrest people. As long as the Lu family does not resist, how can I kill people indiscriminately."

Ask others about this. Do you think there are many people who believe it?

Luo Wen also knew that he could not control Wei Fan at all, and he also understood the principle of killing him if he offended him.

"The Lu family has a lot of money. Many years ago, they paid a lot of money to hire a warrior named Zuo Qiu to be their guard. Lu Mingjie's martial arts are from Zuo Qiu. Not many people know what level Zuo Qiu is at. If you can't beat him in a fight, things may fail."

Lu Mingjie's master?

Although Lu Mingjie was killed by me, he can have the seventh level of true qi at this age. The person who taught him must be at least the ninth level of true qi, or even a splitting acupoint warrior.

After walking for a while, a high-walled courtyard with the two big words "Lu Mansion" written on it appeared in Wei Fan's sight.

Even in the inner city where only rich people live, this courtyard looks unique. There are two bronze lions guarded by two people on the left and right. There are four people guarding just the gate. It is really impressive.

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