Practicing martial arts is too difficult, so I choose to defeat others

Chapter 51 The Evildoers of the Demon Suppression Division

"Sell these horses first and then go to the Demon Suppression Division. When you need to ride horses for missions in the future, the Demon Suppression Division will equip you with special war horses."

After selling the horses under the guidance of the guide, they walked for a while and a place with a plaque of "Demon Suppression Division" appeared in front of them.

Wei Fan looked up and saw the big words "Demon Suppression Division" were majestic and powerful. It was obvious that they were written by a master, with a sense of killing.

"I am the guide, and this is the newcomer I brought back this time!"

The guide showed a token and took Wei Fan and others in.

"I will take Hu Qing to the preparatory camp to join the job first, and then take you to the combat camp!"

He led the way in front.

The Demon Suppression Division is not a place where everyone can come, so even if Ning Xuan and Su Xuerong are from Sucheng, it is their first time to come here.

"As a member of the reserve camp, Hu Qing, you can only live in the Demon Suppression Division before you become a formal member."

"Wei Fan, you can freely choose to live outside or in the Demon Suppression Division. If you live outside, you need to buy a house by yourself. If you live in the Demon Suppression Division, you will be provided with a separate small courtyard."

Ning Xuan said: "Brother Wei, how about we choose two houses next to each other and live here together? This will be convenient when there are missions, and the houses near the Demon Suppression Division are not cheap."

Wei Fan nodded, and had no idea of ​​living outside for the time being.

And if you buy a house outside, you can live in both places.

When he is on duty in the Demon Suppression Division, it is not like the one he had in Yuncheng, going in the morning and returning in the afternoon.

I heard from the guide that when he is on duty, it is 24 hours a day, and it is very inconvenient to live outside.

After walking for a while, several people arrived at the reserve camp, and the guide completed all the procedures for Hu Qing to enter the camp.

"You should come to see me often when you have time!"

When they were about to separate, Hu Qing finally showed her little girlish attitude. No matter how fearless she was in Yuncheng, she was still a woman. She didn't have many acquaintances in a strange place, so she still hoped that Wei Fan would come to see her often.

The guide smiled and said, "Wei Fan, if you have nothing to do, you can come to the preparatory camp often, first to see Hu Qing, and secondly, there are many beautiful girls in the preparatory camp. Most of the girls in your combat camp have been taken down. You are so old, it's time to find a woman."

At first, he actually thought that Wei Fan and Hu Qing were a couple, and Hu Qing's coming to the Demon Suppression Division was also his way of comforting Wei Fan.

But along the way, he found that Wei Fan and Hu Qing were not that kind of relationship. They were more like good friends.

Hu Qing might be interested in Wei Fan, but Wei Fan didn't seem to have any thoughts in this regard.

Ning Xuan and Wei Fan's eyes lit up, and Wei Fan nodded and said, "Okay! I will come to see you often!"

Hu Qing glared at the guide and Wei Fan angrily: "You don't have to come to see me!"

She said, and turned around and left.

"You guys..."

Su Xuerong also glared at the two of them.

The Demon Suppression Division covers a large area. Anyway, it took a long time to walk around and didn't finish. However, along the way, Wei Fan's only impression was that there were very few people, and he didn't see many people at all.

After walking with the guide for a while, he finally arrived at the battle camp.

"Go register first, collect your badges and clothes, and allocate rooms, etc!"

"By the way, have you decided which commander to work for?"

The guide led the three people into a hall.

Ning Xuan said, "Xuerong and I plan to serve under the Second Commander. If you don't mind, Brother Wei, you can also come to the Second Commander. Most people from the martial arts sects are under the Second Commander, and they can take care of us.

Besides, the Second Commander originally came from the martial arts world, and he values ​​the loyalty of the martial arts world. He doesn't have as many rules as other commanders. I think you don't like being bound, so the Second Commander is a good fit."

Wei Fan nodded. In fact, he had already made up his mind.

The three commanders, the Demon Suppression Division had introduced some information to him before. The three of them had similar cultivation levels, and there was no difference in official positions. The only difference was their personalities and the martial arts they practiced.

Not to mention martial arts, in terms of personality, the Third Commander is more old-fashioned and has to follow the rules for everything. The Second Commander is the kind of person who values ​​ability more and has the heroic spirit of a martial arts man.

The last commander is a very strong and domineering person. If he says one, you don't say two.

"Are you all going to serve under the Second Commander? That's fine. We can go on missions together and take care of each other. To be honest, in a place like the Demon Suppression Division, there are not many people who have made life-threatening friends. It's easy to lose your life on a mission."

Soon, the three of them got their own clothes and waist badges, as well as two Qi-gathering pills in a porcelain bottle. As for weapons, none of them wanted them, because the weapons provided by the Demon Suppression Division were not as good as the ones they had, and better ones needed merits to be exchanged.

"If your clothes and weapons are damaged in the future, come here to exchange them."

"In one or two days, someone will come to find you. At that time, it is not up to me to decide which lieutenant you will be assigned to."

"Now I will take you to recognize the places where you usually eat, and the places where you can exchange merits for secret books and pills, and then take you to find the courtyards assigned to you. You can slowly get familiar with the rest by yourself."

The guide took the three of them for a while, recognized the different functions of each place, and had a meal in the dining hall.

After eating, it was already dark, and the last few people came to the place where they lived.

The houses of the three people were all side by side!

After saying hello to each other, the few people who had not rested for several days in order to hurry on their way went to sleep and rest.

After separating from Wei Fan and the other two, the guide did not return to his own place to rest. He walked for a while despite his fatigue and arrived in front of a magnificent courtyard.

Taking a deep breath, he stepped forward and bowed, saying: "Two brothers, I am the guide Zhou Tong. I have something to ask to see the demon-suppressing commander. Please inform me."

The guarding military looked at the guide Zhou Tong and said: "The demons in Qingyun Mountain Range are in turmoil. The commander went to suppress it but has not returned yet."

Zhou Tong could not help but be disappointed.

He came to the commander-in-chief to report Wei Fan's affairs.

Horizontal training innate!

Sucheng has not produced such a warrior for many years.

Of course, the reason why he came to the commander-in-chief is because the commander-in-chief himself is a warrior who cultivates both inside and outside, and his path is the same as Wei Fan.

If Wei Fan can become a disciple of the commander-in-chief, it will only benefit both the commander-in-chief and Wei Fan.

And even if Wei Fan has no intention of becoming a disciple, this matter must be reported to the commander-in-chief for disposal.

For geniuses, even if they don't worship the commander as their master, the Demon Suppression Division has a policy of resource bias.

"Guide? What do you want from the master?"

Just as Zhou Tong was disappointed, a voice suddenly sounded behind him.

He looked back and saw a tall young man appeared behind him at some point, with an invisible pressure coming towards him.

Li Chuyang!

One of the disciples of the commander-in-chief, and also one of the most popular monsters in the Demon Suppression Division.

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