"Master Wei, please sit down quickly!"

Wei Fan stepped into a restaurant. He was a regular customer of Ma Kee Restaurant. After entering, he was greeted by the waiter to sit down.

"Still the same!"

His usual meal is just a bowl of fried rice, half a pound of braised pork, and a vegetable soup.

After saying this, he sat down and waited. At this moment, the sky was slightly dark, and there were not many pedestrians on the street.

There is no curfew in Yuncheng, but because there are too many evil spirits, most people stop going out at night.

There are always demons and evil spirits in this world, and there is no way to kill them all, so the government policy only needs to remain peaceful.

And the demons are not too presumptuous. They blatantly cannibalize people by cultivating gangs like the Tiger Gang and secretly giving people to them to eat.

The yamen also knew about these things, and as long as they didn't go too far, they would turn a blind eye.

Of course, this is also related to the political policy of one parent. The current Lord of Yuncheng belongs to the type of person who is more afraid of demons.

Since he took office, the evil troubles in Yuncheng have become more and more serious, officials and gangsters have colluded, and there have been widespread complaints among the people.

"Master Wei, your food is here!"

While Wei Fan was thinking, the waiter started serving dishes, including crispy pork elbow, soy sauce beef, steamed sea bass, roast chicken and a jar of old wine.

"I made a mistake. These are not what I want." Wei Fan said in surprise.

When the waiter heard this, he whispered: "This is what the shopkeeper asked you to do. If you kill Yang Jun, that scourge, the shopkeeper said that you won't be charged any money when you come here from now on."

Mr. Wei, you don’t know that our shopkeeper’s daughter was raped by Yang Jun before and she hanged herself within a few days.

Today you killed Yang Jun. Many people in the nearby streets were secretly celebrating. If it weren't for the Tiger Gang, they would have gone to the streets to set off firecrackers. "

In this case, Wei Fan stopped being polite and started eating.

He was on duty at the Yamen and received a good monthly salary, but he could not afford such good wine and food every day.

Half an hour later, Wei Fan was full of wine and food, and walked home with some drunkenness. Before he got home, the weak drunkenness was driven away by the spontaneous movement of Zhenqi.

I used to be alone. My mother had passed away for two or three years. My father was originally a government servant, but after he was on duty three months ago, he came back with only some blood-stained clothes and no body.

He said that he encountered a big demon while working on a case and was swallowed by the big demon.

Because of this, the predecessor was able to succeed his father and enter the government office to become a street patrol officer.

Of course, the predecessor was not an only son. There was an older sister who was married, so the predecessor lived alone.

When he got home, Wei Fan immediately lay down on the bed and opened the panel.

[Martial Arts:]

[Golden bell cover (ninth level)]

[Blood Fiend Sword Technique (Perfect)]

[Flowing Cloud Chasing Wind Step (Perfection)]

[Iron Body Kung Fu (Not Beginner)]

[Current skill: 46 years]

Three of the four martial arts have reached the highest level, and only the external martial arts and iron body martial arts have not yet been introduced.

"Ten years of skill, plus martial arts and iron body skills!"

The first time, Wei Fan directly used ten years of skill. It took ten years for Jinzhongzhao to reach the highest ninth level. If Heng Lian Wushu wants to reach the ninth level, it will only take more time. !

[Ten years of skill will be deducted! 】

[You practice martial arts both internally and externally. You have a good physical foundation. In one year, your iron body skills have reached the third level, and your one-arm strength is three thousand kilograms]

The Golden Bell Glove is said to cultivate both internal and external aspects, but in fact, the main practice is still Qi. Tempering the body is just an additional function of martial arts. Many Zhenqi martial arts actually have a certain degree of body tempering, but it is only to a certain degree. question.

The golden bell is nine-layered, and his one-arm strength is two thousand kilograms.

But in Heng Lian Martial Arts, only the second level is needed, and the pure physical strength can reach the level of two thousand kilograms with one arm. In terms of body tempering, there is no comparison between Zhenqi Martial Arts and pure Heng Lian Martial Arts.

At the same time, Wei Fan discovered another reason why few people practiced Henglian Martial Arts. It was not only because Henglian Martial Arts had low lethality on those who had no flesh and blood, but also because of the pain.

This kind of horizontal martial arts training is like throwing people into a frying pan and frying them.

In an instant, the pain that penetrated into his bone marrow spread throughout his body, causing him to almost faint.

Wei Fan gritted his teeth and endured silently.

[With two years of skills, you have gone through extreme training, and your iron body skills have reached the fourth level, and your single-arm strength is four thousand kilograms]

[After three years of skill, your iron body skill has broken through the fifth level, and your one-arm strength is 5,000 kilograms]

[With four years of skill, your iron body skill has broken through to the sixth level, and your one-arm strength is six thousand kilograms]

This is where Henglian Martial Arts is more terrifying than Zhenqi Martial Arts. As soon as he breaks through one level, his strength increases by a thousand kilograms.

At the ninth level of perfection, the strength of one arm can reach a terrifying ten thousand kilograms.

If it weren't for practicing this kind of martial arts, when facing those monsters without flesh and blood, they would have to fight with their lives. There are definitely many people who practice it.

[Five years of skill, your iron body skill has hit a bottleneck and has never broken through]

[With six years of skill, your iron body skill is still at the sixth level, but the bottleneck has been loosened! 】

[With seven years of skill, you can drop water through stone, reach the seventh level of iron body skill, and have a single arm strength of seven thousand kilograms. 】

[With ten years of skill, Iron Body Kung Fu has not broken through to the ninth level]

[Iron Body Kung Fu (eighth level)]

[Current skill: 36 years]

After ten years of skill, he was still unable to cultivate the iron body skill to the ninth level, which is the highest level. This is because of the foundation of the golden bell.

If it weren't for the previous tempering of the body by the Golden Bell, it would probably take several more years to reach the eighth level.

After a rest, Wei Fan added three years of strength to the Iron Body Skill in one go.

[Deduct three years of strength! ]

[After eleven years of strength, your Iron Body Skill still can't break through, you are not in a hurry, continue to temper your body]

[After twelve years of strength, your physical strength and power begin to slowly increase, and you see the dawn of a breakthrough]

[After thirteen years of strength, with your perseverance, you break through the limit of your physical body in one fell swoop, and the Iron Body Skill reaches the ninth level of perfection, your body is as hard as iron, and the strength of one arm is 10,000 pounds]

[Iron Body Skill (ninth level)]

[Current strength: 33 years]


The last level took four years of strength.


Wei Fan stretched his waist, and the bed under him immediately made a sound of being overwhelmed.

The perfect ninth level of the Iron Body Skill also made a big change in his weight.

At this moment, Wei Fan looked down, and the muscle lines were obvious. The outer membrane was more like polished metal, emitting a cold luster, and the whole body was like cast steel.

He flicked his fingers, and the skin made a clanging sound. He gently scratched it with a long knife, and it felt a little slippery.

"Thirteen years of practice, it's worth it!"

Wei Fan showed a happy face.

Perfect horizontal training martial arts plus perfect true qi martial arts, it's not as simple as one plus one.

Ten thousand pounds of strength plus the powerful true qi of the ninth level, the power of a knife is more than doubled, not to mention the improvement in defense.

"There are still thirty-three years of practice!"

He looked at the panel and did not continue to add practice to other martial arts.

He perfected a horizontal training martial arts in one breath, and all the sins he had to suffer for more than ten years were concentrated in this short period of time. His body was strong, but his spirit was already exhausted.

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