Practicing martial arts is too difficult, so I choose to defeat others

Chapter 84: Sword Intentions Sublime, Demon Heaven Alliance

The Hall of Merit, still the same reception room.

Old Huo brewed spiritual tea.

This time, Wei Fan did not wait for Old Huo to make a move. He stood up and poured a cup for Old Huo and another for himself.

Old Huo took a sip of tea and put down the cup: "You should have met Xue Yi. How does it feel?"

Wei Fan thought for a while and uttered a word: "Cold!"

Old Huo nodded slightly: "You should have heard that Xue Yi's grandfather is the commander Long Jianying..."

Wei Fan nodded.

"When she was young, she was very lively and naughty. She often scratched my beard and messed up my books. She used my spiritual tea to feed cats and dogs. But how could the granddaughter of Long Jianying have such a stable life?

The demons couldn't kill Long Jianying, so they set their sights on Long Jianying's descendants.

Her parents took her and her brother out for an outing and were found by demons. When Long Jianying arrived, her parents and brother were dead, and only she survived with her father's blood all over her body.

From then on, the girl didn't smile much and practiced hard every day.

In addition, the old guy Long Jianying had no time to accompany her, and he became a demon hunter and walked outside every day, so she became colder and colder.

She said she was Long Jianying's granddaughter, but in fact I raised her..."

Wei Fan took a sip of tea. He didn't know what Mr. Huo meant by what he said to him, but if the spiritual tea was casual, he could listen to it all the time.

Seeing that he was not getting the point, Mr. Huo was annoyed: "Okay, you can go!"


Wei Fan stood up, but saw that Mr. Huo threw another book to him: "This is the Rock Breathing Art, which is better than the one you have. Humans have the art of collecting qi to find demons, and demons also have similar skills. When you are walking outside in the future, try not to leak your breath when you are not fighting, so as not to be collected by demons.

After fighting, try to erase the remaining breath, and don't give demons the opportunity to collect breath.

If you are not extremely vigilant, you will not live long as a demon hunter.

As a demon hunter, although you have moved to the dark, those demons are not stupid, and they are likely to guess that you will become a demon hunter.

Don't think that demons are simple. Although it is more difficult for them to become a Taoist than humans, they have lived longer and are very shrewd.

Most of the time, they set traps for humans."

Wei Fan bowed: "Thank you, Mr. Huo for your advice!"

Putting away the Rock Breathing Art, Wei Fan turned and walked out of the Merit Hall.

After returning to the courtyard, it took him half a quarter of an hour and a hundred years of practice to perfect the Rock Breath Containment Technique.

Wei Fan used the Qi-Seeing Demon Identification Technique to look at himself again. There was no breath leaking from his body. He was like a dead object without life.

"Perfect breath-containment!"

Wei Fan frowned slightly. Being too perfect was not a good thing. When you meet a master, you don't leak any breath. Even a fool knows that if you can completely restrain your breath, you must be a master, which is also an exposure.

So the breath-containment thing, except for preventing the breath from being taken away by demons and tracking, is not very practical.

The best thing should be to change the breath instead of restraining it.

[Soul-Destroying Demon-Slaying Sword·Heaven and Man Chapter (Not yet started)]

[Dragon Roar Shattering Sky Finger·Heaven and Man Chapter (Not yet started)]

[Mountain-Shaking Fist·Heaven and Man Chapter (Not yet started)]


[Current skill: 1144 years]

With less than 1,200 years of skill, Wei Fan didn't know if it was enough to perfect these three martial arts.

The Dragon Roar Sky-Breaking Finger of the Heavenly Man Realm has become a true martial art, with the addition of the true meaning of controlling the power of heaven and earth to attack. The power of the finger technique does not only depend on the degree of tempering.

The Soul-Destroying Demon-Slaying Sword still has the original five styles, but it is no longer just a sword meaning inheritance. Not only does it have the ability to use the power of heaven and earth to attack, the five styles of the Heavenly Man Chapter are complete, and you can also get started with sword power.

Like the Taixu Collapsing Sun Palm, after getting started with sword power, the Merit Hall has no subsequent sword techniques to exchange. If you want to get a further inheritance of sword power, you can only worship the second commander as your teacher.

In the Heavenly Man Realm, getting started with sword power is enough. The further realm of sword skills is not something that can be performed by the mind power of the Heavenly Man Martial Master.

The same is true for the Mountain-Shaking Fist. The Merit Hall also does not have anything after the Divine Realm.

Wei Fan didn't care much. At worst, he could change martial arts again. The Demon Suppression Division is not without martial arts at the same level as these martial arts.

After calming down, the panel began to flash:

[One year of skill, you start practicing Dragon Roar Shattering Sky Finger·Heaven and Man Chapter, tempering your ten fingers with the power of heaven and earth and true power]

[Twenty years of skill, your ten fingers are tempered for the first time, Dragon Roar Shattering Sky Finger Heaven and Man Chapter is entered, ten fingers are like heavenly weapons, piercing gold and splitting stones]

It took only twenty years to enter, and after tempering ten fingers, it seems that the Dragon Roar Shattering Sky Finger is perfect, and it doesn’t take much skill.

He raised his finger and looked at it. The purple color became more obvious, crystal clear like purple crystal, entangled with strands of heaven and earth power.

[Twenty-five years of skill, you continue to temper your ten fingers, but you find that since you entered the Dragon Roar Shattering Sky Finger Heaven and Man Chapter, the strength of your ten fingers has not increased, and you have been tempering in vain]

Wei Fan frowned slightly, and was trapped, but he did not stop adding skill.

[After twenty-six years of practice, you vaguely understand why you can't continue to temper your ten fingers. When practicing in the Heavenly Man Realm, your true power will transform and become stronger every time you advance one level. Your true power has not transformed, so tempering will naturally have no effect]

[After twenty-seven years of practice, you give up tempering your ten fingers and concentrate on comprehending the true meaning of the Heavenly Man Chapter of the Dragon Roar Shattering Sky Finger]

[With eighty years of skill, your mind is growing stronger, but you still have no idea about the true meaning of Dragon Roar Shattering Sky Finger Heaven and Man Chapter, but you are not discouraged]

[With one hundred and fifty years of skill, you suddenly understand that the key to Dragon Roar Shattering Sky Finger is "shattering". Your previous use of Dragon Roar Shattering Sky Finger is more like claw technique rather than finger technique]

[With one hundred and eighty years of skill, you are increasingly studying the trick of "shattering", and your mind gradually fits in with the true meaning of Dragon Roar Shattering Sky Finger]

[With two hundred years of skill, you finally understand the true meaning of Dragon Roar Shattering Sky Finger Heaven and Man Chapter, and your mind and finger technique are integrated. Dragon Roar Shattering Sky Finger Heaven and Man Chapter is half-perfect. Once the finger technique is used, nothing will not be broken. Once the true qi transformation is completed, the finger technique can be completely perfected]

[Dragon Roar Shattering Sky Finger Heaven and Man Chapter (half-perfect)]

[Current skill: 944 years]

It's a half-perfect one!

The true meaning is understood, but the ten fingers are not tempered well.

In this case, the power of half perfection is probably only the power of the minor success or mastery realm. The ten fingers are not tempered well, and the power is at least halved.

Wei Fan raised a finger and pointed it at the void. As the trembling sound rang out, the power of heaven and earth spread to several directions in the form of a spider web.

It was not that he liked to use finger techniques as claw techniques before, but the Dragon Roar Sky Shattering Finger was different from the finger techniques he knew. It tempered ten fingers instead of just one.

Since all ten fingers are powerful, why use only one instead of all ten fingers.

After a rest, Wei Fan began to add the Soul-Destroying Demon-Slaying Knife.

[After one year of practice, you start to practice the Soul-Destroying Demon-Slaying Sword·Heaven and Man Chapter, and comprehend a new sword intent]

[After ten years of practice, for you who have already perfected the sword intent and practiced the Soul-Destroying Demon-Slaying Sword·Acupuncture Chapter, it is very easy to control the true power with the sword intent, and the power of the sword technique increases dramatically, and you are now entering the Soul-Destroying Demon-Slaying Sword]

[After twenty years of practice, the Soul-Destroying Demon-Slaying Sword·Heaven and Man Chapter has been completed. Your mind is further strengthened, and you can use the sword intent to control the true power while attracting the power of heaven and earth to increase the power of the sword technique]

[After thirty years of practice, the Soul-Destroying Demon-Slaying Sword·Heaven and Man Chapter has been mastered. When the sword intent surges, the power of heaven and earth swarms in]

[After forty years of practice, the Soul-Destroying Demon-Slaying Sword has been completed. You seem to be in trouble and cannot comprehend what the sword momentum is]

Even a Heaven-Realm Martial Artist can still master the entry-level sword momentum.

In other words, for most Heaven-Realm Martial Artists, even the top-level monsters have to reach the ninth level of Heaven-Realm to comprehend the sword momentum.

Wu Moyi, the previous head of Piaoyu Sect, lived for 150 years, but he didn't understand what momentum was before he died.

A monster like Long Xueyi only mastered a little bit, and didn't even get started.

It is undoubtedly difficult for Wei Fan to comprehend the sword momentum at the second level of the Heavenly Man, and he doesn't have the terrifying comprehension of Long Xueyi.

Even though the Heavenly Man Chapter of the Soul-Destroying Demon-Slaying Sword is a sword momentum inheritance, it is not something that can be learned in one go, otherwise the disciple of the second commander, Zhang Xianlong, would not have perfected the sword intent, but would have mastered the sword momentum.

Wei Fan did not stop, and even when adding power to the Soul-Destroying Demon-Slaying Sword, he began to add power to the Soul Visualization Diagram.

Whether it is the sword power or the sword intention, they are all related to the power of the mind. If the power of the mind is strengthened, it should be easier to comprehend:

[With one hundred years of skill, you continue to practice sword and cultivate the spiritual visualization map, but you still can't get the sword power right, but you have made considerable gains in the power of the mind]

[With three hundred years of skill, your mind power is getting stronger and stronger, and the power of the Soul-Destroying Demon-Slaying Sword has increased, but you still don't understand what sword power is]

[With five hundred years of skill, you have been practicing the Soul-Destroying Demon-Slaying Sword and the Soul Visualization Map, and you will not stop until you comprehend the sword power]

[With six hundred years of skill, you come to your senses and realize that you have fallen into madness and obsession. You begin to give up the practice of sword skills and the Soul Visualization Map, and use your heart to comprehend the world]

[With 700 years of skill, you traveled the world, watched the sun, moon, mountains, rivers and land, recalled the sword of Long Xueyi that day, and vaguely understood what "momentum" is, power, wealth, trend, the momentum of heaven and earth, turning the hand to make clouds and rain is momentum, everything is unstoppable is momentum...]

[750 years of skill, you settled down and picked up the Soul-Destroying Demon-Slaying Sword Heaven and Man Chapter]

[800 years of skill, your sword intention sublimated, turned into a magnificent sword momentum, the Soul-Destroying Demon-Slaying Sword Heaven and Man Chapter is perfect, and the sword momentum is introduced]

[Soul-Destroying Demon-Slaying Sword·Heaven and Man Chapter (perfect)]

[Current skill: 144 years]

Wei Fan exhaled a breath of turbid air, opened his eyes full of vicissitudes, and a heavy and majestic breath came from his body.

In the past, his sword intention was sharp, tough, and indestructible.

At this moment, the sword intention was sublimated into sword momentum, and there was only an unstoppable and irresistible magnificent momentum.

He did not test the power of the knife, otherwise the surrounding courtyards would be flattened in an instant.

The next day, a carriage drove out of Su City and headed for Yuanchao.

Long Xueyi looked at the back of the driver and said in the carriage: "Remember the first rule of a demon hunter, save your own life. If you encounter a demon that you cannot defeat, run as fast as you can.

Although I am your guide, during the guidance, if you encounter a danger that I cannot defeat, I will leave you without hesitation.

You are the same, don't worry about my life or death, there is hope for demon hunters only when they are alive."

Wei Fan nodded. He had heard this from Zhang Xianlong.

The demon hunters and the demon guards are indeed different. If Shan Jinhong did not fight to the death that day, and fled without caring about the lives of his demon guards and soldiers, Wei Changqing and others might not be able to kill Shan Jinhong.

Wei Fan turned around and looked at Long Xueyi, who had turned into an ordinary woman.

Both of them changed their appearance.

Wei Fan was dressed as a servant guard and looked ordinary, while Long Xueyi was disguised as a young lady from an ordinary family to conceal their identities.

"How does a witcher accept a mission?"

From the moment he obtained the badge, he was already a demon hunter, but no one told him how to hunt demons or where to take on quests.

Long Xueyi shook her head: "No one will arrange tasks for you as a demon hunter. You have to find them yourself to kill monsters. This is also my main task as a leader."

Wei Fan was stunned, how to find it?

If he could find a demon somewhere, he would kill it himself. There would be no need to wait for tasks in the Demon Suppression Department every day.

"Have you forgotten the magic of gathering energy and finding monsters that you learned? This is the method used by demon hunters to find monsters. I know you want to say that you don't have the breath of monsters on your body, but you don't have to worry about this. This time the Donglin Festival , you will have the opportunity to collect the breath of many demons.

If it is no longer available in the future, you can find another demon hunter to replace it. "

It's not easy to find.

The human race can converge all the auras, making it impossible for the demons to track them. The demons should also be able to do this.

Wei Fan waved his horsewhip: "Aren't you afraid of being tricked by other demon hunters? If I give you the aura of a powerful demon, wouldn't it be death if I chase you?"

Long Xueyi nodded first, then shook her head: "It's good to be wary, but the possibility of being tricked by a demon hunter is unlikely. Do you think Mr. Huo just casually threw the demon hunter's badge to you? Can you all become a demon hunter?"

Wei Fan raised his eyebrows: "Isn't it?"

He and Mr. Huo had only met a few times in total. Apart from his reputation as an innate evildoer that he had built up on his face plate, he really didn't know what other advantages Mr. Huo valued in him.

Looking at Zhang Xianlong and Long Xueyi, it seems that the requirements for demon hunters are good talents.

Although it cannot be said that anyone can become a demon hunter, there seems to be no other requirements.

Long Xueyi said: "Of course not. Martial arts talent is only a secondary condition for becoming a demon hunter. The first thing a demon hunter looks at is his hatred for demons and whether he has a heart to protect the human race.

You thought Mr. Huo just threw his belt to you casually, but in fact, countless people had already gone to Yuncheng to investigate your past.

If you show mercy to monsters or bad guys even once, you will never be able to become a witcher. "

Long Xueyi raised her head: "Let me say something a bit conceited. If you are not a genius, you cannot be a demon hunter. When a demon meets a demon hunter, only one can survive.

In all these years, I have never heard of anyone being deceived by fellow demon hunters using their breath. "

Because those who were tricked died.

Long Xueyi seemed to have noticed this: "Those powerful demons are all recorded in books, and there is not only one demon hunter who has collected the breath. After the exchange, if you can't even find other demon hunters for verification, you will die." It’s deserved!”

"I don't mean to say that all demon hunters are worthy of trust, but I want to tell you, don't trust any demon hunter easily, even me, or Zhang Xianlong, who you have met once, don't completely believe it."

Wei Fan was puzzled: "Why?"

Long Xueyi said: "Demon hunters are all those who hate monsters. Some people have changed their original intentions while hunting each other with monsters. In order to hunt monsters, they sometimes kill monsters to make traps. Even their compatriots will Use it as a trap.

Demon hunters have only two principles, one is to live, and the other is to hunt demons. Some people have ignored the process for the second point. "

Wei Fan frowned: "If you harm your colleagues like this, no one will care?"

Long Xueyi shook her head: "How to care? Demon hunters are inherently unmanageable, and they use their colleagues as traps. Either they fail and die themselves, or they succeed and kill the demons, and their colleagues are fine.

If you succeed, there is nothing to say. If you die, there is no way to pursue it.

Especially if you are an innately skilled potion like yours, if you use it to lay a trap, you will be able to attract any number of monsters with just one click. "

While talking, Long Xueyi was a little curious about Wei Fan's current reaction.

The witcher gave him such a huge gap. After all, he was disappointed and disgusted.

Wei Fan's voice was heard: "Tell me about the Donglin Festival. You said before that you would have the opportunity to collect the auras of many monsters. Is this Donglin Festival used to catch monsters?"

Through the information he saw in the waist tag, Wei Fan knew that he and Long Xueyi were not the only demon hunters rushing to Donglin City.

Long Xueyi twitched her black hair, and regardless of whether Wei Fan saw it or not, she nodded lightly: "Yes, you must know that even with the magic of gathering energy to find monsters, it is not easy to track a monster. Sometimes it can even take several months. Can't catch up.

The best way is, of course, to let the demon appear automatically.

This time, it was a veteran demon hunter from the Donglin Jin family who planned to use himself as bait to lure a group of demons to kill him. "

Ningdan demons rarely eat humans. It's not that they have become vegetarians, but that when they reach the level of Ningdan, eating ordinary people is of no use. Only powerful celestial warriors or acupoint-opening warriors are of use to them.

The more powerful the demon, the more powerful the warrior is needed.

There is no benefit to eating ordinary people, but there are great risks.

Wei Fan waved his riding crop again: "Don't those monsters know it's a trap?"

Long Xueyi nodded: "So what if I know, they are still coming. The news released by Jin Wucheng, the veteran demon hunter in Donglin, is the news that he is about to break through to the divine realm.

The flesh and blood of a martial arts master who is about to break through to the divine realm is a great supplement to the demon.

And we humans have demon hunters who specialize in hunting demon masters. Demons also have a similar organization, the Demon Heaven Alliance. Even if they are not for flesh and blood, they cannot allow another divine martial master to join the demon hunters.

Many times, the so-called trap is actually a trap that you know is a trap, but you have to step into it.

Just like the last time in Dingyang Town, those demons also knew it was a trap, but they still bet that they could kill you. "

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