Practicing martial arts is too difficult, so I choose to defeat others

Chapter 98 Killing a Half-Step God Realm and Tricking Long Xueyi into Bleeding

Can the Bodhi fruit mature using one's own blood?

When Luo Hongyuan heard this question, he couldn't help but feel funny. Don't these two people know who Lin Cheng is?

Since he dares to target Lin Cheng, he must be at least stronger than Lin Cheng in terms of cultivation to have such confidence.

"I practiced martial arts at the age of ten, opened up the first level of acupoints at the age of fifteen, became a celestial martial artist at the age of twenty-five, and reached the ninth level of celestial beings at the age of fifty. Now I have broken through to the half-step divine realm by myself.

One of the reasons why I was only locked up back then was that the Second Commander-in-Chief saw that I was talented and cherished my talent, so he didn't kill me cruelly. "

He raised his head proudly.

At the age of fifty, he has reached the ninth level of perfection. Even if it is placed in a place like the Demon Suppression Department, it is still a very proud record.

The implication is that there is no problem in using his blood to water the Bodhi Fruit.

Wei Fan said softly: "Are you such a loser? Only heaven and man can reach perfection at the age of fifty. Aren't you afraid of being laughed at when you speak so loudly?"


Long Xueyi was amused.

Luo Hongyuan was indeed a genius, but it was a pity that one of the people in front of him was an innate evildoer, and the other was a ninth-level celestial being in his twenties, who was indeed a loser.

"You're looking for death!"

Luo Hongyuan was furious. His talent, which he was so proud of, was actually being laughed at.

The man jumped into the air from the huge stone, and a big gun used the power of heaven and earth to stab Wei Fan.

He was condescending, and his terrifying Half-Step God Realm aura was like a flash flood, shaking the void around him with constant explosions.

"Half-step to the divine realm!"

This was Wei Fan's first time facing a master of the Half-Step Divine Realm. For a moment, he felt as if a huge boulder was pressing down on his mind. His energy and blood were not flowing smoothly, and he could only exert about 70% to 80% of his strength.

This is a kind of oppression in the spiritual realm. The realm is not as good as the opponent's, and it is difficult to use all the strength.

"Be careful, don't get close to a half-step divine master!"

Long Xueyi drew her sword and retreated.

The reason why masters in the Half-Step God Realm are called Half-Step God Realm is because although masters in this realm have not condensed their souls, part of their mental power has undergone transformation and special abilities have emerged.

For example, half-step god-level masters can clearly see the surrounding scene even if they don't use their eyes and release the power of their minds.

Moreover, their use of the power of the mind is different from other celestial martial artists.

The average celestial martial artist cannot use the power of the mind except relying on true intention or sword intention.

But for half-step god-level masters, their mental power doesn't have to be so troublesome at all. A single thought can cause mental impact, causing damage to the opponent's mind, and even killing the enemy mentally.

Of course, this kind of mental impact has a certain distance, and it is generally only effective within two or three meters. Beyond this range, the power of the half-step god's mental power will be greatly reduced.

Therefore, when a martial artist who is not in the Half-Step God Realm faces a high-level Half-Step God Realm, the most correct thing to do is to keep a distance, reduce the mental pressure on the opponent, and allow one's own strength to be fully utilized.

Wei Fan did not retreat, and the true meaning of the Dragon Elephant Heaven-Lifting Skill surged up in his body, fighting against Luo Hongyuan's mental power.

In an instant, the situation of having a huge boulder pressing on my heart was much better, but as Luo Hongyuan got closer, this uncomfortable feeling gradually returned.

"Fortunately, I have a golden bell to protect my body. Otherwise, there is really no good way to deal with this kind of mental shock. I can only use the sword to resist."

With a thought, Wei Fan canceled the suppression of Jin Zhong, and the psychological impact was completely gone.

He was just testing the gap between his mental power and the Half-Step Divine Realm, and he was not helpless.

Even if there is no golden bell to resist, his sword power should be able to withstand the rush of the mind of a half-step god.

Seeing that the spear was about to pierce his body, Wei Fan stepped aside and punched Luo Hongyuan in the chest.


Seven million kilograms of power seemed to hit a wall. The tyrannical force did not blast away Luo Hongyuan's body-protecting Qi. Instead, he felt that his fists were numb from the shock, and a lot of the power of Qi and blood was dissipated.

"The power of the mind of the Half-Step God Realm is really mysterious. You can advance, attack, retreat or defend!"

Wei Fan was a little surprised, not because Luo Hongyuan's body-protecting skills were so mysterious, but because with the blessing of the half-step divine power of mind, his body-protecting aura suddenly became terrifying.

He remembered a word, spirit interferes with reality!

This is probably the biggest change in the power of the mind of a half-step god-level master after his transformation.

For half-step god-level masters, the spirit is no longer an intangible and qualityless thing. It can control objects mentally, attack mentally, maximize the potential of the mind, and even change matter!

The magic that Mr. Huo mentioned about tempering weapons is probably another way of using the spirit, so it is said that the divine realm is mysterious.

The real mystery is the change in the power of the mind, and many incredible things can be done with the power of the mind.

"You are not a half-step god, how can you not be afraid of my mental impact?"

Luo Hongyuan's eyes widened.

I was shaken several times in a row and mentally attacked the other party, but the other party acted like a normal person. If he was not in the Half-Step God Realm, how could he not be afraid of the mental impact of the Half-Step God Realm.

Although the opponent was terrifyingly powerful, the power of his energy and blood had only transformed three times, which meant that he was only a third-level martial artist of heaven and human, and could never be a half-step god.

Suddenly his eyes lit up: "Do you have a divine weapon protecting you?"

Only the divine weapons created by the Divine Realm Martial Sect can make one half-step into the Divine Realm without fear of the impact of the power of the mind.

Looking at the greed in Luo Hongyuan's eyes, Wei Fan felt a little funny. He knew that he had a magic weapon on him, so he was not afraid that he would use the magic weapon to kill him.

He punched a few more times and confirmed that his body training could not do anything to Luo Hongyuan.

Under the influence of the power of the mind, the opponent's body protection qi was as hard as a turtle shell. It was unknown how many punches it would take to break it.

He slapped the gourd on his waist, and the knife made of ivory from the young master of the white elephant appeared in his hand.

With the knife in hand, Wei Fan's temperament suddenly changed. Luo Hongyuan's mental power swept over, and it felt like sweeping over an unshakable mountain.

"Knife force!"

He couldn't help but shrink his pupils. Under the sweep of the mental power, Wei Fan in front of him seemed to be condensed with the surrounding mountains and rivers, turning into a huge knife.

But this is not over yet, and what shocked him even more is still to come.

The white jade-like knife in Wei Fan's hand began to emit purple light, and the power of heaven and earth around him surged like a tide. Even part of the power of heaven and earth that he controlled was out of his control and was taken away by the other party.

"Purple true power, you are the recently rising Wei Fan who is a horizontal training innate!"

Luo Hongyuan's face was full of shock.

How famous is the reputation of the horizontal training innate?

Even if he was in the prison, he often heard the people guarding the prison talking about it.

He finally understood why the power of the person in front of him was so terrifying, and he turned out to be a monster of the horizontal training innate.


Wei Fan slashed with a knife, and Luo Hongyuan felt a sharp pain in his head, and all his mental power was chopped back.

Under the blessing of the knife, his mental power could not suppress the opponent at all, but suffered a terrible backlash, and his head seemed to explode.

He tried his best to retract his spear to block, but the knife was too fast. Before the spear returned to defense, the purple knife light cut through his body protection and fell on him.

Blood splashed, Luo Hongyuan used the force to retreat and swept Wei Fan with a spear, not daring to use the power of mind to attack Wei Fan.

His half-step divine realm power of mind was only the prototype of the divine realm martial arts, but Wei Fan's sword power was the patent of the divine realm martial arts, and was praised as the ultimate means that the heavenly martial arts master could master.

Facing the long spear swept by Luo Hongyuan, Wei Fan didn't even look at it, and slashed Luo Hongyuan's neck with his backhand.


The long spear swept across Wei Fan's body, splashing a string of sparks, which made Luo Hongyuan's pupils shrink.

What kind of demon body is this, the flesh and blood body actually jumped out of sparks.


The knife light swept past, and Luo Hongyuan's head flew up and fell to the ground. Seeing that a large amount of blood was about to spurt out, Wei Fan swept the blood back with purple true power.

Then he grabbed Luo Hongyuan's head and body, and jumped to the cave deep in the valley like a big bird.

All this blood is to be used to infuse the Bodhi fruit, so it can't be wasted.

"Dead, Luo Hongyuan, who is half a step into the divine realm, just died like this!"

Long Xueyi's expression was complicated, and her body rose up.

Before she had time to intervene, Luo Hongyuan was killed. She always thought that she had to use the method left by her grandfather Long Jianying to kill Luo Hongyuan.

"This monster, his Qi cultivation has actually broken through to the fifth level of the heavenly man!"

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel a storm in her heart. It's only been a short time.

At this rate, it will take less than a month or two for Wei Fan's cultivation to catch up with her.

"I actually made wedding clothes for others..."

Although his head was chopped off, Luo Hongyuan, who was half a step into the divine realm, was not dead yet.

Although he couldn't speak, the power of his mind that had transformed a part of him began to fluctuate, and the information he wanted to convey sounded directly in Wei Fan's mind.

He was unwilling!

After years of planning and suffering in prison, he succeeded others and became the nourishment of Bodhi fruit. His dream of becoming a martial master in the divine realm suddenly turned into a shadow.

Wei Fan looked down at Luo Hongyuan's head in his hand and said coldly, "Are you unhappy because you made wedding clothes for others?

Didn't you say it with great righteousness before? Why can't you regard yourself as dying in the fight with demons when it's your turn to die and become the nourishment of Bodhi fruit?

I am a person with innate ability. In terms of potential and talent, I surpass you in everything. I will definitely kill more demons than you in the future. I can achieve success and improve my understanding. I can kill more demons in the future. Why don't you feel that you died for a good reason?

According to your logic, you should be very happy to die..."

A few rhetorical questions made Luo Hongyuan so angry that his mental power could no longer be condensed. It dissipated with a puff, and the spirit in his eyes quickly dissipated.

[Kill Luo Hongyuan and gain 900 years of power]

[Current power: 944 years]

Wei Fan has never liked killing people, and his power is far inferior to that of demons.

If he killed a great demon who had reached the first half-step of concentration, he would have at least 3,600 years of power, but he only had 900 years of power to kill people.

The cave was not big, only half a meter high, and was covered by some weeds.

Carrying Luo Hongyuan's body and crawling in, there was actually a large space in front of him.

Not far away, a small, glittering tree appeared in front of him, rooted next to a huge corpse.

"It's the Bodhi fruit!"

Long Xueyi's tone became excited. Luo Hongyuan really hid the Bodhi fruit back then. The corpse was probably that of the great demon back then.

Wei Fan quickly walked to the Bodhi fruit and dispersed the suppression of Luo Hongyuan's blood with his true power. A large amount of hot blood immediately sprayed out and watered the roots of the Bodhi fruit tree.

Instantly, the small tree emitted a more dazzling light, absorbing blood crazily.

After a while, some roots even stretched out from the ground and pierced directly into Luo Hongyuan's body.

Wei Fan looked back at Long Xueyi beside him: "We are all monsters, why don't we also put some of our own blood to feed this Bodhi fruit, maybe the effect will be better!"

He is not a monster, but Long Xueyi must be.

Luo Hongyuan is so complacent at the age of fifty, and Long Xueyi is already at the ninth level of the heavenly man in her twenties, and she almost realized the sword force. Isn't this the nutrient needed for the Bodhi fruit to mature?

Long Xueyi showed a clear look of excitement. In her opinion, Wei Fan is more evil than herself. Wei Fan is willing to bleed, so how can she refuse such a good thing.


She is also a decisive person. While speaking, she cut a hole on her wrist with a sword, and forced a large amount of blood with her true power to fall on the root of the Bodhi fruit.

All of a sudden, the light emitted by the Bodhi fruit was brighter than before, and even the power of heaven and earth surged, gathering on the small tree like a swarm.

Until she felt a little weak, she stepped aside and took out a pill to swallow.

Wei Fan stepped forward and also cut a hole in his arm, forcing blood out with his true power.

Bang bang...

After his blood left his body, it condensed like a crystal diamond, falling in the air like a string of pearls, emitting a fragrance.

What was even more surprising was that the blood fell to the ground, as if the weight was terrifying, and it hit the ground with a violent sound.

"No wonder those demons regard Henglian Xiantian as the supreme medicine, his blood is so magical!"

Long Xueyi looked at this scene in surprise.

This drop of blood, I'm afraid, can be used as a pill to increase true energy.

The bodhi fruit tree was obviously moving louder than before, stretching out more roots to absorb the blood dripped by Wei Fan. The four bodhi fruits on the tree became full and magical at a speed visible to the naked eye, and made a buzzing tremor.

At this moment, Luo Hongyuan's body had been sucked into a skeleton, and the flesh and blood disappeared.

Wei Fan felt a little uncomfortable. After all, he was going to take the bodhi fruit in a while, and this kind of thing that was born from the flesh and blood of the dead was still a little disgusting.

"No need to bleed, the bodhi fruit is about to mature!"

Long Xueyi's voice sounded, and the light emitted by the bodhi fruit tree illuminated the entire cave, and waves of sounds like Sanskrit resounded throughout the cave.

Hearing this, Wei Fan took two steps back and controlled his true power to retract into his dantian.

Although he had released several bowls of blood, he did not feel weak. With a little circulation of qi and blood, the lost blood quickly recovered.

He was about to take some medicine to heal the wound, and suddenly heard other voices in his ears.

"Someone is coming!"

Turning his head, he saw a figure coming in from the cave entrance.

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