Lin Xiajin hasn't been shopping for a long time, maybe she hasn't had this feeling of paying for it for a long time, thinking that when she was in Chenlanxing, she just took whatever she wanted.

After all, their planet has long been a world of zombies. To be honest, the feeling of not spending money at the beginning is still very cool, which makes her need to spend money to buy things now, which is somewhat distressing. It would be great if they were all put into the space up.

However, this kind of shopping is still very emotional. Lin Xiajin bought a lot of small robots and high-tech, mainly to give space to Green Star for research.

It's just that research alone is not enough and materials are needed. This kind of thing is not sold here, and it seems that we have to go to other planets.

Just like Keda Star, their planet is almost full of wholesale materials for various machines. Lin Xiajin thought about going to Keda Star to buy some machine materials after finding Zhu Jingjing.

These robots are not expensive, so the materials for those machines will be even cheaper. After buying a batch of materials, let Green Star and the others modify and manufacture them, so that they can also modify Chen Lanxing, at least the entire place where they live.

After walking around for a while, she still didn't hear from Xiao Nuo and Wang Han, so Lin Xiajin wandered around the hospital.

Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo have always been in touch with each other, and the connection was inexplicably established in Chenlanxing because of a twin zombie.

Xiao Nuo used his power, Lin Xiajin's eyes suddenly enlarged, and he looked towards the hospital.

Lin Xiajin hurriedly located Xiao Nuo's communication system, and the two of them automatically turned on the positioning system after buying the device.

She couldn't enter the gate, because she couldn't enter without an appointment and registration, but Lin Xiajin could still teleport into the hospital without entering the gate.

Lin Xiajin's teleportation distance has long since become farther, and her current teleportation distance is the same as her space range.

Since the space upgrade, she hasn't used teleportation yet. She directly covers the space. Lin Xiajin was also surprised by such a long distance. After all, she was able to teleport a kilometer at the beginning, but now the distance is far enough.

There is another advantage of space coverage, that is, after her space covers the surroundings, the surrounding buildings are all reflected in her space, like a transparent phantom, a three-dimensional map?

Lin Xiajin couldn't help being amazed, this space upgrade is too worthwhile! After the space is covered, it can only cover the building, and the surrounding people are invisible. If you can see people, it will be even more powerful.

But other people can't see it, but Xiao Nuo can still accurately locate her. After all, Xiao Nuo can also enter her space. As long as she can enter her space, she can now cover the precise positioning of the space.

Maybe it will continue to upgrade in the future, and people around will be able to locate it by then.

In the next second, Lin Xiajin appeared next to Xiao Nuo, which shocked several people in the corridor.

After Lin Xiajin appeared, he discovered that Wang Han and Xiao Nuo were surrounded in the center, surrounded by security robots.

Xiao Nuo was not too surprised when he saw Lin Xiajin appearing suddenly, but said in a deep voice: "We found Zhu Jingjing."

"Great! Where's the person?" Lin Xiajin heard that Zhu Jingjing was found. It was a happy thing. These security robots were about to attack them with weapons in their hands.

"Zhu Jingjing treated a highly contagious patient, and she also contracted the virus, and is now in the isolation room." Wang Han said with a frown

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